Kona Ice COMO 2013

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Around Christmas time I was looking through some of the pictures I’d taken during our 1st Kona season and was utterly overwhelmed. Never, in

our wildest dreams, could we have imagined how fantastic this Kona season would be.

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In the pictures were smiling, joyful faces. Happiness, Joy, Everywhere!

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We drove our new 10,000 lb. baby into Columbia on a day in May and wondered what had we gotten ourselves into!

Who was going to buy shaved ice from two crazy people driving around in a jazzed up penguin truck playing

calypso music?!?

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Bravely, we knew we had to give it a whirl. We took off slowly down the road in our 20’ long baby, not sure where we’d go or who we’d find, but Kona founder Tony Lamb’s words of encouragement were still freshly ringing in our ears. We knew we were not alone! It seemed like hours passed, but it was really only minutes before something happened. What was it? Out of the corner of my eye I

saw a tall guy standing along the boulevard frantically waving.

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“Chris, I think that guy’s trying to flag us down!” We turned around, headed down the outer road, and

found our first Kona kustomer who had just searched for us on Twitter!

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From that moment on things moved swiftly; our lives will NEVER be the same. You all started inviting us to your birthday parties, family reunions,

and block parties, Memorial Day celebrations, 4th of July get-togethers, school parties, baseball and softball games, soccer matches, tournaments

and festivals. There were book clubs, Bible schools, company picnics, church picnics, mud runs, non-profit events, care facilities, sorority

houses, ribbon cuttings, football games, basketball games, food truck events, surprise parties, day care happenings and more.

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One of our very first events was a wedding. What a joy it was to be able to serve some dear friends. I hope I never

forget the pure happiness and love that I saw on my friend’s glowing face as she walked down the aisle on her wedding

day. Then we served Kona Ice!

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There were also the children. This time I’m referring to children at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Some kiddos were too ill to leave their hospital beds to come out to

the Kona Entertainment Vehicle (KEV) so shaved ice was delivered to them. In a message from one of their nurses a few days later we realized the impact a little shaved ice can

have. You see the children, who otherwise can only have medicine and fluids through an IV, got to enjoy delicious Kona Ice that day, too. Knowing some special kiddos were able

to have some enjoyment brought us immeasurable joy.

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We’ve been to visit you in Centralia, Hallsville, Hartsburg, Harrisburg, Boonville, New Franklin, Jefferson City, Pilot Grove, Ashland, Versailles,

Sedalia, Mokane, Fulton, Lake of the Ozarks, and Columbia (of course) and even some places that were simply ‘out in the country’ in mid-Missouri! In many of your towns we’ve also been privileged to do fund-raising for your

schools and civic groups. In this day, when financial resources can be in short supply, we’re happy we’ve been able to help.

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Then there were the neighborhoods. We’ve met wonderful families and friends in the subdivisions, streets and cul-de-sacs around our

community and we will forever be grateful to all of you who so kindly welcomed us. To the friends we’ve made, by having the opportunity to drive up to your house and spend a few minutes visiting with you and

your families: Priceless! We thank you.

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We’ve been interviewed by television crews, journalism students, radio personalities, newspaper reporters and magazine writers. But our best gigs

were with the kids, young and old. Can I have “Tiger’s Blood?” or “st-wa-bairy?”, or a “purple color change cup?” we’d hear from wide-eyed youngsters

trying to quickly hand me their money (at times simply a pile of nickels, dimes and quarters!) with joy on their faces! Some people even danced for us!

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One day a family drove up to the KEV and asked if they could purchase some Kona Ice. I quickly realized they were bringing their newborn baby home from the hospital. There she was in her carrier in the backseat! That day we served our youngest

Kona Ice Kustomer, on her very first ride home (well, at least we served her momma and daddy!)

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Then there was the morning of the University of Missouri’s Homecoming Parade. As we pulled around the corner at

the start of the parade I got my first glance at all the people, who had gathered there in the morning hours since we’d

made our way earlier to campus … and tears filled my eyes.

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People were waving. I heard, “Kona, we love you!” And “Hi Kona Ice!” I saw old friends, new friends and was overwhelmed! I started taking pictures of the

crowd to be able to remember the day. Not that I didn’t already have tons of pictures but I just couldn’t take it in fast enough. Looking back at those

pictures I realized all of the people who were waving at us, AND sometimes the big kids, the adults, seemed the most excited!

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Lastly, I want to tell you about two new babies that were added to our Kona family this year. First, we added our 500 lb. Kona ‘Mini’ to our family. Mini’s small enough to fit through most doorways so we

can provide the same Kona treats indoors that we offer with the KEV outdoors. Our 2nd addition didn’t weigh 10,000 or even 500 lbs. This newest baby is our granddaughter, Olivia Lyn, who

weighed in at 7.7 lbs and was 20 ½” long!

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Friends, 2013 has been a pure blessing to us, thanks to all of you who have made it possible. Its New Year’s Eve today and I’m reflecting on how God has richly blessed us. When Chris

first discovered the Kona Ice franchise we’d never before heard of Kona Ice, never tried a Kona shaved ice and we’d

never laid eyes on a KEV! That all changed, a few weeks later, when we drove our cute little Kona Entertainment Vehicle

into COMO.

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We pray that our Kona Ice business has brought some joy and happiness to you and your family. Here’s to a

prosperous, fabulous and even better 2014!