Vincent Luyendijk Managing Director IN10

IN10 - Let's Connect

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Vision of dutch agency IN10 from Rotterdam on brand communication. Connecting people and brands. http://www.in10.nl http://www.in10.nl/weblog

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Vincent LuyendijkManaging Director IN10

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what about advertising?what about advertising?

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During commercial breaks

41.2% of viewers channel-surf

33.5% talk with others in the room or by phone

30.2% mentally tune out

5.5% regularly fully attend to commercials

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Sao Paulo

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Sao Paulo the first city in the world to ban outdoor advertising

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“Behind the shift is a fundamental change in Nike’s view of the

role of advertising. No longer are ads primarily meant to grab a

person’s attention while they’re trying to do something else —

like reading an article. Nike executives say that much of the

company’s future advertising spending will take the form of

services for consumers, like workout advice, online communities

and local sports competitions. “We want to find a way to

enhance the experience and services, rather than looking for a

way to interrupt people from getting to where they want to

go,” said Stefan Olander, global director for brand connections

at Nike. “How can we provide a service that the consumer goes,

‘Wow, you really made this easier for me’?”Source: The New York Times

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Joggers at a Niketown in

Manhattan. Nike pays 5

coaches and 17 pacers to

lead runs three times a week

in Central Park.

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Nike +

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“In the experience economy we pay

to do things, not to have things”

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“In the experience economy we pay

to do things, not to have things”

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Jim Stengel (CMO): “Bij alle bedrijven die echt doorgebroken

zijn, draait marketing om die relatie met hun consumenten. Je

moet je open stellen, authentiek zijn. We moeten consumenten

verrassen, plezieren, ze aan het lachen maken. Als je kijkt naar

je persoonlijke relaties, dan draait het om geven, luisteren,

liefde en empathie. Je lacht én maakt fouten. Als bedrijf doen

we dat nog te weinig”Source: Molblog

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IN10Connecting people and brands

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Brandactivation: interaction as a strategy

“Brand activation is the integration of online and/or offline activities, by having the customer experience the brand in an active way and by giving them a part in the brand’s communication message.”Source: Thesis R. Zuidgeest Brandactivation, 2007

“With pure brand activation you do not trouble the consumer, but the brand is brought to life on such a manner that the whole target group wants and will experience the brand on an enduring manner. The consumer comes to the brand and wants to enjoy the essence of the brand.”Source: Mark Woerde, Lemz

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How to connect?

• Listen, observe & try to understand

• Relevancy

• Open up & let the customer take control

• Create the buzz

• Surprise

• Add value

Give them an enduring brand experience

Create strong word of mouth

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1. Let’s take them serious!don’t underestimate

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Customer in control

The move of power from the sender to the receiver.

No longer the advertiser or producer determines what the consumer (or customer) receives as messages, now the customer decides if he or she thinks it is interesting enough tocheck a sender’s message.

And even more: the customer (co-)creates the message himself: user generated content

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It’s all because of Google…

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User generated content

100,000,000 viewers a day

10% of total traffic online

Sold after one year for 1.7 billion dollar to Google

8.200.000 articles

english: 1.994.000 articles

253 languages

1 million+ contributors

135.000 photos tagged “bread”

3.293 photos uploaded in last minute

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The power of word of mouth

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2. Let them participateco-create, personalise, customize

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Your picture or slogan

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Mama’s Choice

Olvarit, who urged mothers to send in their

favourite healthy baby food recipes. This

resulted in a spanking new product line,

Mama's Choice, which features eight winning

meals, from Josine's 'French vegetables with

ham' to Barbara's 'Fish stew with banana'.

Needless to say, a picture of mother and child

appeared on the labels of the food they


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What does mymuesli do?

Out of 75 all-organic ingredients you choose your favourites. We mix 'em

together and ship your custom-mademuesli (cereal) to you. Quite simple.

...one of 566.000.000.000 combinations

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Old school co-creation

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Own a band, footballclub or a brewery

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3. Let them do the things they doad value, service, help, optimize, inspirate

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Brandspace; babyroom on Schiphol

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In-game advertising

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4. Let them talk about you!tell a story, create buzz, stimulate word of mouth, surprise, entertain

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Where the hell is Matt?

Stride Gum - The Ridiculously Long Lasting Gum

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Pattex – Hanging Test Dummy

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Multi-sensory experience

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Multi-sensory experience

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Wine 1.0

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Wine 2.0

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Storytelling (I)

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Storytelling (II)

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Location sponsoring

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Pop-up stores

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Pop-up dining

ZINGARA cucina, is a fine dining experience, housed in random, obscure locations. Just like the life of the gypsy (Zingara)

We have no fixed location

Weekly, our location and menu will change

From carparks to laneways, bridges & galleries

Booked-out for more than a year!

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Ultimate dining experience?

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Ambient marketing

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Ambient marketing

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Advertising everywhere

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5. Let’s start the conversationobserve the dialogue and anticipatefacilitate or join social networks

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Social networks

A social network focuses on the building and verifying of online social networks for communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

Most social network services provide a collection of various ways for users to interact, such as chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, discussion groups…


1) Observe & react

2) Take part in existing communities

3) Facilitate a community

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1.) Observe & reactWebcare team van UPC en Vodafone

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2) Take part in existing communities Über Social Networks: Hyves, Myspace & Facebook

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2) Take part in existing communities Dogster.com: real pets

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2) Take part in existing communities Last.FM: music revolution

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2) Take part in existing communities Habbo Hotel: virtual hotel for kids

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2) Take part in excisting communities Habbo Hotel: virtual hotel for kids

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2) Take part in existing communities Blogs about everything

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3) Facilitate a communityStart your own blog

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3) Facilitate a communityCooking: AH kookschrift

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3) Facilitate a communityBrands as channel

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Reminder: how to connect?

• Listen, observe & try to understand

• Relevancy

• Open up & let the customer take control

• Create the buzz

• Surprise

• Add value

Give them an enduring brand experience

Create strong word of mouth

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feel free to contact [email protected] | 010 – 44 016 44