Table of Contents Introduction: ...............................................................................................................................2 Task: 1 ........................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Documentation on Job description and Person Specification to select and recruit a new marketing manager ..................................................................................................................2 1.2 The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process ....................................................................................................................................3 1.3 role and responsibilities as an HR trainee in the recruitment and selection process for the marketing manager ..................................................................................................................4 1.4 Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process ...............................................6 Task: 2 ........................................................................................................................................6 2.1 Skills and attributes required for leadership role within the British Gas ..............................6 2.2 Differences between leadership and Management with examples from British Gas. ...........7 2.3 Compare theories, models and leadership styles that can be applied in resolving at least two of these situations within a department team in British Gas. ..............................................8 2.4 Explanation of ways to motivate staff within the work teams to achieve British Gas’s objectives. ...............................................................................................................................9 Task: 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for an organization .................................................. 10 3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations ...................................................................... 11 3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals ............................................. 11 Task: 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance .......................................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Planning and delivering of the assessment of the development needs of individuals ......... 13 4.3 Evaluation of the success of the assessment process ......................................................... 13 Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................... 14 References: ............................................................................................................................... 15

Human resource management

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Page 1: Human resource management

Table of Contents

Introduction: ...............................................................................................................................2

Task: 1 ........................................................................................................................................2

1.1 Documentation on Job description and Person Specification to select and recruit a new

marketing manager ..................................................................................................................2

1.2 The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection

process ....................................................................................................................................3

1.3 role and responsibilities as an HR trainee in the recruitment and selection process for the

marketing manager ..................................................................................................................4

1.4 Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process ...............................................6

Task: 2 ........................................................................................................................................6

2.1 Skills and attributes required for leadership role within the British Gas..............................6

2.2 Differences between leadership and Management with examples from British Gas. ...........7

2.3 Compare theories, models and leadership styles that can be applied in resolving at least

two of these situations within a department team in British Gas. ..............................................8

2.4 Explanation of ways to motivate staff within the work teams to achieve British Gas’s

objectives. ...............................................................................................................................9

Task: 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 10

3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for an organization .................................................. 10

3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals,

dealing with any conflict or difficult situations ...................................................................... 11

3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals............................................. 11

Task: 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 12

4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work

performance .......................................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Planning and delivering of the assessment of the development needs of individuals ......... 13

4.3 Evaluation of the success of the assessment process......................................................... 13

Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................... 14

References: ............................................................................................................................... 15

Page 2: Human resource management


Human Resource (HR) is the core element in any organizations. HR has to deal with

documentation, recruiting, selection and retention procedures in all sectors of an organization.

Moreover, linkage between leadership and management is also being demonstrated here. To

make a project up to the “Bench Mark” efficient team building, managerial efficiency,

leadership, monitoring is required for any organization in general. We can find these traits in

British Gas.

Task: 1

1.1 Documentation on Job description and Person Specification to select and

recruit a new marketing manager

As a newly recruited employee from HR, here is documentation on job requirements for a new

marketing manager:

Job Description

Basic Intel about the post:

Post and Job title: Marketing Manager

Location: British Gas, Headquarter

Working Hours: 20 hours/week, normally 6 hours a day- Flexible

Reporting To: Senior Marketing Executive (SME)

Workstation: Team building, Managing executive and others

Duties and Responsibilities for the post:

i. Conducting marketing research and dealing with local agency firms

ii. Making deals and negotiation with foreign and local suppliers

iii. Doing market segments and targeting

iv. Building marketing campaigns and events

v. Managing sponsors if necessary

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vi. Good command in Microsoft office especially in MS Excel

vii. Skills in making whitepaper, IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication), Collateral

viii. Design and implement marketing plans for company

Skills and Specification

i. Candidate must have good command in both English verbal and written skills

ii. Good command in team building and project management

iii. Good interaction with digital marketing especially in YouTube ad scene, affiliated

marketing, sponsorship

iv. Effective and instant presentation skills

v. Managing buyers and suppliers with maintaining company’s interest

vi. Good interaction skills with clients

vii. Candidate who can work under stress to meet milestones

viii. Candidate who can attract large group of audience

ix. Self-motivated, skilled and righteous perspective

x. Monitoring supply chain and cost in his or her branch


i. Candidate must have professional degree in Business. Most preferable MBA major in

Marketing or management

ii. Participation in Business competitions and other business related co-curricular activities

iii. Must have cultural knowledge.

1.2 The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and

selection process

When HR manger recruit new employee he or she ought to follow some rules, regulations, codes

and ethics set by the regarded organization). The impacts of legal, regulatory and ethical

consideration to the recruitment and selection process are illustrated as following:

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Influence of sex discriminatory: If an individual is qualified for the job which means he or she

has the required talents fits for job description and specification, then HR manager can’t reject

the individual on the basis of his or her gender. In this century male and female are treated

equally and so the HR manager is bound to take the individual and can judge on the basis of sex

(Ucl.ac.uk, 2016).

Influence of minor race: HR manager can’t reject a candidate on the basis of his or her origin or

nationality. Every race has equal chance of getting a job.

Advertising codes: When HRM publishes advertising, leaf lets or document, they can’t prefer

any particular sex, religion, race, nationality for any particular vacant post. If there is any

reference of such particular elements in the advertising, then it will deal strictly by regarded law.

Influence of Interview stage: Here interviewer has to follow some rules and codes. Such as,

interviewer can’t raise questions about candidate’s sex, religious or the race he or she belongs to.

Moreover, every candidate must be treated equally by the interviewer. No personal attack, sexist

comments, racial arguments can’t be treated by the interviewer.

Legal Rights: Interviewer must scrutinize about candidate’s given Intel and make sure that he or

she doesn’t have any illegal issues (Ucl.ac.uk, 2016).

1.3 role and responsibilities as an HR trainee in the recruitment and selection

process for the marketing manager.

The recruitment along with the selection process is one of the most crucial part for HR manager.

There is multifarious systemic process, which a candidate goes through to be recruited. To

recruit a marketing manager, the recruitment and selection process are illustrated as following:

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Figure: Recruitment and Selection process(self made)

Advertising: The recruitment process starts with advertising part. Here the HR highlights the

necessary requirements and specification for the job. Advertising can be online or through

posters or through recruiting agencies (Ucl.ac.uk, 2016).

Resume Screening: in these steps, potential candidates serve their CVs for screening. HR

scrutinizes every CV and eliminates the inaccurate ones. Educational qualifications, experiences,

personal interests, skills are judged in Resume screening.

Resume Screening: In this stage the selected CV holders are being called for official personal

interview. Generally, such interview occurs in some random places like (conference room, rental

office etc.) but not the main office. Interviewer asked predetermined or instant quest to the

candidate and want to see their reaction and ways of taking the significance of the ques.

Face to Face interview: After passing the preliminary interview part, the candidate again being

called for a face to face interview with the HR. Here HR manager discuss about the salary,

queries, positions and other organizational matters.

Job Shadow test: It’s a test for the newly recruited candidate to see whether he or she is actually

fit for the culture of the organization.

Reference Checking: In this part the HR manager finds and contacts with regarded given

references by the candidate and make sure they attributed referred are matched.

Final Job offer: This is the last phase of recruiting a marketing manager. Here the selective

candidate gets the job offering. Eventually candidate turns to an Employee (Ucl.ac.uk, 2016).


Resume Screening

Resume Screening

Face to Face interview

Job Shadow test

Reference Checking

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1.4 Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process

As a newly recruited HR trainee, my contribution in the recruiting marketing manager process is

demonstrated as following:

Advertisement: The advertising for the vacant marketing manager post is being published by

me as a HR trainee (Emeraldinsight.com, 2016)

Listing applicants: Listing applied candidates and fixing interview times are also being done by


Scrutinizing References: The references provided by the candidates are being scrutinized by the

newly recruited HR trainees.

Documentation: Other necessary documentation about the post and requirements are being done

by me(Ucl.ac.uk, 2016).

Task: 2

2.1 Skills and attributes required for leadership role within the British Gas.

There are certain skills and attributes required for leadership role within the British Gas which

are illustrated as following:

Adaptable to the situations: The leaders of British Gas must have the adaptability to react to

the changing external situation. Here flexibility must sustain in the undertaken plans

Ambitious and Achievement focus: Leaders must have ambitious and achievement oriented

milestones. Here ambitious doesn’t refer to utopian goals setting or very higher standard setting.

Ambitious means, leaders need to set the “bench mark” at the most optimal level.

Cooperative and persistent: Leaders of British Gas must be cooperative and persistent.

Coordination with the team members always leads to greater achievements (Emeraldinsight.com,


Self-motivated and willing to assume responsibility: Leader must be self-motivated and have a

good sense of work responsibilities. Moreover, he or she needs to be proactive in order to

Diplomatic and Tactful: Leader must be very diplomatic and tactful about retaining British Gas

own interest on making deals with others.

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Persuasive and conceptually skilled: Leaders must have persuasive power and his or her

concepts should be highly skilled (Emeraldinsight.com, 2016).

2.2 Differences between leadership and Management with examples from

British Gas.

Leadership and management are the most two big core components in any business which work

parallel and execute hand in hand. When it comes to the makeup role part, manager seeks

stability in business whereas leaders seek for greater change. Manager approach milestones

detail around the bars of external and internal environment, Leader sets milestones and direct the

team towards the achievement of the milestones. With short-term vision manager generally use

formal influence, on the other side, leader use long term vision to make personal influence.

For example, If British Gas wanted to open a new branch and recruit an employee, and then HR

has to decide whether the employee should act as a leader or a good manager. Here if the

individual demonstrated traits of managing people properly and have the strength to lead them

towards accomplishing organizational goals, then the individual can be a good leader. On the

other side, if the individual shows traits of managerial ability of planning, organization,

monitoring and controlling then the new recruited employee in British gas can be a good


Eventually managerial activities are reactive whereas things are being done after external action

taken. Leadership is proactive, which means to predict the things happen before it occurs.

Management plans for the future and leadership makes it happen (Emeraldinsight.com, 2016).

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Figure: Basic differences between management and leadership (self-made)

2.3 Compare theories, models and leadership styles that can be applied in

resolving at least two of these situations within a department team in British


Resolving Underperforming team

Resolving underperforming team issues the following steps can be taken:

Where underperform happened: Here manager needs to find and perceives in which sector or

division the underperformance had occurred. If manager pin point the error successfully, then it

will be clear for taking further steps to recover it (Resources, 2016).

Picture of teamwork: Then manager needs to visualize the picture of the team work. Team

work is the vital source of any kind of project development.

Missing element from the team interaction: If there is any lack of missing elements like team

management, cooperation, coordination, diversity, then it should be taken to action immediately.

This is how changes can bring in underperformance of team (Resources, 2016).

Discussing other view point: If the leader of a team started to be very autocratic then most of

the times performances leads to a complete disaster with low cooperation among team members.

In this case, discussing other member’s viewpoints is very important. One problem can be

addressed and monitories in so many ways and through cooperation and sharing, the best

alternative one comes.

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Figure: Resolving Underperforming team steps

Service complaint from customers

At first the action board pin point what are the lacking of their decisions or behavior for which

there is service complaint from the customers. Probable problems should be pin pointed and

preventive measures should be taken immediate as soon as possible. If there is any leadership

problem, then leadership style can be altered. Customers are the key factor for any business or

service oriented organization. So, business needs to ensure there is strong customer brand

engagement existing (Resources, 2016).

2.4 Explanation of ways to motivate staff within the work teams to achieve

British Gas’s objectives.

Ways of motivate staff within work teams in British Gas are illustrated as following:

Not using threats or fear in accomplishing jobs: Manager shouldn’t use threats and fear in

accomplishing goals by the employees. If fear and threat can bring short-term success but will

fails in long term milestones.

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Employee retention as prime concern: Project success comes when employees think the

organization as their own, place organizational interest on top of the bingo list. This situation can

happen when employees find that organization have a concern for the retention of their jobs.

Dignity and Respect: Every employee and staff must be treated with due respect and dignity so

that they can perceive themselves as someone valuable to the organization.

Judging their viewpoints: Any kind of decision regarding employee’s compensation t, should

be discussed with the regarded employees before finalized.

Providing optimal comfort zone: Manager should give less regular stress and expand their

comfort zone in an optimal level.

Figure: Motivational theories applications to motivate staff (self-made)

Task: 3

3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for an organization

The benefits of team working for an organization are illustrated as following:

Mobilize Creativity and Brainstorming: Team work foster creativity and mobilize

brainstorming. In team, there are different people from different cultures, viewpoints, nature; all

have the opportunity to share their experiences and viewpoints.

Building trust and upper interest: Team building can foster trust among the members and they

started to see the organization beyond their own self interest

Encourage Leaderships: Team working foster leadership and makes good bacon for the next

projects of the organization (Resources, 2016).

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Figure: Team work random portrait

3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards

specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

The main workers of a team towards specific organizational goals, dealing are illustrated as


Coordinator: Coordinator is someone who manages and controls the entire project whether

things are going as planned.

The shaper: Shaper is someone who actually does the job

Monitors: They monitor and control the working project. They also evaluate and help in

decision making process.

3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

“Performance equals to bench mark” doesn’t just appeared randomly, they are developed with

team efforts. Factors need to be considered in reviewing the effectiveness of a team are

illustrated as following:

Clear milestones with probable timelines: An optimum must have clear goals and objectives

with their probable accomplishing timelines.

Defined roles and parts of the members: Team members must have clear understanding about

their own roles in the team project. There is any place for vague information.

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Productive and proactive: An effective Team member is more productive and proactive. They

don’t wait for the expected situation happens rather they work for it.

Figure: Effectiveness of the team, random portrait

Task: 4

4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of

work performance

To measure the working performance in any project or milestone, the following factors are being


Efficiency and Effectiveness: The cost of the project and the regain from the project is being


Relevance: The actual performance and set benchmark bench mark are being measured in this

process. If there is any deviation, then it’s been addressed strictly (Academia.edu, 2016)

Sustainability: The sustainability of the success is being measured on the basis of long term


Casualty and validity of design: Here factors affecting coherent and performances are being

pin pointed and addressed

Alternative strategies: Alternative strategies are being monitored in case of the best alternative

failure. Contingency plans can work as the second hand of a project.

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Figure: factors to measure the working performance (cluster noun, 2016)

4.2 Planning and delivering of the assessment of the development needs of


Planning and Development needs of individuals in British Gas can be illustrated as following:

Training and skill development courses: Organization may undertake new training and skill

development crash courses to make employees worthy enough to accomplish works efficiently.

Analyze the tasks: British Gas analyzes the tasks and provide necessary contents to the

employees (Academia.edu, 2016).

Means of Evaluating: Organization should hint the employees about the means of evaluating


4.3 Evaluation of the success of the assessment process

Evaluation of performance is the final part of any performance. Here Evaluation of the success of

the performance is measured in accordance with the set standard performance. If there is any

deviation, then it’s being addressed immediately and further controlling measures are taken. HR

evaluates the results of training measuring of the task performances and productivity of teams.

Eventually managerial activities are reactive whereas things are being done after external action

Page 14: Human resource management

taken. Management long-term and short-term plans for the future and leadership make it happen

(Academia.edu, 2016).


Eventually, the importance of effective team working, leadership attributes, managerial process

and coordination are the most important factors to make performance up to the mark. Strong

customer brand engagement, sustainability, efficiency, relevance can be achieved through self-

motivated HR and leaders.

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