RO 1 Roger C. Parker www.PublishedandProfitable.com Choosing the Right Book Title for Your Book Roger C. Parker’s 7 Keys to Book marketing tips & examples from the $32 Million Author!

How to Choose the Right Book Title

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Choosing theRight Book Titlefor Your Book

Roger C. Parker’s 7 Keys to

Book marketing tips & examplesfrom the $32 Million Author!

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2Roger C. Parker www.PublishedandProfitable.com

Why book titles matter

Book marketing success begins with choosing the right title.The right book title:

Instantly attracts your ideal readers

Sells at a glance

Sets your book apart

Drives search engine traffic

Book titles also create your brand…Your book title is the key to the long-term profitability of products and services based on your book.

I hope you enjoy the visual guide to book title success on the following pages.

Roger C. Parker

32 Million Dollar author

Over 1.6 million copies of Roger C. Parker’s 40 books have been sold in over 30 languages around the world.

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1. Make a promise

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2. Target specific readers

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You can target your title on…

Age AttitudesIncomeMarital status OccupationExperience levelHealth statusResourcesGeographic region

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3. Specific (numbers=credibility)

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4. Positioned (re: other books)

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5. Short title (long subtitle)

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6. Memorable (engaging)

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7. Always test your titles






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1. Promise. Offer a specific benefit.

2. Target. Focus your title on your ideal readers.

3. Specific. Provide details to support your offer and promised benefits.

4. Position. Set your book apart from others.

5. Short. Use a short title, longer subtitle.

6. Memorable. Engage your reader’s curiosity.

7. Test. Test your title before publication.

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Quick, concise book title tips

#BookTitleTweet: 140 Bite-Sized Tips for Compelling Article, Book, and Event Titles.

Get a fresh perspective on book title success.

Order your copy of #BookTitleTweettoday!

Visit Amazon.comand choose either the print or Kindleversion.

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Agent recommended

From Michael Larsen’s Forewordto #BookTitleTweetFrom my 30-year perspective as a literary agent, titles sell books.

Getting a book picked-up is half the battle. Browsers look at books for just seconds; titles help determine if they’re going to read further.

Roger’s excellent, easy-to-read ideas will help you come up with titles to excite agents, editors, booksellers, the media, and book buyers.

About Michael Larsen

Michael Larsen is a partner in Larsen-Pomada, Northern California’s oldest literary agency, www.larsen-pomada.com.

He’s also the author of How to Write a Book Proposal and How to Get a Literary Agent, and co-author, with Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, and David Hancock, of Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 101 Weapons for Selling Your Work.

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More book title resources

Ask me your questions about choosing the right book titleLet me help you choose the right title for your brand-building book.

I offer a variety of resources, including checklists, worksheets, and research recommendations for choosing titles for nonfiction and premium books.

Contact [email protected].

Or, use my form, http://tinyurl.com/RCPtitles.

Get personalized helpI also offer 1-on-1 book title coaching and consultation in an online, shared-screen webinar environment. Ask for details.

Experienced book coach

Put my expertise to work helping you choose the right book title for your brand-building book

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