Hispanic In-store Mobile Experience

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© 2012 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission. | 877.471.4200


Smartphone usage in the U.S. is rapidly approaching the 100-million-user milestone, and U.S. Hispanics are leading the charge. According to one estimate, Hispanics are almost 17% more likely to access the mobile web than are general market mobile consumers (eMarketer November 16, 2011), and have been significantly quicker to adopt smartphones (Nielsen February 1, 2011).

Accordingly, the retailer response must evolve rapidly. On-the-fly comparison-shopping, scanning, and research are creating new ways for marketers to engage in-aisle customers. What are the best ways for retail marketers to engage Hispanics?

The White Horse Digital Futures Group previously presented a strategic framework entitled, “The Future of In-Aisle Mobile.” For this subsequent report, White Horse teamed with Sensis, a leading digital-centric advertising agency with extensive experience in the U.S. Hispanic market, to study the in-store mobile experiences of U.S. Hispanics.

This report is the result of a program of intensive research undertaken by the White Horse/Sensis team in late 2011. The research was both qualitative and quantitative. The first phase consisted of onsite observational fieldwork in Los Angeles, where we observed 15 Hispanic smartphone owners using their mobile devices to help them shop in retail stores. In the second phase, we conducted a nationwide quantitative survey of 500 Hispanic smartphone owners who use their mobile devices to help them shop in brick-and-mortar venues.

The result is a new body of understanding that builds on our previous framework and extends its implications for Hispanic in-store mobile shoppers. It reveals much about their motivations and exposes important new patterns that marketers should take into account if they are to develop relevant mobile tools and services for Hispanics.

Note that we will use the phrase “Hispanic mobile shoppers” throughout this report for brevity. However, this phrase will always refer to a special subset of those shoppers who own smartphones and use their smartphones to help them shop in brick-and-mortar retail stores.

“Chapter 1: Social Shopping” is the first of three planned reports that present our findings and recommendations. It addresses one of the more pronounced dimensions of Hispanic experience relative to the general market: the importance of social shopping, i.e. having shopping companions.


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In-store mobile experiences tend to be designed for individuals; they are “single-centric.” Mobile retail experiences today tend to require customers to ignore others whom they purposefully bring along to share the experience. This poses a challenge for Hispanics who prefer to shop with others rather than to shop by themselves — particularly when purchasing expensive items — but opportunities exist for retailers to better engage this growing segment.

Hispanics place less importance on the use of mobile product reviews than general market shoppers. Only half as many Hispanic smartphone shoppers say they have searched for product reviews or recommendations while in-store.Since much shopping is done in the company of others, especially among Hispanic in-store mobile shoppers, retailers should do a better job of including companions in their design of new mobile experiences.

Retailers should consider building more “social” mobile experiences that can accommodate more than one user at once. This may include multi-device, multi-user experiences with human factors improvements that allow rapid scanning and fluid physical interactions with companions and products.


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For Hispanic smartphone owners, a shopping trip often involves several people. This is also true for the general market, but its importance for Hispanics is paramount.

We first noticed the pattern of bringing shopping companions when Hispanic research participants kept arriving at our field research sessions with people they had brought along—the kids, a cousin, a spouse, a friend—without so much as a word of warning. They seemed to regard companionship for shopping as simple common sense. As Miguel, 20-something college student, put it:

“It’s always more fun [shopping] with someone else. I hate doing it alone. I might shop with my girlfriend, brothers, cousins. I’d only be alone if it were very last minute or I was on my way from some place.”

Miguel’s cousin Elsa, whom he’d brought with him to our session, added, laughing, “Even when he is alone he’ll take a picture of something and send it to me!” Miguel and Elsa’s opinions were hardly unique and they provoke important questions for the design of mobile experiences.

• To what extent are mobile apps and websites today designed for use by multiple people operating the same phone?

• What about people operating their own phones, but using the same mobile apps or websites simultaneously?

• How much do retailers’ mobile apps and sites leverage the in-store social dimension of shopping experience?

The answer to each of these questions is “Not much.”

Consider another example. While shopping with us at Macy’s, Adaa 26-year-old homemaker, had just scanned a QR code on an Andrew Charles poster, resulting in the download of a music video of celebrities wearing the clothing she was perusing.

“If I’m shopping alone, [getting a video] is great because I’m looking at the video, and I’m entertaining myself while I’m shopping, you know? But if I’m with someone, I don’t want to be looking at the video. I want to have a conversation with them.”


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Social Shopping

yes, and particularly when they are purchasing expensive items like electronics or home appliances. As the charts below indicate, 68% of Hispanic smartphone shoppers prefer to shop with at least one companion when buying expensive items. About half also prefer to shop with others even when buying everyday items such as groceries or soap.

Such patterns matter for mobile marketing at retail. In the situations where Hispanic smartphone shoppers most utilized their smartphones at retail—scanning and comparing prices, checking items off shopping lists, tracking items against a budget, using SMS discount codes—only a single user at a time was able to interact with applications on their mobile device. Moreover, according to our observations, the user did so at the expense of ignoring the others whom she had brought along to share the experience.

Current mobile experiences are “single-centric”

We refer to the tendency to design mobile

Why should Ada spend time in the aisle watching promotional videos when she’s brought along her fiancé specifically to help her find the right clothes? “If I was alone, maybe I’d watch them because I was bored,” she said. “Maybe.”

What Ada was looking for from the mobile experience, she said, was information about the products, as well as access to deals in a way that could make the experience, if not more fun and exciting for both Ada and her fiancé, sharable enough to enjoy together.

We will be offering specific ideas on ways to solve these kinds of challenges later in this report. For now, we will illustrate ways in which the social dimension of shopping is so critical to Hispanic smartphone shoppers in retail environments.

Hispanic mobile shoppers prefer company

Do Hispanics prefer to shop with others over shopping alone? According to our survey results,

Preference for shopping with others (n=500)

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Social Shopping

experiences for individuals as “single-centrism.” Many of the symptoms of single-centrism show up in the form of human factors problems. For instance, Celia, a mother of five, was shopping at a Vallarta supermarket (a Southern California Hispanic-tailored retailer) with two of her daughters. The family worked with the efficiency of a trained corporate task force, but the available mobile experience seemed only to slow them down.

Celia used her smartphone to check items off a shopping list while directing her daughters to help her find and load products into the cart. Meanwhile, she continually kept track of her total to match a strict budget. The tasks required her to quickly shift her gaze from the screen to the shelf, from the shelf to the cart, and from the cart to her daughters without pausing.

Celia’s shopping list app (cleverly named “Shopping List”) contained too many line items for her to scan quickly. Reviewing her list required her to continually refocus and concentrate. Both the app and store websites she consulted were impossible to access with one hand. This constrained her

physical interactions with her daughters (like handholding and arm-guiding) and limited her interactions with physical products, too.

Human factors problems were just the tip of the iceberg. The in-store experience as a whole was single-centric. One of Celia’s daughters might check something off the list for her, but there was no way for Celia to see who had checked off which item, to ensure accuracy. The other daughter might remind Celia of the running total of products purchased, but the math was done in their collective mind, adding yet another layer of distraction to their social shopping experience.

A more ideal mobile experience for Celia and her daughters would be one that allowed mom to keep her eyes on her daughters, that afforded one-handed use, and that helped her to keep track of the total being spent without having to think about it.

A better mobile app, for instance, would display just one or two items on screen, would quickly identify different users and track their input by passive data entry (e.g., the smartphone’s camera), and would keep a running total of the items that end up in her shopping cart. Even if not combined into a single mobile experience, any one of these capabilities would keep the family more engaged with one another, and thus more able to enjoy their experience in the retailer’s aisles.

The retailer’s sponsorship of such an experience would position it to leverage all of the advantages that come from superior customer engagement, and guide customers to appropriate offers at the moment of consideration.

Celia and two daughters shopping at a Vallarta grocery store. Head down, Celia narrows her gaze to focus on the details of her electronic shopping list.

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Social Shopping

As suggested by the differences between Celia, the busy grocery shopper, and Ada, the clothes shopper browsing with her fiancé, the reasons for shopping with others vary depending on the objective of the trip. Accordingly, the mobile experience that facilitates the experience should be different, too.

Above are survey data that reveal the motivations for social shopping in two very different general scenarios: shopping for expensive items and shopping for every-day use items.

When buying more expensive items, like electronics and home appliances, advice is crucial. Hispanic mobile shoppers look for perspective from people they can trust, especially spouses, friends, and siblings (see chart below, “With whom do you prefer to shop?”). This is of particular importance when consensus is necessary, for example, when the item to be purchased (i.e. a home theatre system) will be

utilized by different parties in the household.

But when buying more every-day-use items such as groceries and healthcare goods, their motives are more diverse and involve shared experiences. When taken together, “spending time together” and “fun” were the primary reasons for social shopping among 40% of Hispanic mobile shoppers when buying every-day-use items.

To understand this pattern from the customer’s perspective, consider the situation of Celia and her daughters at the grocery store. Their reasons for shopping together at Vallarta Supermarket were varied, but spending time with each other was especially important. As Celia put it, “We’re all so busy all week. At least when we’re shopping I have some time to bond with my daughters.” She described grocery shopping as a “learning opportunity” for the girls, as well as a learning experience for her relative to mobile shopping tools.

Hispanic mobile shoppers bring others for advice—and for company

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Social Shopping

At the same time, Celia’s bringing her daughters filled many functional needs, too: advising, approving items for shared use, finding items, matching to sales, loading groceries, and so forth. As shown in the table below, children are more often brought along when purchasing everyday-use items. Their advice is not critical, what’s sought is their companionship and physical help.

Consider a second example, this time involving Hispanic mobile shoppers who place “fun” above other reasons for social shopping.

This was the case for Miguel and his cousin Elsa, who took us shopping for recreational equipment at Big 5 Sporting Goods. Miguel and Elsa had a very playful shopping style, and a sense of shared experience was essential. They played around in the aisles, hefting products,

bantering, showing each other whatever attracted their attention. Neither of them found it natural to work their smartphones much while shopping. “That would really slow me down,” Elsa said. Judging from their hands-on, interactive and store-as-playground shopping style, she was right. To accommodate them, Big 5’s in-store mobile experience would have to be quick and minimal.

The mobile experience that worked best for Elsa and Miguel was the flash SMS deal. The week prior to our meeting, Elsa bought a dress at bebe after responding to a text message announcing a sale and awarding her a special mobile discount.

By contrast, Ivan, a 28-year-old media producer who took us shopping at Best Buy, exemplified the social pattern for purchasing more

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Social Shopping

low on power, he made phone calls directly from the aisle of Best Buy to check competitors’ stock and pricing.

In the end, Ivan decided that local competitors’ prices were comparable. And he was already in the aisle at Best Buy. So he purchased a Sony PlayStation® 3 console at Best Buy for $250. In the circumstances we observed, the mobile tools Ivan used worked reasonably well for him. “I didn’t get ripped off or anything,” he said,

expensive items. His priorities were different from both Celia’s, and Miguel and Elsa’s. As he explained:

“I usually shop by myself. But whenever I’m buying electronics, I do bring along one guy I know who’s an expert. He knows all the deals and makes sure I don’t get ripped off.”

Advice is critical for Ivan when buying expensive items like electronics. So when his expert friend could not accompany us on the day Ivan took us to purchase a new media server at Best Buy, Ivan used his smartphone as a surrogate advisor.

Ivan started researching products at a price of around $150 (looking at a Netgear NeoTV™, for example). He then downloaded the Best Buy app and used it to study and compare product features and note differing reviews.

On that basis, he quickly migrated upward in features and price, largely relying on anonymous product reviews and feature information. Ivan also used a Google mobile search app to search availability at other retailers. Eventually, running

“I got a text message like this from bebe, except it gave me actual points I could use for a discount,” Elsa said. “So I was like, oh cool, and I went in the next day and bought a dress using the points.”

Miguel and his cousin Elsa at Big 5 Sporting Goods. They like to “mess around” in the aisles, and they have a fast, playful style of browsing and decision-making.

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Social Shopping

“because I searched pretty much everywhere around here within 25 miles!”

The Best Buy product reviews helped fill gaps in the information shared by store staff and made a difference in pushing Ivan up to a more full-featured product. The app also gave him a ready reference to the store’s sales, which kept Best Buy’s offers at top of mind.

Ivan’s situation was unusual relative to most other Hispanic shoppers we observed. His heavy use of customer reviews and product information and his shopping alone for an expensive item suggested a pattern that was more typical of general market consumers. Most of our interviews did not involve a lone shopper seeking advice on an expensive purchase. Instead, they involved social shopping, like we have seen with Celia, Ada, and Miguel and Elsa,

which demanded an experience that could be shared, multi-user, visually accessible, and minimal.

Hispanic mobile shoppers are less interested in product reviews

Hispanic mobile shoppers track relatively closely to the general market of mobile shoppers on most criteria, but on one obvious and critically important dimension of in-store mobile usage they do not – the use of customer-generated product reviews through mobile devices.

As shown in the chart below, Hispanics’ use of customer-generated product reviews falls well below that of the general market. Only 38% of Hispanic mobile customers say they have searched for product reviews or

Ivan making phone calls to Fry’s from the aisle of Best Buy, where he eventually bought his Sony PS3.

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Social Shopping

open skepticism. For instance, Jose, a 50-year-old real estate agent who emigrated from Mexico in 1987, expressed the following opinion of the reviews available on the K-Mart app we had shown him while shopping at the store in West Hollywood (he was reluctant to download it):

“It’s nice to have those. But it is not very important. I might rather read about the news in my neighborhood than about something that would save me one dollar on a blender.”

Jose was “traditional,” both by his own reckoning and by ours. He often emphasized the importance of the personal and the local. He made product choices by word of mouth and by memory of brand names. Despite having the latest HTC smartphone, Jose used few of its features and had downloaded only a handful of apps. The primary shopping-related use of his

recommendations on their smartphones, as compared to 68% of general market mobile customers.

This data matched our observations in the field. In general, Hispanic mobile shoppers made less use of customer reviews and conducted less mobile product research than we found among general market consumers. This was partly a reflection of the strong emphasis Hispanics place on social shopping in that social shopping mitigated the need for external advice, but it mostly derived from a difference in attitudes and values.

Though based purely on anecdotal evidence, there is some reason to believe that this tendency was especially pronounced among less acculturated Hispanics, some of whom regarded anonymous customer reviews with

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Social Shopping

Black Friday means business: “It’s just about the deals.”

Social shopping is something we heard much about from our research participants in relation to Black Friday.

Some spoke with great energy and enthusiasm about Black Friday as if the event itself was a family tradition they looked forward to. They had used specialized Black Friday apps in the past, which told them about where the best deals were going on at any given time. Their mobile devices had an important role that went beyond using these apps, supporting real-time communication and collaboration among the extended group of friends and family coordinating their activities across the stores.

But hearing such talk about “family traditions” made us wonder whether there was a significant component of Black Friday that involved fellow feeling and family solidarity. If so, that could have a significant bearing on the kinds

smartphone was to help him navigate to the store.

By contrast, more acculturated participants, such as Ivan, who relied on customer reviews to help him purchase a new media server, tended to value them more highly. Moises, another more acculturated participant in the shop-alongs, said he bought an Xbox 360 and all its accessories after going online and comparing product reviews. And Gilda, a 44-year-old Ecuadorian ad executive, also relatively acculturated, revealed that her favorite mobile shopping tool was the app offered by Consumer Reports, which famously consists of mainly impersonal, professional product reviews.

The upshot for design is that new tools and services that meet discrete goals like comparing prices, identifying sales, and redeeming offers will have more value to “traditional” Hispanic shoppers than will customer reviews and product information; however, the causes of this difference require further study.

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Social Shopping

Accordingly, mobile experiences that leverage social shopping during Black Friday should, if they do nothing else, support functional group shopping goals such as:

• Helping members in the tribe find one another in the retail space.

• Helping them collaborate in completing their checklists.

• Helping them track to a family budget.

• Providing them instant news about any previously unreported deals in categories of interest to the group.

of mobile experiences offered to users during that event.

What we learned from the quantitative survey is that Black Friday really is all about the deals. Solidarity is secondary to the practical needs of a successful hunt. The role of social shopping in this context is simply to optimize a group’s resources in order to enable its members to acquire as much discounted merchandise as possible. As shown in the chart below, about 38% of all respondents said Black Friday was “about the deals and nothing else,” while an additional 27% felt it was “not worth the effort.” So altogether, 2/3 of respondents had a starkly utilitarian outlook on the events of Black Friday.

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Face-to-face sociality is an aspect of in-store shopping that mobile experiences have largely ignored. But since much shopping is done in the company of others, especially among Hispanic in-store mobile shoppers, it is a facet that retailers should design for as early as possible in their mobile development roadmap. It will greatly benefit Hispanic shoppers whom they wish to engage, and will also benefit the general market of social shoppers.

Following is a set of guidelines for developing experiences on mobile devices that can be more substantially social. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it is, we hope, a helpful place to begin.



The experience should enable handoffs as in multi-participant games, and should apply administrative controls as in operating systems and financial software.


• A scanned QR code shoots a pre-loaded product image immediately to a companion at another section of a department store. The co-shopper selects thumbs-up or thumbs-down to indicate interest and a wish to come see the item.

• Co-shoppers have the ability to “favorite” specific items on their collective shopping list. This can be used for repeat-purchase items like milk, butter, or soap, but is also handy as a reminder to purchase a tasty frozen pizza the group may have tried before. If the group decides to swap the grocery shopping duties among different users, this feature will ensure that they purchase the right items or their favorite brands, even when one or more of the co-shoppers are not present.

• Co-shoppers check off products from a list or make entries onto a shared shopping list/calculator. Only someone signed in as “executive” can approve the submission.

• A co-shopper uses an augmented reality dressing-room app to overlay clothing on the “live” shopper to save time trying on clothing.


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Recommended Guidelines

One-handed use

Key benefits of the experience can be enjoyed easily with one-handed use. A user should be able to operate the interface with his/her thumb, while using their other hand to examine a product or to hold their child’s hand.


Free, fast WiFi

For any fully supported in-store mobile experience, as we’ve argued, providing free wireless access is essential. Shoppers need to stay “in the flow” when they are shopping, so free wireless access in the store is the cost of entry for retailers. Access speed must be guaranteed.

Passive user-identification

A passive user-ID experience allows different people to use a single or multiple devices or to enter data into a single platform without creating confusion. Multiple users need to know who has entered what information—ideally without having to think about it.


• A multi-user shopping list that identifies input by particular users when the phone is handed off (e.g., by facial recognition, etc.).



The experience is simple enough, in both logic and visibility, to allow users to easily shift their attention from the screen to companions and across layers in the physical environment.

As a user-centered design partnership committed to delivering the optimal experience across digital channels, White Horse and Sensis are in the business of helping brands innovate in their use of emerging technologies like mobile retail. For questions about this study, or to explore how the White Horse/Sensis team can make mobile retail work in the aisle for a particular brand and its customers, contact us at [email protected] or 1-877-471-4200.

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e-Marketer, “Minorities More Active on Mobile Web,” November 16, 2011 <http://www.emarketer.com/Mobile/Article.aspx?R=1008694>.

Nielsen, “Among Mobile Phone Users, Hispanics, Asians are Most-Likely Smartphone Owners in the U.S.,” February 1, 2011 <http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/?p=25901>.

Reese, William, and Anderson, Eric, “The Future of In-Aisle Mobile: A Framework for Consumer-Centered Innovation,” White Horse, July 2011.

U.S. Census, “Table 690. Money Income of Households—Percent Distribution by Income Level, Race, and Hispanic Origin, in Constant (2009) Dollars: 1990 to 2009”< http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0690.pdf>.

U.S. Census, “Population by Sex, Age, Hispanic Origin, and Race: 2010”<http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hispanic/cps2010.html>.

U.S. Census, “Educational Attainment of the Population 25 Years and Over by Sex, Hispanic Origin, and Race: 2010”< http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hispanic/cps2010.html>.


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Numerous quantitative studies of in-store mobile retail behavior exist, but have generally relied on self-reported behavior without observing how consumers actually use their phones to shop in real-world contexts. Beginning with our earlier study (Reese and Anderson, July 2011), we felt that more qualitative research was needed as a foundation.

Accordingly, our studies since then have combined quantitative online survey methods with qualitative observational research. This is the same approach we took with the current study about the Hispanic in-store mobile experience. The qualitative component consisted of on-site “ethnographic” or “contextual” research, which we conducted video-recorded shop-alongs with 15 subjects at various retail venues in the Los Angeles metropolitan area in November 2011.

We followed this qualitative research with a survey of 500 Hispanic smartphone owners in the U.S. who use their phones to help them shop in retail stores. We conducted the quantitative survey in January 2012 using an online panel service that specializes in Hispanic audiences.

Our areas of study in the quantitative survey included:

• Types and frequency of mobile in-aisle activity

• Goals when shopping with a smartphone in stores

• Experience with price-checking tools and services

• Experience with retail mobile apps and web sites

• Preferences about shopping companions

Observational Research Recruitment: Facebook and Hispanic Media Outreach

We conducted the in-aisle research with 15 primary participants (9 men, 6 women), and five of their companions. The primary participants varied in age from early 20’s to early 50’s and had diverse educational and socio-economic backgrounds.


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Appendix I : Methods

Retail venues

To help cement their interest in the process, we asked participants to choose the retail venues at which they would shop as well as the items to consider purchasing. Stores we visited included the following:

Apple (1)Best Buy (1)Big 5 (1)Food 4 Less (1)K-Mart (2)Macy’s (1)Ralphs (2)Target (2)ToysRUS (1)Vaillarta (1)Walmart (2)

We recruited through ads in Facebook and local Hispanic media, offering a financial incentive of a $75 gift card to be applied, as appropriate, to the purchase of in-store merchandise of the participant’s choosing. Two of the 15 qualitative research partcipants (Gilda, and Moises) were recruited through friends of Sensis.

Criteria for participation included:

• Age 18 or over• Smartphone ownership • Hispanic/Latino identity• Use of a smartphone to accomplish tasks

relative to shopping • Residence in the Los Angeles metro area • Permission to make the resulting video

record public

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Appendix I : Methods

Quantitative Survey: Sample Characteristics

Following are the key characteristics of the 500 respondents participating in the online quantitative survey.

Recognizing that income was likely to be the greatest potential source of bias in the study, we made every effort to include Hispanics of middle and upper income levels in the quantitative survey. As shown below, the final income distribution of our sample aligns reasonably well with US Census data for Hispanics (2009).

At the very uppermost range of income (as is typical of online surveys) the number of respondents in our survey is somewhat lower than expected for the U.S. population as a whole. Of those taking our survey, 8.2% respondents (or 41 of 500) reported an annual household income of over $100k, which is slightly lower than the percentage for the U.S. population as a whole according to Census data (11.7%, or 59 individuals expected for a sample of 500). But apart from that difference the numbers at other income brackets are comparable to those of population as a whole.


Our protocol followed the general outline below. The overall instruction for the session was, “Decide what to buy, using your smartphone as appropriate and necessary.”

Activities included:

1. Background contextual interview (at a coffee shop, near the retail venue)

2. In-store shop-along, with narration by the participant (in-store)

3. Retrospective of the just-completed shopping experience: good and bad, ideal vs. actual (out- side, in front of the store)

To observe as much naturally occurring behavior as possible in the shopping exercise, we provided light non-directive prompts and probes, as in the following phrases:

“Just do whatever you would normally do.”

“Take whatever time you need.”

“How come you’ve stopped to look at this?”

“So what’s going through your mind right now?”

“Is this working for you or not?”

“What are you seeing?”

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Appendix I : Methods

Nearly ¾ of our sample was bilingual or Spanish-speaking. All identified themselves culturally as Hispanic or Latino.

Above is the age distribution of our sample of Hispanic smartphone users. As consistent with other studies of smartphone users, our sample is relatively young. At just 9%, the number of people aged 50 or over in our sample is roughly half that expected for the U.S. Hispanic population as a whole (or 17.6%, according to the U.S. Census 2010). Smartphone users have historically tended to be younger, although that trend is slowing as overall smartphone penetration increases.

Our sample of Hispanic smartphone users is better educated than the percentage of the U.S. Hispanic population as a whole: 21% more Hispanic smartphone users spent some time in college or earned a 2 year or technical degree.