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Hello! Is this thing on? How to keep your focus at / on work

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Keeping your mind on your work, whether it is in an office, at home or sitting in a coffee shop can be tough. But it is not impossible. Here are some suggestions.

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6 Simple Tips for Staying Focused at and on Work

For most of us, staying focused while working can be difficult, even in the best of times.

In today’s workplace, it is harder than ever, with so much information coming being thrown at us constantly.

Add to this the ease of accessing the internet, and staying focused on the tasks at hand can often seem like asking the impossible.

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Here are a few suggestions that can be easily applied to your situation to aid you in staying focused while getting more done.

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1. Remove Distractions From Your Computer

If you have lots of games on your computer, or photos and videos, get rid of them.

This removes the temptation to “take a quick break” to entertain yourself for a few minutes, which often leads to hours!

Another way to control distraction is to close the programs that you are not actively using for the task at hand.

This reduces the likelihood that you will distract yourself with tasks of lesser importance.

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2. Make Lists

One simplest ways of staying focused is to start your day by making a list of things you have to do. (I actually make my lists the night before.)

This helps you stay on track for your tasks and reminds you that spending too much time doing other things could result in you not finishing all the tasks on the list.

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2. Make Lists

It is also helpful to update your list as the day progresses.

Check off the tasks that you have completed, and add new tasks as they come up during the day.

This can help you to stay on top of your work, if not a little ahead of the game.

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3. Keep a Drink At Your Workspace

One of the most common ways people distract themselves while working is by going for a coffee or snack break.

By keeping a bottle of water by your desk, or a flask of coffee, you can avoid the temptation to get up from your desk and wandering around or visiting when you should really be working.

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3. Keep a Drink At Your Workspace

It is also possible to use your coffee and snack breaks to your advantage.

After a long and productive session of work, moving away from your workspace for a few minutes to refresh your mind and stretch your body will help you maintain focus for the remainder of the tasks ahead.

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4. Get A Good Desk And Chair If you are not sitting comfortably, then the

chances are good that your are not going to be able to stay focused.

Not only that, but your health may be at risk.

Be certain that you get a good chair and that your desk at the right height for you.

Your back should be straight, not slouched, while you are sitting at your desk.

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5. Music

If you enjoy listening to music while you are working, be sure you pick out tunes that do not get you over-excited.

If you are listening to music that makes you want to get up and dance or sing along, then you are not going to be able to stay focused very easily.

Pick music that you enjoy having in the background.

Save the rest for your free time!

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6. Start The Working Day Right When you get to your desk at the

start of the working day, do not make your first task checking the news on the internet, or looking for updates on your favorite blogs, unless this is part of your job.

Once you get in the mood for entertainment, it can be very difficult returning to a working mindset.

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It is very easy to get distracted and pay attention to all the wrong things

Getting focused and keeping your focus will move you forward on the path of success whether you are employed by someone else, work from home, or self-employed.

For information, see www.martinamcgowan.com.

Photo credit: http://is.gd/fIpcvl

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To your continued success!!