33 Expert Tips to Boost your Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http ://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/ for the complete post. Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/ Part One: Pre-Launch Tips for Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

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33 Expert Tips to Boost your Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/

Part One: Pre-Launch Tips for Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

Page 2: Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/

Getting your fundraising ideas in front of people may be a little easier with the internet but it’s still not easy. Check out these tips from the experts to boost how much you raise crowdfunding or fundraising.

Page 3: Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/

School and Church fundraising has found a new home on popular crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe and Kickstarter. The sites get massive traffic from all over the world and can help your fundraising ideas go viral.

While you can reach a bigger audience for your fundraising idea through crowdfunding, it hasn’t made convincing that audience any easier. You still have to get them to the page and explain why your project deserves their support.

Page 4: Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

33 Expert Tips to Boost your Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Part One: Pre-Launch Tips for Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

1) Manolis Sfinarolakis, RealityCrowdTV

“Crowdfunding Campaigns are called "Campaigns" for a reason. It takes 3 to 6 months of pre-launch crowdfunding activities BEFORE you ever launch your fundraising page to appropriately execute a marketing plan with the purpose of acheiving 30% of your funding goal within the first 48 hours to a week. If you can reach that level of funding, you have the chance to leverage that moment to raise the rest of your goals.”

This is one of the biggest topics on the Crowd101 blog because it is so important. All the media attention is focused on crowdfunding and fundraising success stories but no one talks about the process and work involved. Check out this Step-by-Step Crowdfunding book that walks you through the entire process from pre-launch to fulfillment.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/

Page 5: Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

33 Expert Tips to Boost your Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Part One: Pre-Launch Tips for Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

2) Marc A. Pitman, FundraisingCoach

“Successful online fundraising happens before the event! Like any fundraising event, you need to do a lot of prep work. There should be committees or a project team and lots of outreach. Make a list of "influencers," people who will be able to help get the word out. Let them become part of the creation of the campaign. Let them own it.”

We keep coming back to that pre-launch idea but hitting on different aspects of pre-launch crowdfunding. Crowdfunding, like any fundraising campaign, can be a lot of work. Reach out and build a strong team early in the campaign and things get infinitely easier. The project may be your dream but there are others just as passionate about it and the project deserves to get funded. Make it about something bigger than yourself.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/

Page 6: Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

33 Expert Tips to Boost your Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Part One: Pre-Launch Tips for Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

3) Frankie Sue Johnnie, Crowdfunding for Writers

“Study unsuccessful and successful crowdfunding campaigns to determine what you can do to increase your chances of success and decrease your chances of failure. Donors love perks, especially tangible perks. Backers want to know what’s in it for them. If you offer perks that pique their excitement – it will make a donor more freely donate.”

Researching campaigns related to your fundraising idea is the first step in pre-launch crowdfunding. It will not only give you an idea of how much you can raise and what rewards to offer but it might open up whole new networks of supporters through reaching out to the campaign owners.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/

Page 7: Fundraising ideas powerpoint part 1

33 Expert Tips to Boost your Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

This is an excerpt presentation from the full article, please visit http://www.crowd101.com/2015/04/expert-tips-boost-fundraising-ideas-crowd-campaigns/for the complete post.

Part One: Pre-Launch Tips for Fundraising Ideas and Crowd Campaigns

4) Lyn Blanchard, Your Capital Edge

"There is a considerable amount of pre-planning tasks that have to be undertaken before you switch on the Crowdfunding launch button. In my opinion this is where many Crowdfunding campaigns fail and where entrepreneurs underestimate the time, resources and effort that it takes to launch a successful campaign. Two to three months of preplanning is a must. Getting organized is essential and this is why I developed this comprehensive tool to improve the chances of Crowdfunding project success.“

Watch for part two of our expert tips series and visit Crowd101 for great advice on crowdfunding promotion. Not yet sure about crowd funding? Check out this free crowd funding webinar.

Visit the Crowd101 Blog: http://www.crowd101.com/crowd-101-blog/