Trailer analysis 6-10 Sam Stockwell

Film trailer analysis 2

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Page 1: Film trailer analysis 2

Trailer analysis 6-10Sam Stockwell

Page 2: Film trailer analysis 2

Barely lethalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y-CJjJ-jtw

At the beginning of the trailer there is a two shot of women fighting. This quickly tells the audiences that the genre is action and gives an insight into what the film will be about. There is a mid shot of girls training to fight on dummy’s, this shows how there being trained from a young age therefore they will be exquisite when they grow up. During the action, there is fast pace shots. There are titles that appear telling the story to the audience. The girl wants a new life as a normal person however she still acts as if she is in her old life. There is an over the shoulder shot of her pinning someone on the floor. At the start of the trailer the non-diegetic sound during the action shots is fast and tension building however during her new life when there is action shots the music is slower and sounds more enjoyable. This shows the audience that her new life is better and proves she is having more fun. During this enjoyable non-diegetic sound there is still fast paced shots which is the same as earlier when the sound was fast and building tension.

Page 3: Film trailer analysis 2

Casino Royalehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK7PbujRUOk

During the opening of the trailer there is shooting and murders. This is classic from a Bond film. The hero, 007 is shown at the start of the film beating someone up and shooting someone. This shows his power and tells the audience what will happen during the film. There is a voiceover of James Bond’s boss telling him about the villain which then changes to an over the shoulder shot of them talking. There is a close up of the villain, this told the audience who the antagonist was as there is non-diegetic sound of the boss telling Bond about him. There is pleonastic sound of 007 as he punches and kicks the antagonists this exaggerates his actions allowing the audience to feel how hard he is hitting them. There are props such as knives and guns to show how dangerous the situation is. There is non diegetic sound that builds tension, the volume then lowers while there is a voiceover. There is a blackout and the non diegetic sound is then loud and fast again as the action kicks off. There is a bad ending of the protagonist flipping his car. This will make the audience want to view the film to see what happens to James Bond. Lastly there is a blackout and the title of the film appears.

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As soon as the trailer starts there is instant building of tension. This implies to the audience that there is lots of action. There is a close up of a woman without her mask her. She looks shocked implying she is vulnerable without this costume. The next shot is an establishing wide shot of the location where the film is set. There is a voiceover of the boss telling his agent what he wants (the drive). After this, there is then a mid-shot of her running holding the drive. The trailer has rapid transitions during the action parts of the film. The film uses a woman as the protagonist being an agent. They show this with a close up of her holding a gun, this is different because people usually associate men with being an agent and killing people. There is pleonastic sound of a car screeching as it reverses. This emphasis to the audience making it more excitable. The trailer has consistent tension building and fast transitions. These fast paced transitions make it difficult to see what’s going on making the audience want to watch it. The trailer shows titles with a red background. The red background implies blood suggesting to the audience the film will be full of action.

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Free Fallhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzWXyV_kygM

At the start of the trailer there is a mid shot of a woman looking worried. This is as there is non diegetic sound of a voiceover saying “you are the ideal candidate to take over”. After this, a ticking noise is going off suggesting that she is running out of time. There is a close up of a man smoking. As this shot is shown the music is mysterious, this make him look like an antagonists as he is smoking however he is working with the protagonists. There is pleonastic sound of a gun being cocked. Normally the sound of this would be fairly quiet however they want to emphasise the sound. There is another close up of the woman looking petrified and confused, this shows that she is not cut out for this type of job. The false hero is in a mid shot of him smoking watching the cctv of the woman stuck in the elevator. The audience can tell he isn’t a protagonist as he is not doing anything to help her. The transitions are fast during the fighting scenes and action. Although she looks scared and vulnerable there is a mid shot of her beating a police officer up, this shows her building courage to become the hero. After this there is a voiceover of a man saying “tick tock” as the tension is building, this suggests she is now running out of time. The music suddenly stops as the sound of an elevator goes off, the title of the film then appears.

Page 6: Film trailer analysis 2

Cattiness is in the start of the trailer, showing off her archery skills. During the selection of the hunger games, there is a close up of her looking scared implying to the audience that the hunger games is something bad. There is fast pace cuts making it difficult for the audience to understand what's going on, this relates to Cattiness as she is confused as well. The trailer has diegetic sound of Cattiness, you can hear the fear in her voice proving how scary the hunger games is. The music turns depressive as they are on there way to the event. Cattiness again shows her skills in front of the organisers of the hunger games by hitting the bull's-eye with a bow and arrow. As it hits, the non diegetic music slows and quietens. There is a close up of the organisers looking shocked showing they didn’t expect that from her. There is a countdown and the music is loud and there are fast paced transitions showing there is action. The title of the film appears as there is non diegetic sound of boom.

The Hunger Gameshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfmrPu43DF8