Who Would Be The Audience For Your Market Product? By Prajwol Khamcha

Evalution 4

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Who Would Be The

Audience For Your Market

Product?By Prajwol Khamcha

Page 2: Evalution 4

When producing the magazine, I had to consider how to engage the audience, and simplify their needs

by categorizing them by their class. Using theories based on audience

theories to try to engage with them.

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Primary Audience

My target audience where males at the age of 16-22 years old. The main ethnic group that as focused on was of Afro Caribbean’s. The income bracket is low C2 as mass hip hop fans come from a low income bracket. This is because I recognized the traditional urban Hip Hop audiences, but I am focusing on the top of the income bracket scale as I want to engage a more sophisticated fans. The audience are select group of Niche hip hop fans who are sophisticated and would like to learn more about Hip Hop, as some might be students who still learn in school, or living with their parent. These would be the strivers who want to one day relate to Hip Hop. Some could be young people who have entered the world of work, hence they have some income to go up to C2 income bracket.

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Secondary Audience

My secondary audience where D-E specifically. I can do this as Hip Hop is a growing genre and the diversity has increased, so the age has increased. They are 23-30 years old, from D-E income bracket as they are more un sophisticated and uneducated. These are more traditional, and those who have grown up in Hip Hop. They are also more diverse ethnically and not just black, this is to widen the audience and to understand and respond to the growing demand of Hip Hop globally. They want to buy a product as they want to see something different than the usual ideologies or they want to see iconography of Hip Hop and its growth. As they might be explorers who want to discover a different genre.

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Further Detail of Primary Audience The decision of my primary audience was simple, the

approach was that I didn’t believe that all hip hop fans were unsophisticated, and that most are fed up by this representation. So to cater for the sophisticated needs, I wanted to provide them with a niche product that they can enjoy. I also believed that some Hip Hop fans, were not enjoying the arrogant style of Rap, as it has become repetitive over the years, hence I crated a magazine, that talks about more important issues that affect the world, than a artists wealth. This is because I wanted artists to answer these questions in first person, so the audience questions these ideologies. I also wanted them to have educational backgrounds, but mainly be sophisticated enough, to to be open minded to refuse such conventions and even challenging these ideologies. I expect the audience to be in C2 income bracket mainly due to the fact that they work hard, but they still haven’t reached the “success” they want.

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Further Detail of Secondary Audience For my secondary audience the bracket income was D-E as

they are unsophisticated and as they like new products, these up and coming artists attract them as they look for a new artist. One way that the product and the audience fit, is that the audience wants to be individuals, this helps as my magazine is niche so they are more interested in being different. But Content to them does not matter as they have low attention spans this is why I used pictures that were entertaining to entertain them as it is simple and they can process it, this links to the idea of them being experiencers. I chose the age between 23-30 years old to focus on the digital natives, as it would easier to reach below the line marketing with them as most of the time they’re times are consumed on the web 2.0, as they are low income they probably have more time on their hands to be browsing on social media. I also had good reason for a narrow age range, because up and coming rappers, will only be known of by digital natives, as they are on the web 2.0 and young and up and coming artists gain exposure through mix tapes, which will interest them. As older audiences would listen to artists that related to them when they first listened to Hip Hop. Hence I am trying to create that same experience for the audience.

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There VAL types were strivers. These people tend to, work hard, to obtain success. They also like to respect authority, this is why having up and coming rappers who have obtained “success”, means the strivers can relate to them and they will be willing to read as they respect authority.

There VAL types were Experiencers are young and they like new products. They are individuals and have a lot of energy. As they like new products. My product would appeal as it is a niche product and they are fox thinkers, hence my magazine is about visual images creating as story hence thy would be interested. As images are simple and it means they can have a short attention span to process it. (Unsophisticated Audience)

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Uses and Gratification In Terms of this theory I will apply what sort of audience

would need that type of gratification. Diversion- these would be the strivers who are trying to

escape from everyday problems and routine, as they struggle to be an artist, the content in it provides them with stress relief as the topics are sophisticated.

Personal Identity- Finding reinforcement and gaining insight into one’s self from other experienced or older artists/Role Models , this is for the digital natives who are younger. The personal identity is also with the strivers and the up and coming artists as they both want the same things except they are on different success stages.

Social Interaction- This is to gain insight on social empathy relating to the explorers who are looking for new things or artists to interest them helping them carry out social interaction.

Information: It is seeking advice on careers in music etc. for the strivers and help them making decisions in life so they are self educated and gain a sense a security in their career through knowledge about it.

hikeah kareem

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Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Physiological Needs: The basic needs of life e.g. Water,

food and sleep. This is the secondary audience who are at the bottom of the pyramid, and they need the basic elements for survival as they are income bracket D-E, as they need less things in life to be satisfied. These elements must be fulfilled in order to reach more complex needs as they need to concentrate more, hence showing this uneducated, fox thinking, short attention span people.

Esteem Needs: Is the human need to be valued by themselves and by others and a lack of esteem may result in depression. This relates to the primary audience as they are strivers and finding personal identity between up and coming artists/Role Models can increase there esteem and confidence as they can believe they can go from “Rags to Riches” just like most Rappers. This gives them the confidence to follow there passion and it keeps them relived off stress as they understand other successful artists have been through it as well. These would be C2 as they have the elements to survive, they now want things that require immense concentration and need attention span and desire from being sophisticated to follow their passion.

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University Fringe, this audience was the right one I felt as they are educated students showing, who are starting out on careers. These people are digital natives. Due to the education they are sophisticated viewers and want obtain as much information as possible to gain information about the music industry as they are still finding what to do, hence this was an appropriate audience.

Streetwise Kids, live in deprived council estates, and are often unemployed. They tend to be the similar age. Although they are unsophisticated in nature, I thought due to their bad background, I felt they were hard working enough to want to obtain a better future. Hence I lowered the price.

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Explorer, are in nature and appeals to them as they are trying to be different. As they would like to see challenges of the conventions of Hip Hop. So being a niche product they can be attracted to it thus as they are competitive to experience things first. Therefore making them want to find out new artists that are out, making them the social talk in there social groups.

Strugglers, are the ones who live day by day, living a aimless life. They are perceived as “losers”, thus having a magazine that focus’s on up and coming artists, they can feel personal identity with them. They refer visual impact, hence having images that tell a story helps attract audiences categorized here.