How should central banks manage channel and device proliferation David Bowen, September 2013 © Bowen Craggs & Co. 2012

Device and channel proliferation - what central banks should do

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Central banks have to serve a huge range of audiences, from schoolchildren to economists. Like other organisations they are also having to cope with an increasing variety of devices and social media channels. How can a complex B2C/B2B operator worth limited staff resources decided what to do. This presentation was given by David Bowen to a communications course for about 40 central banks at the Bank of England on Sept 10 2013

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© Bowen Craggs & Co. 2012

How should central banks manage channel and device proliferation

David Bowen, September 2013

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This presentation

• What do we mean by device and channel proliferation?

• Responding to the mobile challenge

• What should central banks be doing with social media

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Device proliferation

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Channel proliferation

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The challenge

Device proliferation + channel proliferation


Much greater complexity


Needs for prioritisation


Need for ever more understanding within organizations

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Where are we heading? Away from apps

Source: Survey of corporate web managers, Dec 2012

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But not towards separate mobile sites

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Responsive is the future

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Qualcomm: In a muddle

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HSBC: Careless implementation

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GE: Mobile first … or desktop last?

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Microsoft: A study in fragmentation

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Alternatives? The whole site on a mobile template

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Give a choice?

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Go adaptive?


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Or do nothing?

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Thoughts on mobile

• Consider if you need a mobile-ready site at all –

how are your main audiences viewing the site

how does your current site work on a mobile

• If going responsive, watch your agency like a hawk – good implementation makes all the difference

• Ensure that your desktop usability is not degraded

• Separate mobile sites are often more usable

• Adaptive may well be the answer – wait and watch?

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What about tablets and apps

• iPads and other tablets are very popular among senior people

• The desktop website usually works on tablets

• Central banks have been trying out iPad apps – some work better than others

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Should we write off apps?

• Apps are rarely a good substitute for a well built website

• They take up space on mobile devices

• Their real strength is when they add convenience when on the move

• They should only be considered if your target audience is likely to come back to them again and again, or if they exploit the particular abilities of the device

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Channel challenges

• How to know which channels to use

• How to know what to use them for

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Social media = The Easy Web

• Websites are quite simple to build

• Blogs are very simple to build

• The new generation of ‘social’ pages could be built by a hamster … the Easy Web

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Too easy: One jobseeker, three video sites

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Too easy

• Your employees, on Facebook, Vkontakte, Orkut, Sina Weibo, Twitter, YouTube - everywhere

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Central banks are experimenting

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They see advantages

• Faster publication

• Ability to broaden audience – especially to young people

• Ability to interact with the public

• More informal channel

• Source: B of E survey

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They also see disadvantages

• Risk to reputation

• Violation of ‘single voice’ principle

• Stretch of resources

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The majority believe they should do more

• 73 per cent of survey respondents say central banks have been ‘too conservative’ in the use of social media.

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But should they?

• The best default position is ‘don’t’, rather than ‘do’ (to avoid the ‘easy’)

• The key to success with social media is to understand what it is, and what it can do.

• ‘Social media’ is not one thing – it is a distinct set of channels held together only by being ‘easy’

• Few channels are ‘social’

• But that does not mean they cannot be useful

• Include your website as one of the channels

• Separate the channels and judge, for each, whether

Opportunities > Risks + resources needed

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Good governance is key

• Governance means the way all channels are managed

• There must be a strong degree of central control

• While still allowing imagination to flourish throughout the organization

• A ‘centre of expertise’ should act as the controller

• People numbers are not as important as skill and authority

• A supportive and well-informed senior manager is so often the key to success

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Distinguish between platform and social channels• Platform channels are primarily alternative places to place content alongside the

website (social element usually limited to easy sharing)

YouTube and other video sites

Flickr, Pinterest and other image sites


Most blogs

Some Twitter (or other micro-blogging) feeds

• Social channels are based round interactivity and discussion

Facebook and other social networks

Some blogs

Discussion and technical forum sites

Some Twitter (or other micro-blogging) feeds

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Important to integrate across channels

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Plan what should go where

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YouTube (and other video sites)


• Video is engaging and ‘authentic’

• Useful way of storing press conferences etc

• Good for education – fun works

• Videos can be embedded on websites as well as on YouTube

• Sharing mechanism can work well


• Can get very little traffic

• Can easily look out of date

• YouTube itself is not easy to navigate

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• A low cost, low effort way of storing and displaying images

• Increasingly accepted as ‘respectable’, and replacing on-site libraries

• Good range of download options for publications

• Levels of copyright protection can be specified

• Easy to share pictures, so they will be spread


• Flickr site is hard to navigate

• Hard to integrate into a website

• Under threat from Pinterest and Instagram?

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Twitter broadcast (one way) feeds


• Rapid posting and reaction mechanism

• Viral effect means posts can spread fast

• Alternative to RSS or email alerts

• Journalists tend to follow Twitter

• Generalist image means it can be used for varied announcements

• Can build a ‘tribe’ of followers to spread views in a crisis


• Can be missed in all the Twitter ‘noise’

• Less ‘serious’ than RSS or email

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• Informal feel means they can be more engaging

• Have an individual feel – good for economists or senior officials?

• Can be used to respond to issues quickly

• Blog posts can be well promoted using Twitter


• Blogger has to follow strict Bank guidelines

• Must get the tone right

• Must be kept up to date

• Needs resources to write and review

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• Gets to specific demographics

• A mechanism for engaging with the public

• Can be used to attract jobseekers

• Can be used to react fast to negative events or comments


• Exposes banks to reputational risks

• Difficult to get resourcing right

• Skill needed to get the tone right

• Risks being occupied by irrelevant posts

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Other social networks

• Appropriate to use ‘your’ local network (Vkontakte, Orkut etc) – same risks and opportunities as Facebook

• Google + is a worldwide alternative – much less popular but has the power of Google behind it. Some central banks are on it.

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Twitter as conversation

• An alternative to Facebook – same pluses and minuses

• Often used for customer service

• Essential to get the tone right – a great skill

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The skill of the tweeter….

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Social media thoughts

• Well used, channels can add great value and bring central banks closer to their audiences

• Poorly used, they will simply dilute your resources

• Consider the channels individually

• Watch the resources they require – easy to set up, not so easy to run

• Don’t be carried away by numbers (eg Facebook followers) – quality is more important then quantity

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© Bowen Craggs & Co. 2012

How should central banks manage channel and device proliferation

David Bowen, September 2013