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Creative story for competition rise

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A favor from you… By Amanda M. Icazatti Burtell

You might think of us as destructive or that we don't bring any good to our

environments, or that we make a mess out of everything. But you are wrong. We are a

proud species that sticks together no matter what. In good or in bad, in sickness or in

health. We are loyal to each other. So my question to you is, what makes you think that

you just can kidnap us for your senseless experiments? I know your probably

wondering, and yes I'm a mouse and a proud to be one, that I'm not afraid to walk

around and show my self but obviously, there are consequences to doing that. It was

close to dawn when I was heading back home to bring the food for my family, when all

sudden I smelled the delicious fragrance of cheese. I dropped everything and went

running towards it. When I got there I noticed it was in a very weird location, but I didn't

care. I jumped to grab it and when I touched it all of my exits were closed. I was locked

in a cage. That same day two men came and took me away, probably forever. My only

thoughts were of my children, I am never going to get the chance to see them grow and

my wife, my beautiful wife knows that I will always love her no matter what. A few days

later I was taken to a laboratory and some people were preparing me to perform an

experiment. This experiment was based on taking out a gene out of me, and apparently

by doing so, you lose control over yourself and you start eating like there’s no tomorrow

and after a while you start developing diseases like obesity and diabetes. I remember

having a friend in the lab, his name was Eugene and like me, he was deprived of his

freedom and family. He was really thin we he first got there. He was a good looking

mouse too. He was first in line to experience the reason they had brought us here. After

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the humans conducted the experiment on him he lost control over himself. He started

eating everything, growing twice his size in fat, and even one time, he tried to eat me,

and after that event we got separated and I never saw Eugene again. After Eugene six

more of us were experimented on. All the mice reacted like veracious beast, nothing like

I have never seen before. They were no longer mice, they were monsters created by

monsters. I got scared because I knew that in any moment that will be my fate, so in my

last words I ask the humans this: why do you use animals for such experiments that

prove to be no good for the sake of our planet? Why don't you use your families to

conduct experiment so you can see what it feels like to see your own kind fall for such

terrible things? Why do you do deprive us of our homes and families? My name is

Harold and everything that was important to me was taken in just seconds and in my

last words, before I become insane and start eating my way to death I say that did not

wanted this. A bigger force forced it upon me and it is unfair for all animals that have to

suffer this. Sadly, this sadly will not be the end, but when are you going to realize that

you, my friends, are just playing with fire....