Community development government grants and funds

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Page 2: Community development government grants and funds

“A grant is a method by which an society awards money to fund a explore study or other activity,

such as an educational program, service program, demonstration, or

research project.”

Page 3: Community development government grants and funds

• Advance technical knowledge in your field and advance your professional career

• A grant means that experts in the field recognize your idea as important and worthy of public or private support.

• A grant means an improved prestige of your institution. • A grant means a giving to the financial health of your department, school or

agency • A grant means new opportunities for your study assistants. • A grant means a new program that otherwise can be too luxurious for your

institution to support and implement

Page 4: Community development government grants and funds

• Gifts have few strings attached – Corporate Education Funds – Industrial Affiliates Programs

• Grants are “monitored” – Deliverables generally underspecified – PM primarily interested in the Science

• Contracts, legal documents – Deliverables specified – PM has specific programmatic goals – PM may often direct/re-direct efforts








Page 5: Community development government grants and funds