City Council March 20, 2012 City Hall Complex 2012

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Page 1: City Council March 20, 2012 City Hall Complex 2012
Page 2: City Council March 20, 2012 City Hall Complex 2012

2008 - Council approved Professional Services Contract with Killis Almond Architects to begin Master Plan of City Hall rehabilitation

2009 - Contract amended to include Phase I for the rehabilitation of the City Hall and Library Building

2010 – Contract amended to include Phase II for the central plant with ice storage

2011 – Contract amended to include voter approved rehabilitation of the City Auditorium

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Rehabilitation of City Hall Rehabilitation of old Public Library, including

expansion Central Plant serving:

City Hall old Library Utility Building Auditorium, including annex

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CDBG $ 761,000 ARRA 216,616 Fund 504 1,776,698 Fund 508 5,000,000 Fund 508 2,500,000 504,508 Contingencies 177,030 EECBG 865,000 Fire Station Savings 200,000 WIC 600,000 Water/Wastewater Admin Space 131,000 Utility Billing Building HVAC 135,065 Auditorium Half-Cent Approval 3,750,000 Total Revenue $16,112,409

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Design Contract (KAA) $ 1,218,474 Construction Management 165,000 Construction Contract (Stoddard) 8,740,748* Relocation 293,000 Demolition 141,317 Asbestos Abatement 103,337 Security System 119,084 HVAC Equipment 499,217 Central Plant (per CO#1) 1,765,085 Revised Auditorium 2,614,186

Total Expenses $15,659,448*figure did not represent contract amount

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Original Contract Amount $9,083,000*

Included $500,000 contingency $500,000 spent

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Revenue $16,112,409 Expenses $15,659,448 $452,961

Remaining funds will be used for: Furniture Landscaping and

site amenities Movers

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Budgeted funds remaining $296,750.60 Add CDBG eligible costs $131,354.24

Chair Lifts $120,060.00 Demo Supervision $11,294.24

Add FUMC purchase $125,000.00

Total funds available $553,664.84

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Total funds available $553,664.84 Still needed:

Furniture 229,698.55 OfficeWise, Bart Turner & Assoc., and West Office Furniture**

Equipment (refrigerators, etc.) 4,000.00 Moving 80,000.00 Hardscaping 232,463.00

Stoddard Construction** (City crews will demo) Reese Albert

Landscaping 7,503.29

**recommended bid

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Funds remaining $7,503.29 Inadequate to develop site Such funds never included in any

prior contract, and only recentlydesigned (a contribution by Schertz)

Staff requests an additional $150,000 to implement a Landscaping plan that features drought-tolerant plant

materials using xeriscape principals If it is the Council’s desire, an interpretive system could

be included as a public demonstration site

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Originally built as the City’s “Public Library” Most recently served as home to Health Department, included

Health Admin, Nursing, WIC, Pharmacy, etc. Will soon serve as home to Departments of Neighborhood &

Family Services and Community & Economic Development Staff recommends that the building be referred to as the

Community Development Building while preserving the original name on the historic structure

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Modifications to custodial services in “new” buildings Change in needs Desire to increase building maintenance level

Operation of Central Plant Staffing/Expertise

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1. Approval of budget of remaining funds a. Consideration of additional funds for landscaping and other site amenitiesb. Approval of hardscape bid by Stoddard Construction

2. Approval of furniture purchase from West Office Supply

3. Consideration of renaming the old “Public Library” to the Community Development Building

4. Consideration of operational issues related to occupancy of rehabbed buildings

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Or is it really the beginning…?

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Per Change Order #1 $1,765,085 Trane Equipment 499,217 Total Central Plant Cost $2,264,302

City Hall 32% 724,577 < Utilized 5 days per week

Old Library 13% 294,359 < Utilized 5 days per week

Water Billing   6% 135,858 < Utilized 5 days per week 100%

Auditorium 33% 747,220 < off peak, select # days / year

Auditorium Annex 16% 362,288 < off peak, select # days / year

Total 100% $2,264,302

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In Spring election, voters approve $3,750,000for Auditorium enhancements

Design Fees (includes Sound & Lighting Consultants) $ 334,500

Construction Mgmt 32,950

HVAC Equipment and Installation 1,109,508 Foundation, Plumbing, Fire Protection 180,856

Remaining funds for lighting, sound, rigging, seating, lobby, windows, curtains, etc. $2,092,186

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