Recognising the Performance Challenges Gary Bandy 22 May 2013

CIPFA Audit Conference 2013: Keynote: Meeting the Performance Challenges

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Recognising the Performance Challenges

Gary Bandy22 May 2013

3 years as finance director

Since 2005 ...

some health work ...

more recently, policing ...

some teaching ...

and I wrote a book.

I am not going to talk about graphs of doom

“If keeping someone’s attention in a lecture was a business, it would have an 80% failure rate.”

—Dr. John Medina, Brain Rules

Adaptive problems

“The rational approach to managing organizations always competes with, and can be dominated by, continually changing, grounded, ad hoc, trial-and-error approaches—that is, by muddling through.”

—Jones and Pendlebury (2010: p28)

“Today’s problems come from yesterday’s ‘solutions’.”

—Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline

“The easy way out usually leads back in.”

“Dividing an elephant in half does not produce two small elephants.”

Technical problems

Critical problems

“Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well-informed just to be undecided about them.”

—Laurence J. Peter

Adaptive problems

Tightening our belts is not going to be enough

Is it a technical or adaptive problem?

“Your goal shouldn’t be to buy players. Your goal should be to buy wins. In order to buy wins you need to buy runs.”

Competition challenges

Only one product is the cheapest. The rest compete on design.

Markets rely on failure

Public services can’t tolerate failure

The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)

“You can’t treat electricity like oranges. It’s the lifeblood of society.”

“A free market is goddam expensive to customers.”

Public value challenges

Strategic Triangle

public value aims

operational capacity

authorising environment public


—Moore, Creating Public Value (1995)

operational capacity ≠ organisational capacity



operational capacity ≠ organisational capacity



“Financial performance is understood as the means to an end rather than an end in itself.”

—Moore, 2003

Public value scorecardMeasures of creating

public value

Org vision & missionStrategic goalsOutputs that create outcomes

Org outputsProductivityEfficiencyFinancial integrityStaff morale & capacityOrg learning & innovation

Funder relationsVolunteer relationsRelations with govt & regulatorsReputationCredibility

Measures of expanding support & authorisation

Measures of building operational capacity

“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to bea good measure.”

as re-stated by Marilyn StrathernGoodhart’s Law

Accountability challenges

Accountability Triangle

manager/agent auditor


—Evans, 1999

“Governments try to avoid accountability to the maximum extent, that is, they try to avoid public exposure of their blunders and misdeeds and rewards to friends, because such exposure may erode public support, or at least public acquiescence, of their holding office.”

People want more transparency from their governments

Participatory Budgeting

Armchair auditors

“Information, while the essential ingredient of account-ability, alone does not ensure accountability.”

—Funnell, 2003

What might this mean for auditors?

You’ve got to produce audits from the money

you’ve got

You want to adapt and survive

© Natural History Museum

What can be done?

“problem-driven, iterative adaptation”

Auditees changing to meet their challenges will

change what you do

Objective? Extinguish fires or save lives

These save lives!

From commissioning a street cleaning service

to commissioning clean streets

Community Budgets: complex families in Little Hulton






Now Future?

Welfare BenefitsPlannedReactive

So, what is the challenge?

Contact me

[email protected]

07871 389500

