Career Gym UKCAT

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Career Gym UKCAT Practice Tests

Planning on becoming a doctor or a dentist? Heading to universities from King's College London to the University of Aberdeen? Good for you, but that means you'll have to nail the UKCAT test, all

four components of it: abstract reasoning, decision analysis, quantitative reasoning and verbal


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The Purposeof the Test

The test measures your aptitude rather than your knowledge. This means that you don't need to

study or learn anything special to be successful at the test – the key is practice, practice, pratice.

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UKCAT Abstract Reasoning

The UKCAT Abstract Reasoning test measures your 'fluid', or non-verbal reasoning skills: you must look at two sets of figures and decide about a bunch of

shapes if they belong in one or the other set.

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UKCAT DecisionAnalysis

The UKCAT Decision Analysis tests measures whether you can decode encrypted information - simulating, for instance, making diagnoses as a

doctor with limited information: sometimes you will need to make the best decision with the info you


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UKCAT QuantitativeReasoning

The UKCAT Quantitative Reasoning tests will assess whether you can solve problems based on

numbers. This doesn't mean that you simply need to be good at math - Instead, you will need to become really good (and fast) at extracting

information from tables, charts, bullet lists and more.

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UKCAT QuantitativeReasoning

Just because you read something, it doesn't mean you necessarily understood it: this is what the

UKCAT Verbal Reasoning tests aims to measure. Upon reading a text and a statement, you'll need

to decide: Is it true? Is it false? Or maybe you cannot say?

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Career Gym UKCAT Practice Tests

With many UKCAT practice tests and simulations, all you get is the questions and the correct answer.

That's not very helpful. Career Gym tests come equipped with detailed solutions and explanations

so you get the most out of the time spent practicing.

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Career GymUKCAT Statistics

So you score really high? You're satisfied with yourself? :) Let's see how you perform against

others and your old self. We provide statistics that show how you hold up against others and how

much you improved.

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Hundreds of Practice Tests

Detailed Solutions


UKCAT Edition