Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event Hosted by: North Carolina Military Business Center Coastal Carolina Community College 25 MARCH 2014

Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event

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Page 1: Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event

Camp  Lejeune  Small  Business  Outreach  Event  

Hosted  by:    North  Carolina  Military  Business  Center  Coastal  Carolina  Community  College  

     25 MARCH 2014

Page 2: Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event

Marketing to the Federal Government: The Keys to


Mar 2014 MCIEAST Office of Small Business Programs

Page 3: Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event

         What  Most  Think                                    Marke;ng  Is  

“Marke9ng:    the  process  of  communica;ng  the  value  of  a  product  or  service  to  customers,  for  the  purpose  of  selling  that  product  or  service.”  

-­‐Wikipedia  Using  capability  sheets,  line  cards,  and  mee;ngs  to  gain  the  aEen;on  of  decision  makers  

Key  ques;ons:  Who  are  the  decision  makers?                                        What  happens  to  requirements  before  they  reach  contrac;ng?  

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•  The  Contrac9ng  Officer:    -­‐  Contrac9ng  Officer  ≠  shopper    -­‐  Contrac9ng  Officer  ≠  lawyer    -­‐  Contrac9ng  Officer  ≠  gatekeeper  

   -­‐  Contrac9ng  Officer  =  ????    


         Key  Decision  Maker  

Page 5: Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event

•  Contrac;ng  Officer  responsibility  includes:  – Verifying  required  sources  –  Iden;fying  ineligible  vendors  – Maximizing  compe;;on  – Ensuring  Proper  and  sufficient  funding  is  included  – Determining  proper  contract  type  – Applying  small  business/socio-­‐economic  provisions  

…all certified by a Contracting Officer’s signature!

         The  Contrac;ng  Officer  

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The  Contrac;ng  Process  



Higher Headquarters

Comptroller Contracting YOU


         The  Contrac;ng  Process  

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THE  FOUR  P’S    (part  1)  

•  Profile:    Your  profile  in  the  System  for  Award  Management  (SAM)  establishes  your  eligibility  to  do  business  with  the  Federal  Government.    SAM  profile  also  determines  your  ability.  

•  Proposal:    Your  proposal,  submiEed  in  response  to  a  Gov’t  solicita;on,  is  pivotal  in  determining  your  ability  to  provide  the  good  or  service  we  require.  

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THE  FOUR  P’S    (part  2)  

•  Past  Performance:    Your  past  performance  is  your  professional  reputa;on.    Is  it  posi;ve,  recent,  and  relevant  to  the  task  we  require?  

•  Price:    Price  is  always  “a”  factor;  some;mes  it  is  “the”  factor.    We  will  clearly  tell  you  which  is  the  case.  Your  price  answer  the  ques;on  of  your  affordability.      

•  Note  that  having  a  prior  rela;onship  with  a  vendor  is  not  a  considera;on  

•  We  buy  from  firms  we  don’t  know!  

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               Great  Ques9ons  to  Ask  During              an  Appointment  

•  Do  you  buy  my  product  or  service?  

•  How  do  you  make  this  purchase?  

•  Can  you  tell  me  who  else  buys  my  product/service?  

•  Any  upcoming  opportuni9es  that  I  should  be  aware  of?  


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               Why  is  Federal  Procurement                        So  Hard?  

   We  spend  a  whole  lot  of  other  people’s  


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Points  of  Contact  

Jo Rozier Office of Small Business Programs

Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

910-451-8424 [email protected]

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Tools  for  Success  In  the  Federal  Marketplace    

Presented  by  the    North  Carolina  Military  Business  Center  


25 - 26 MARCH 2014

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Military  Impact •  Total  annual  military  impact,  over  $48  billion*  

•  12%  of  NC  State  GDP  (second  largest  sector)  •  Over  540,000  jobs  statewide  military  impacted              •  Military/civilian  payroll:                        $19.2  billion**  •  Veteran  payments:                              $2.4  billion**  •  Defense  contracts:          

•  Prime  contracts  (FY2012):    $3.43  billion  •  Subcontracts:                                                          addi;onal  billions  


*The  Economic  Impact  of  the  Military  on  North  Carolina,”  NC  Department  of  Commerce,  2013  **North  Carolina’s  Military  Footprint,”  NC  Department  of  Commerce,  2008  


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Procurement •  Prime  contracts,  DoD  in  CONUS:  $316  billion  •  Prime  contracts,  DoD  in  North  Carolina  (83  Coun;es):          •  Prime  contracts,  federal  in  NC  (100  Coun;es):  

–  $5.39  billion  (135k  contract  ac;ons)  

2 .6 92 .9 7

3 .6 44 .0 1

3 .6 04 .0 6

3 .4 3








lar V


in B



2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Part)

DoD Prime Contracting in North Carolina

Data: Federal Procurement Data System, FY2012


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Procurement,  DoD Top  10  Coun;es,  DoD  Prime  Contracts  (FY2012)  


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Partnerships,  State

•  Develop  businesses:  •  Small  Business  Centers  (Community  College  System)  •  Small  Business  and  Technology  Development  Center  •  Procurement  Technical  Assistance  Center  (SBTDC)  

•  Business  Development:      •  North  Carolina  Military  Business  Center  (NCMBC)  

•  Policy  and  Coordina9on:  •  Military  Affairs  Advisor,  Office  of  the  Governor  •  North  Carolina  Department  of  Commerce  


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Partnerships,  Non-­‐State

•  Federal:    •  Small  Business  Administra;on  (SBA),  US  Commerce  

•  Local:    •  Chambers,  economic  developers  

•  Non-­‐Governmental  Organiza9ons:  •  Local:  Raleigh  DEFNET,  CharloEe  counterpart  •  North  Carolina  Defense  Business  Associa;on  •  North  Carolina  Military  Founda;on  


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Business  Development  (Current/Future):  NCMBC  

Develop  Businesses:      NCCCS/SBC,  UNC/SBTDC,  SBA    

 Opportunity  Development:  NCMF  


Operational/ Tactical


         NCDBA,  Wake  DEFNET,  CharloEe  

Policy/Coord.:  Military  Affairs/NC  Commerce  



Partnerships,  Func;onal


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Mission  &  Goals,  NCMBC  Mission  To  leverage  military  and  other  federal  business  opportuni;es  to  expand  the  economy,  grow  jobs  and  improve  quality  of  life  in  North  Carolina  

Goals  1  -­‐  Increase  federal  revenues  for  businesses  in  NC  2  –  Support  integra;on  of  military  into  workforce  3  -­‐  Support  defense-­‐related  recruitment    

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Business  Development  Teams  •  Three  pre-­‐award  /post-­‐award  teams  (west,  central,  east)  •  Create  awareness,  recruit/engage  NC  firms  in  market  •  Pre-­‐posi;on  for  future  opps,  develop  sub-­‐contract  opps  •  Iden;fy  current  prime/sub  opportuni;es,  no;fy  firms  •  Assess/assist  firms  with  solicita;ons,  quotes,  proposals    CY2013    105  Contracts   $123  -­‐  $887  million  

CY2005-­‐2013   1,436  Contracts   $3,173  -­‐  $10,500  million  

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NCMBC  Business  Developers  

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MatchForce  •  Matches  businesses  to  federal  opportuni;es  •  Matches  prime  contractors  to  NC  subcontractors  •  Matches  businesses  to  NC  job  seekers  •  Businesses  won  >$718  million,  2006-­‐13  contracts  •  Currently  on  MatchForce:    

20,472  NC  Businesses   40,212  Individuals  

18,103  Contract  Opportuni;es   262  Job  Opportuni;es  

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NCMBC  Major  Events  2014  •  Fort  Bragg  Small  Business  Outreach  Event  (18  MAR)  •  Camp  Lejeune/Cherry  Point  SB  Outreach  Events  (25/26  MAR)  •  Federal  Construc;on  Consolidated  Teaming  Forum  (21  MAY)  •  NC  Federal  Advanced  Technologies  Review  (4-­‐5  JUN)  •  Military  Food  Conference  (10  JUN)  •  13th  Annual  Defense  Trade  Show  (5  AUG)  •  Aerospace  Supplier/Advanced  Manufacturing  Summit  (7  AUG)  •  2014  Federal  Construc;on  Summit  (15-­‐16  OCT)  •  Advanced  training,  proposal  development,  4  loca;ons  (JUL/DEC)  •  Defense  Contractor  Academies,  RAL/FAY  (MAR/DEC)    

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Contact  Informa;on,  NCMBC  

•  ScoE  Dorney,  Execu;ve  Director,  910-­‐678-­‐0190,  [email protected]    

•  Madison  Sanderford,  Business  Development  Specialist,  910-­‐938-­‐6785,  [email protected]    

•  Alexa  Dennis,  MatchForce  Administrator,  910-­‐678-­‐0191,  [email protected]    

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27 27

Construction and Facilities Support Contracts Overview

MCB Camp Lejeune & MCAS New River

CDR Scott Cloyd, CEC, USN OICC MCI East

25 March 2014

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Greater Sandy Run Area

Hadnot Point

Hospital Pt

Paradise Pt Naval


Tarawa Terrace Camp


Rifle Range

Courthouse Bay

Triangle Outpost Gate

Sneads Ferry Gate

Air Station Gate

Camp Devil Dog

French Creek K Ranges

SR Ranges

Midway Park

New River Air Station

Camp Geiger

Piney Green Gate

Main Gate

MCB Camp Lejeune & MCAS New River

New River Field Office

Mainside Office


Wallace Creek

OICC MCI East offices

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OICC Acquisition

•  Warrant authority –  Five Contracting Officers –  $10 Million

•  Larger acquisitions go through NAVFAC MIDLANT’s North Carolina IPT in Norfolk, VA

•  Tools –  Multiple Award Construction Contracts (MACCs) –  Base Operating Services (BOS) Contract –  Facilities Support Contracts (FSC) –  Global Contingency Contract –  Stand Alone Contracts


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Current and Future Workload

•  Current Workload - $2.1B –  MILCON à 61 contracts

–  FSRM à 229 contracts

•  Future Workload –  FY13 and prior MILCON à 3 projects @ $10M

–  FY14 MILCON à 10 projects @ $114M

–  FY15 MILCON à 2 projects @ $37M

–  FSRM à ~$100 M/yr (FY16 sequestration returns?)

Over $160M in MILCON yet to be awarded 30

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Construction Opportunities


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P No. Project Name Location Projected Amount


Acquisition Tool

Delivery Method

Projected Award Date

1264B Birch St Improvements MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $2M MAC - TBD DBB 4Q14

1265B French Creek WWTP Upgrades MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $12M MAC – 8A DBB Reprogramming

1383B Car Wash Road MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $2M MOD to P1383B DBB 4Q14

1384B Scales Creek Bridge MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $2M MAC – Gen’l (SB) DBB 4Q14

OICC FY12 & Prior MILCON Projects Acquisition Tools & Milestones

OICC Total $18M Authorized & Appropriated by Congress, and On Track!

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P No. Project Name Location Projected Amount ($M)

Projected Award Date

1349 SOF Special Ops Training Complex MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $23 3Q14

726 Regional Communication Station MCAS NEW RIVER NC $20 4Q14

674 Corrosion Control Hangar MCAS NEW RIVER NC $13 3Q14

676 CH53-K Maint. Train Facility MCAS NEW RIVER NC $13 4Q14

1391 SOF Sustainment Training Complex MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $29 4Q14

1362 SOF Performance Resiliency Center MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $11 4Q14

1445 Steam Plant Dentralization – CJ MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $3 3Q14

1447 Steam Plant Dentralization – HP MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $13 3Q14

1448 Steam Plant Dentralization – BEQ Nodes MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $19 3Q14

1353 Landfill, Phave IV MCB CAMP LEJEUNE NC $21M 3Q14

FY14 MILCON Projects

OICC Total $165M Authorized & Appropriated by Congress, and On Track!

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Types of Work:

Barracks Renovations Mechanical/HVAC Replacements Roof Repairs/Replacements Utility System Upgrades Demolition Fire Protection Systems Energy Improvements Paving Painting


FSRM Programs

“Advertised and/or Awarded in


FSRM FY14 $50M

A/E FY14 $3M

FSC FY14 $43M


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A/E, Multiple Award, and Service Contracts

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Active Contracts Firm Award Date

Expiration Date

Maximum Amount

Architectural Design and Engineering Services HBA 02/2010 02/2015 $15M/Life

Architectural Design and Engineering Services AECOM 02/2010 02/2015 $15M/Life

Civil Design and Engineering Services Richard Catlin 03/2010 03/2015 $7.5M/Life

Utilities Engineering Services AECOM 03/2010 03/2015 $30M/Life

Civil Design and Engineering Services C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. 06/2010 06/2015 $7.5M/Life


Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)

Civil IDIQ - Expected Award this year $15M/Life Architect IDIQ - Expected Award next year $15M/Life

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Solicitation Number Type of Service Not To Exceed

(NTE) Amount

N40085-13-R-5220 A/E Services for Community Support Facilities $7M

N40085-13-R-5221 A/E Services for Medical Facilities $5M

N40085-13-R-5222 A/E Services for Industrial/Military Support Facilities (Camp Lejeune) $5M

N40085-13-R-5223 A/E Services for Industrial Military Support Facilities (New River & Cherry Point) $5M

N40085-13-R-5224 A/E Services for Civil Engineering and Site Work $5M

N40085-13-R-5225 A/E Services for Utility Infrastructure $5M

N40085-13-R-5226 A/E Services for HVAC and Electrical $5M

N40085-13-R-5227 A/E Services for Facility Planning $5M

Synopsized & on the street!

OICC A/E Opportunities

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Firm Award Date

Existing Option

Expiration Date

Maximum Amount

Remaining Capacity

DCK North America, LLC 08/16/2010 3rd Option 08/16/2014 $750M/Life $442M for


Whiting-Turner Contracting Company 08/16/2010 3rd Option 08/16/2014 $750M/Life $442 M for


Walbridge Aldinger Company 08/16/2010 3rd Option 08/16/2014 $750M/Life $442 M for


Sundt Construction, Inc. 08/16/2010 3rd Option 08/16/2014 $750M/Life $442 M for


Hardin-WGI Joint Venture 08/16/2010 3rd Option 08/16/2014 $750M/Life $442 M for


Design Build MACC Awarded as Base + Option Years


Plenty of capacity remains. Opportunities here as a sub.


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Active MACCs Award Date Existing Option

Final Expiration


Maximum Amount Remaining Capacity

8(a) 03/07/2011 3rd Option 03/06/2016 $100M/Life $91 M (for life of contract)

Painting 05/11/2010 3rd Option 05/10/2016 $100M/Life $95 M (for life of contract)

HubZone 08/16/2011 2nd Option 08/15/2014 $100M/Life $75 M (for life of contract)

Roof 09/09/2010 3rd Option 09/08/2015 $100M/Life $84 M (for life of contract)

General (SB) 09/15/2010 3rd Option 09/14/2015 $450M/Life $245.9 M (for life of contract)

SDVOSB 09/27/2013 Base Year 09/26/2018 $50M/Life $49.8M/Life (for life of contract)

Civil/Paving 09/27/2013 Base Year 09/26/2018 $95M/Life $91M/Life (for life of contract)


Will resolicit upon expiration (time or capacity limit).

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New MACCs Award Date Maximum Amount Status

Mechanical Q3 FY14 $95M Acquisition Planning Phase

General Mini MACC Q3 FY14 TBD Proposals Received

HubZone Q4 FY14 TBD Acquisition Planning Phase

OICC MACC Opportunities


FY14 MACC Opportunities!

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OICC Services Contract Opportunities


•  More than 20 contracts are in place today, but only 2 real opportunities this year:

Active Contracts Award Date

Current Option

Expiration Date

Award Amount (Including Options)

Current Contract Value

PM Gate Barriers 9/28/12 6 Month Extension 03/31/14 $169,660 $47,100

Service For Uninterrupted Power 02/16/10 4th Option 02/15/15 $251,100 $395,712

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How do I get this work?

•  To be a Prime Contractor

–  Register in the System for Award Management (SAM)

–  Obtain a Duns & Bradstreet Number (DUNS)

•  To Subcontract

–  Contact any of the following (Contact listing available from OICC Small Business Officer, [email protected])

•  Multiple Award Construction (MAC) Contractor •  Base Operating Support Contract (BOSC) •  Housing Privatization Contractor

–  Meet the minimum requirements to gain access the base


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•  Solicitation & Award Venues:

–  Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) address – https://www.fbo.gov

–  Navy Electronic Commerce Online (NECO) address – https://www.neco.navy.mil

–  POC: Gary Milton, Supervisory Contract Specialist NAVFAC MIDLANT (NC IPT), Norfolk, VA (757) 322-8258

–  POC: Jerry Williams, Acquisition Director Kimberly Vallone, Small Business Officer OICC MCI East, Camp Lejeune, NC (910) 451-2581 extension 5236 and 5289

How do I find this work?


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Take Aways…

•  Still more than $2 billion currently under construction –  In various stages of construction –  Will complete ~$750M in next 12 months

•  Record years behind us, but still significant work ahead –  Approximately $200M/yr in construction (MCB CL & MCAS NR) –  Size varies widely, from a few thousand to tens of millions –  Many opportunities for new A/E work –  Limited opportunities for new Service Contract work

•  OICC MCI East name change in May 2014 –  Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) Camp Lejeune

•  Monitor NECO & FEDBizOpps


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Cherry Point Local A/E Contracts

Active Contracts Firm Award Date

Expiration Date

Maximum Amount

Business Type

Mechanical & Electrical CEMS 06/2009 05/2014 $3.5M SDVOSB

Civil/Structural NRW Engineering 10/2012 10/2016 $2.5M SB

Mechanical & Electrical

Bowman, Foster, & Associates 05/2009 05/2014 $3.5M VOSB

Architectural Maune, Belangia, & Faulkenberry 05/2010 05/2014 $3.5M SB

Architectural Walker Group 06/2010 06/2014 $3.5M WOSB

Architectural DJG, Inc 06/2010 06/2014 $3.5M LB

Environmental MACTEC 09/2010 09/2015 $4.0M LB

Environmental EEE Inc. 09/2010 09/2015 $4.0M SDB, 8A

Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ)


Resolicit as needed. One contract per discipline…

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OICC Services Contracts Status

Active Contracts Award Date

Current Option

Expiration Date

Award Amount (Including Options)

Current Contract Value

Wood Grinding and Yard Waste Grinding and Concrete Crushing at Landfill

09/21/13 3rd Option 09/20/14 $2,674,110 $1,756,680

Boiler Controls at Building 1700 09/22/11 2nd Option 09/30/14 $197,564 $104,613

EMCS at NH100 09/22/11 2nd Option 09/30/14 $4,006,764 $3,778,237

Pest Control 09/30/12 1st Option 09/30/14 $662,340 $286,383

Cleaning of Breach/Shoot Houses 09/30/11 2nd Option 09/30/14 $899,880 $959,979

Multiple Service Contract 09/30/11 2nd Option 09/30/14 $2,892,807 $3,181,168

Operation of Onslow Beach Bridge 09/26/12 1st Option 09/30/14 $482,940 $193,500

Custodial, Naval Hospital & Med/Dental Clinics 09/27/13 Base Year 09/30/14 $30,830,629 $6,125,917


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OICC Services Contracts Status

Active Contracts Award Date

Current Option

Expiration Date

Award Amount (Including Options)

Current Contract Value

Bullet Trap Management (New) 01/01/14 Base 12/31/14 $672,750 $134,550

Veeder Root System Repair & Maintenance 12/28/12 1st Option 12/27/14 $351,000 $137,516

Grounds Maintenance, Outlying Roads 02/21/13 1st Option 02/28/15 $7,588,569 $2,668,936

Morehead City Port Refuse Service 01/01/14 Base 12/31/14 $14,408 $2,836

Custodial Services, Basewide 02/01/10 4th Option 01/31/15 $7,091,326 $1,477,513

Outdoor Pool Service Contract 02/01/10 3rd Option 01/31/15 $81,235 $81,234

Sampling & Analysis of Wells 02/01/11 3rd Option 01/31/15 $625,340 $509,275

Service For Uninterrupted Power 02/16/10 4th Option 02/15/15 $251,100 $395,712


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OICC Services Contracts Status

Active Contracts Award Date

Existing Option

Expiration Date

Award Amount (Including Options)

Current Contract Value

Maintenance/Repair Railroad Trackage 04/01/13 1st Option 03/31/14 $4,040,432 $600,070

Facilities Maintenance Support Services 01/07/10 3rd Option 03/31/14 $219,213,899 $108,829,970

Base –Wide Grounds Maintenance 05/01/12 2nd Option 07/31/14



Maintenance & Certification of Cranes, Basewide 05/01/13 2nd Option 04/30/14 $1,006,507.61 $338,310

M&R Screw Pumps, MCBCL 06/01/10 3rd Option 05/31/14 $496,843 $394,489

PM Gate Barriers 9/28/12 6 Month Extension 03/31/14 $169,660 $47,100


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WCN BEQs & Armory Cost: $83.9M, CCD: Feb14

P1382 Base Entry Road, PH 1 Cost: $50.9M, CCD: Jun 14

P1331/1857 Hospital Addition & Renovation Cost: $59.6M, CCD: May 15

P1253 2D Combat Engineer Complex Cost: $66.4M, CCD: Feb 15

P1317 FC BEQ Cost: $39.6M, CCD: Jul 14

Q1440 SOF G3X Training Cost: $1.6M, CCD: Apr 14

P1286 Stone Bay BEQ & Connector Road Cost: $49.4M, CCD: Sep 14

P1251/1254 BEQs Cost: $75.0M, CCD: May 14

P1034/1240 ANGLICO/Intel Cost: $98.6M, CCD: Dec 14

P1266 Utility Expansion Cost: $17.4M, CCD: Jan 14

P1383/1384 BER PH 2 & 3 Cost: $61.3M, CCD: Apr 15

P004 Motor-T Comm. Maint. Cost: $12.0M, CCD: Jan 14

P1268 SOI East Facilities Cost: $31.6M, CCD: Oct 14 P1382B Access Road/Ramps

Cost: $19.8M, CCD: Jul 14

P1319 BEQ Cost: $41.0M, CCD: Jun 14

P652 VMMT-204 Hangar, Ph. III Cost: $26.0M, CCD: May 14

V-22 Hangars, Parallel Taxiway & Apron Expansion Cost: $144.4M, CCD: Jan 15

P705/710 Hangar, Apron & CALA Addition Cost: $58.6M, CCD: Jul 14

P1285 SOF Armory Expansion Cost: $5.6M, CCD: Apr 14

Active MILCON projects at MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River

P138 BEQ Cost: $23.4M CCD: Aug 14

P030 Squad Battle Course Cost: $10.1M, CCD: Jul 14

P1311 Infotech/Telecom Complex Cost: $32.0M, CCD: Jul 14

P1422 Energy Efficiency, CG Cost: $6.0M, CCD: Jul 14

P1425 Overhead Range Baffle System Cost: $2.1M, CCD: Apr 14

P1264/1265 HP & FC Utility Expansion Cost: $70.6M CCD: Sep 14

P8144 Medical Clinic Conversion Cost: $14.4M, CCD: Jul 15

Wallace Creek Ph II Cost: $200.8M CCD: Mar 14

P1265B Water Tanks Cost: $17.9M, CCD: Jan 15

P003 Staff NCO Academy Fac. Cost: $26.0M, CCD: Nov 15

P1218/1393 SOF MSOB-Company/Team Fac./ SERE Cost: $46.4M, CCD: Jan 16

P1410 SOF EOD Expansion Cost: $1.6M, CCD: Sep 14

P025 Replace Delalio School Cost: $23.3M, CCD: Jun 16

P1449B (O&M) Energy Improvements HP & FC Cost: $39M, CCD: Jan 16

P711 Personnel Admin Center Cost: $4.9M, CCD: Jul 15

P1450 SOF Fire Ptln Storage Facility Cost: $1.4M, CCD: Dec 14

As of: 14 Mar14

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FY-13 P1449 Energy Improvements CHB Cost: $6M, Award 1Q14

FY-14 P1362 SOF Performance Resiliency Center Cost: $10M, Award 4Q14

FY-14 P1353 Landfill, Phase IV Cost: $13M, Award 4Q14

FY-14 P1349 Special Ops Training Complex Cost: $16M, Award 3Q14

FY-14 P1391 SOF Sustainment Training Complex Cost: $21M, Award 4Q14

FY-14 P1448 Steam Plant Decentralization – BEQ Nodes

Cost: $14M, Award 3Q14

FY-14 P674 Corrosion Control Hangar Cost: $8M, Award 3Q14

FY-14 P676 CH-53K Maint. Train Fac. Cost: $9M, Award 3Q14

FY-14 P726 Regional Comm. Station Cost: $14M, Award 3Q14

FY12 FY13 FY14

Future MILCONs

FY-12 P1383B Car Wash Road Cost: $2M, Award 4Q13

FY-13 P1384B Scales Creek Bridge Cost: $2M, Award 4Q13

FY-14 P1445 Steam Plant Decentralization – CJ Cost: $1M, Award 3Q14

FY-14 P1447 Steam Plant Decentralization – HP Cost: $8M, Award 3Q14

Future MILCON projects

As of: 14 Mar14

Page 52: Camp Lejeune Small Business Outreach Event

FY 09 BEQ (CHB) Cost: $22.8M CCD: Apr 12

P1096B/1113 TT & Midway Park CDCs Cost: $18.9M, CCD: Apr 12

P1247B Skeet Range Addition Cost: $2.2M, CCD: May 12

P1163/1164Main & Piney Green Gates Cost: $13.1M, CCD: Jan 12

P1330 Wounded Warrior HQ Cost: $3.6M, CCD: Apr 12

P1310 Pre-Trial Detainee Fac. Cost: $14.7M, CCD: Sep 12

P1266B Steam Plant Modifications Cost: $1.5M, CCD: May 12


FY 09 BEQ (Camp Johnson) Cost: $22.8M, CCD: Apr 12

FY 09 BEQ (French Creek) Cost: $49.5M, CCD: May 12

P693 Main Gate MCAS NR Cost: $4.0M, CCD: Nov 11

MARSOC Cost: $257.8M CCD: Dec 11

Wallace Creek, Ph. 1 Cost: $194.6M CCD: Dec 11

P1157/1188 Brewster CDCs Cost: $15.2M, CCD: Dec 11

$638M in MILCON projects completed in FY12 shown in blue $216M in MILCON projects completed in FY13 shown in yellow $103M in MILCON projects completed in FY14 shown in green

P1256 Mess Hall Addition Cost: $1.3M, CCD: Nov 12

P714 NR Fitness Center Cost: $16.2M, CCD: Aug 12

P5602 Replace School, TT II Cost: $14.4M CCD: Apr 13

P1357 ARRA CDC Cost: $7.6M CCD: Mar 13

Marine Corps Energy Initiative Cost: $46.2M CCD: Dec 12

FY 09 BEQ (HP) Cost: $49.5M CCD: Dec 12

P1304 MP Working Dog Kennel Cost: $5.0M, CCD: Feb 13

P1187B Stone Bay Exchange Cost: $1.6M, CCD: Dec 12

P031 Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range Cost: $15.8M CCD: Dec 12

P1246 EOD Addition Cost: $5.5M, CCD: May 13

P1378 Wounded Warrior H&C Cost: $13.2M, CCD: Feb 13

P725 Upgrade Fuel Pump Station Cost: $1.0M, CCD: Jan 13

P1857 Hospital Addition Cost: $39.0M, CCD: Jul 13

As of: 14 Mar14

P1004 Site Prep for NICoE Cost: $1.4M, CCD: Aug 13

P1160 Wallace Creek Fitness Center Cost: $22.7M, CCD: Oct 13

P1266C Water Wells Cost: $3.0MCCD: Jul 13

P1136 Mod. K Range Ph. II Cost: $13.1M, CCD: Jun 13

P032 Infantry Platoon Battle Course Cost: $17.8M, CCD: Feb 14

P1268B Camp Geiger Access Upgrades Cost: $8.3M, CCD: Jan 14

Q419 Battalion Aid Station Expansion Cost: $1.5M, CCD: Feb 14

P1269B Verona Loop & K-Range Water Lines Cost: $6.3M, CCD: Nov 13

P1269 TECOM (SOI) Devil Dog Cost: $12.6M, CCD: Dec 13

P1267 Mess Hall Cost: $16.5M, CCD: Mar 14

P1266 Utility Expansion Cost: $17.4M, CCD: Jan 14