Business Applications Review of how your Company can benefit from developing an App and the different types available.

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Business Applications

Review of how your Company can benefit from developing an App and the different types


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Compiled by Author from Sources: ymedialabs.com

The Importance of Apps

Customer experience for mobile is more important to businesses than you might think

Nobody has time for bad user experiences

Customers and employees alike

The expectations of mobile users:• It needs to be responsive• It need to be reliable• Should respond quickly • Gives the answers you need as

soon as possible

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The Importance of Apps

The average American spends more than two hours a day on mobile devices

Users unlock, scroll, and scan their device for the apps

Being “in the way” can be an advantage

Our mind unconsciously records every image and text it comes across

Apps also create a direct marketing channel for your companies

Apps provides a way to get information is right at customer’s fingertips

Push notifications allow for direct interaction and can easily remind customers about products and services

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The Importance of Apps

Apps can help digitalize loyalty programs

Make it possible for customers to collect rewards via mobile apps

Mobile apps are like a blank billboard signs

They can improve customer engagement and band loyalty

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The Importance of Apps

The difference between the operating systems isn’t just aesthetic

An Android phone can’t run an app built for iPhoneGoogle-de-

veloped An-droid54%

Apple-de-veloped iOS


Most mobile devices use one of the two dominant operating systems

Compiled by Author from Sources: mobiloud.com

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Types of Apps

Image Source: Google Images

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Native Apps

An app written in the programming language specific for a platform

Objective-C or Swift for Apple

Java for Android

The typical app that springs to mind when you think of an app

They are download from

an Application Store

They sit within

the device’s applicati


They are launched

by tapping

their icon

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Native Apps

Provides the most optimal product experience on mobile devices

However, a higher budget is needed to build across multiple platforms and keep the apps updated

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Native Apps

They take advantage of a device’s features:

They can also integrate gestures and work offline

• Camera• The Microphone• The Accelerometer• The Compass• Swipe Gestures• The Contact List• The Notification


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Advantages of Native Apps

Offer the fastest, most reliable and most responsive experience

Can tap into the wider functionality of the device

The use of push-notifications- A key method of engagement

Users spend time on these apps

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Disadvantages of Native Apps

The app will not work with other kinds of devices

Building for multiple platforms can be expensive

It will require to be maintained on multiple platforms

It’s common for developers to specialize in one platform• Multiple coders may be


Compiled by Author from Sources: mobiloud.com

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Native Apps

Each mobile platform offers developers their own development tools, interface elements and standardized SDK

This enables any professional developer to develop a native app relatively easily

It’s not just about access to core device capabilities

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Native Apps

Well designed apps respect the design patterns and standards of each platform

There’s hundreds of small differences in the user interactions

The result is an app that is intuitive to use and plays well with the rest of that platform’s ecosystem

They are apps designed to delight users

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Web Apps

An app written in web code that is similar to a website

The result is a website that feels more like an app on mobile devices

Best for products that require minimal native gestures and don’t require access to features from mobile devices

Typically the most inexpensive option

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Web Apps

They are run by a browser and typically written in HTML5

As more and more sites use HTML5, the distinction between apps and web pages has become blurry

Many argue that web apps have more flexibility in terms of cost and functionality

There is also no dependence on having a certain type of hardware

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Web Apps



Swipe horizontal


Use the GPS

Use the tap-to-call


Get notifications

Run the app in the


Get acceleromet

er information

Use complex gestures in

the app

Users can not:

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Optimized Web Apps

Typically, the ‘mobile version’ of a site is a mobile-optimized web app

Apps load within a mobile browser and it doesn’t take up space on devices

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Advantages of Web Apps

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They are much cheaper and faster to build than native

and hybrid apps

Their development lies well within the skill set of most

web designers

Many website and blog publishing tools already offer

themes with built-in responsive capabilities

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Disadvantages of Web


There are limitations for

effectively using phone features

Generally require an Internet

connection to work

They are slower and less intuitive

Web apps are designed once for

every platform

It is more difficult to build a loyal user-base

• It can difficult to engage with the audience

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Developing Web


Web apps use JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 or other languages

Developers don’t have access to a standardized SDK

Developing a web app can be simple and quick

Their simplicity is also their downside

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Hybrid Apps

It is a web app that translates to native code on a platform

They are fueled by a company’s website

Image Source: Google Images

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Hybrid Apps

Companies often build hybrid apps as wrappers for an existing web page

They hope to get a presence in app stores without spending significant effort for developing different apps

Building a hybrid app instead of a native app is like using Google Translate to translate a foreign language

The apps uses browsers and can access features on mobile device

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Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps work well for applications that require a basic features and designs

With more complex requirements, a hybrid app typically won’t be a good as a native app

An analogy for Hybrid Apps:

Google Translate works best translating simpler words and phrases but not so well for more complex words and sentences

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Advantages of Hybrid Apps

A hybrid app can be built faster across

multiple mobile

platforms and cost less

compared to native apps

The same HTML code components can be reused on different mobile operating systemsThere are tools that allow developers to design and code across platforms using HTMLOnly a portion of the code has to be re-written to make the app work on the different kinds of devices

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Disadvantages of Hybrid Apps

Getting your hybrid app to run appropriately on each platform generally takes substantial work

The total cost might become comparable to that of native apps- rendering the cost benefits negligible• It depends on how close you want to get to the “native user experience” or how simple the app is

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Development Costs

14% 21% 17% 19% 18% 11%

How Much Organizations Spend on Developing and Deploying a Single


$50K or Laess $50K-$100K $100K- $200K $200K- $500K$500K- Over 1M Don't Know

Average Cost per App:$270K

Compiled by Author from Sources: formotus.com

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A reputable developer or agency can easily quote between $25,000 to $50,000 for a custom native app

This quote is for a single platform- Multiply for each platform

Consider that nowadays apps have to build for both iOS and Android

Development Costs

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Compiled by Author from Sources: clutch.co

Development Costs

Average Amount of Hours Spent on Application Development

0 50 100 150 200 250

1735.125 47 75.5 43 30




0 200 400 600 800 1000


171.5 213.5 380 140 160



Planing Design Features Infrastructure App Administration Testing Deployment


Total Avg:

252.75 hrs

Total Avg:


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Compiled by Author from Sources: clutch.co

Development Costs

Average Amount of Hours Spent on Application Development

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

360 550 800 1650 1080 300



Planing Design Features Infrastructure App Administration Testing Deployment


Total Avg:

4,850 hrs

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Development Costs

Cost of Function Integration:

Social Media

Integration: $500- $1,500

In-App Purchasing:

$1,000- $4,000

Infrastructure +

Database: $1,000- $5,000

Compiled by Author from Sources: visual.ly

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Which Should

You Choose?

When deciding between which type of app to build it’s important to consider the different factors related to the business

There is no unique best solution

Each of has their strengths and weaknesses

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Which Should

You Choose? The choice depends on the company’s user needs

Native apps, hybrid apps, or web apps are all ways to cater to the needs of the mobile user

Image Source: Google Images

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Which Should

You Choose?

User Expectatio


Your users will expect a

great experience

They do not care what approach

development teams

decided to take

They will open the app and expect it

to be intuitive and responsive

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Which Should

You Choose?

Questions to Ask:

What will your app accomplis


How soon must it

be released?

What skills do in-house developers have?

How large is

the budget?

What features

will it use?

Compiled by Author from Sources: mrc-productivity.com

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Compiled by Author from Sources: nngroup.com

Which Should

You Choose?

Things to Consider When Choosing:

• Although web apps can take advantage of some features, native and hybrid have access a paraphernalia of device-specific features

Device features

• Web apps have the best discoverability• Content is a lot more discoverable on the web than

in an app


• Dealing with a third party that imposes rules on your content and design can be taxing

• Native and hybrid apps must pass approval processes and content restrictions imposed by app stores

Content restrictions, approval process, and fees

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Which Should

You Choose?

• Installing a native or hybrid app is a hassle for users• “Installing” a web app involves creating a bookmark on

the home screen- This process is less familiar to users


• Maintaining a native app can be complicated for both users and developers

• Maintaining a web app or a hybrid app is as simple as maintaining a web page, and it can be done as often or as frequently as needed


• Native apps are the fastest apps • Responsiveness is key to usability


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Things to Consider When Choosing:

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Which Should

You Choose?

• Web apps and hybrid apps are the better choice for platform independence

Platform independence

• Since native apps require specialization, they usually cost more

• Good knowledge and understanding of HTML5 for mobile web apps and hybrid apps are also fairly advanced skills

Development cost

• Native apps are best if your app must work when there is no connectivity

Offline functioning

• Native apps provide an experience that is consistent with operating systems

User Interface

Compiled by Author from Sources: nngroup.com

Things to Consider When Choosing:

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Contact Us for the Full Presentati


Mediacontact USA Inc.13575 58TH Street North #160

Clearwater, Fl. 33760

T: 727 538 4112E: [email protected]


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Works Cited

Abed, Robbie. "Hybrid Vs Native Mobile Apps - The Answer is Clear." Y Media Labs, www.ymedialabs.com/hybrid-vs-native-mobile-apps-the-answer-is-clear/. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.

Budiu, Raluca. "Mobile: Native Apps, Web Apps, and Hybrid Apps." Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research, Nielsen Norman Group, 13 Sept. 2014, www.nngroup.com/articles/mobile-native-apps/. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.

Codes, Crispy. "App Economics: How Much Does It Cost To Build An App? | Visual.ly." Visually, Visually, Inc., 18 Feb. 2014, visual.ly/app-economics-how-much-does-it-cost-build-app. Accessed 25 Jan. 2017.

Craigmile, Natalie. "Cost to Build a Mobile App: A Survey." Clutch, 30 Jan. 2015, clutch.co/app-developers/resources/cost-build-mobile-app-survey. Accessed 25 Jan. 2017.

Formotus. "Figuring the Costs of Mobile App Development." Mobile Apps for Business Forms, Formotus, Inc., 17 June 2016, www.formotus.com/14018/blog-mobility/figuring-the-costs-of-custom-mobile-business-app-development#prettyPhoto/0/. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.

Haselmayr, Melanie. "Here's Why Your Business Needs Its Own Mobile App." Forbes/Entrepreneurs, AllBusiness, 17 Nov. 2014, www.forbes.com/sites/allbusiness/2014/11/17/heres-why-your-business-needs-its-own-mobile-app/#52992a355c76. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.

"Native Apps Vs. Web Apps: Which is Best for You?" Crew, crew.co/how-to-build-an-online-business/native-hybrid-web-app-differences/. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.

"Native, Web or Hybrid Apps? What’s The Difference?" MobiLoud, www.mobiloud.com/blog/native-web-or-hybrid-apps/. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.

Stangarone, Joe. "The Mobile App Comparison Chart: Hybrid Vs. Native Vs. Mobile Web." Mrc's Cup of Joe Blog, michaels, ross & cole, ltd., 14 June 2016, www.mrc-productivity.com/blog/2016/06/the-mobile-app-comparison-chart-hybrid-vs-native-vs-mobile-web/. Accessed 24 Jan. 2017.