Blogging 101 Colin Roper Some useful information on Blogging

Blogging Best Practices - Colin Roper

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Blogging 101

Colin Roper

Some useful information on Blogging

Today’s objective

Provide you with the

tools, knowledge, and confidence

to engage our Suite users in a new

and meaningful way

Today’s agenda

• The case for blogs

• Achieving success

• Examples

• Best practices

We’re facing a new challenge

• The conversation is happening with or without you

– Users will form their own opinions of your product, and they will talk

• Word-of-mount (WOM) is more important than ever

– 78% rank consumer recommendations as the most credible form of advertising” –Nielson

Check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3qltEtl7H8






How can we engage?

We want to build trust with our users and getthem more engaged towards our Products

Open communicationbreeds confidence

Thanks LEWIS PR!http://www.lewispr.com/blog_seminar_2005/

Blogs can do this

• It’s a way to have a conversation

• We can benefit in many ways:

– Humanizing a corporation

– Enabling conversations

– Creating happier customers

– Gaining Rich feedback

– Pulse checks

– Recruiting users

– Testing ideas

– Engaging the team

– Providing current information

But blogs can’t be

• “Sales-y”

• Long, formal posts

• Trash talking our competitors

• Big commitment

• Unrewarding

• All falls on one person

• Can’t say anything meaningful

Blogging best practices (part 1)

• Make it fun

– Be authentic

– Keep it informal - a blog is not a press release

– Talk about what’s on your mind & tell current stories

– If you’re in a bad mood (upset, angry, stressed), don’t write

• Consider the reader

– Keep it short (include links, pics, bullets, etc.)

– Use terminology that users understand

– Answer “What’s in it for the user?”

• Be relevant

– Post regularly

– Post fast on good or bad news

Blogging best practices (part 2)

• Stimulate conversation

– Respond to (some) comments

– Ask questions

• Involve the team (harness their passion)

– Be an evangelist

– Create other evangelists

• Consider implications

– Under promise, over deliver (manage expectations through entire message)

– Apply the “Wall Street Journal” test

– Don’t talk smack about competitors

– Don’t contradict other Intuit employees

Blogging best practices (part 3)

• Use your resources: Find Internal blogging “Coaches”

– Does anyone at your company blog (personally or professionally?)

– Reach out to bloggers you like, ask for advice

• Use your resources: read great blogs

– TechCrunch: http://www.techcrunch.com/

– ReadWriteWeb: http://www.readwriteweb.com/

– Freshbooks: http://www.freshbooks.com/blog/

– 37 Signals: http://productblog.37signals.com/

– Wesabe: http://blog.wesabe.com/

– Salesforce.com: http://blogs.salesforce.com/

– Technorati Blog Rankings: http://technorati.com/

– More examples of good corporate Blogs: http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2008/08/08/15-companies-that-really-get-corporate-blogging/

Activity: Draft a blog post

• Instructions:– Draft a blog post– Use your brainstorm list

or think of a new topic– Time limit: 5 minutes

• Remember our best practices:– Make it fun– Consider the reader– Be relevant– Stimulate conversation– Consider implications– Involve the team– Use your resources