Swift Compliance Services Thailand Business Forum 16/06/2015 Andrew Burlison

Alleviating compliance pressures for the community

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Page 1: Alleviating compliance pressures for the community

Swift Compliance Services

Thailand Business Forum


Andrew Burlison

Page 2: Alleviating compliance pressures for the community


• SWIFT: your compliance solutions provider

• Key industry compliance challenges and SWIFT’s compliance portfolio

• SWIFT Sanctions Screening Solution for transaction screening

• SWIFT KYC Registry solution to improve KYC correspondent banking processes

• Proposed next steps

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Who Are We?

A global cooperative owned by its member banks providing core secure financial messaging services to the global financial community

22.3 million Transactions messages exchanged on average

between financial institutions

globally every day

10,800+ SWIFT users

200+ Countries and


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Key Industry Compliance Challenges Today

Ever increasing and

changing regulations

Significant costs in

complying with regulations

Penalties for non


All geographies / All types of

players impacted

Lots of duplication for

universal challenges

Lots of different, costly,

complex solutions

No competitive

advantage for banks

Community issues calling for community solutions …

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Sanctions Screening

Hosted, managed screening engine

• Zero footprint

• Rapid deployment

Always up-to-date

• 34 user selectable lists

• Automated daily update

• Private lists

Realtime screening

• SWIFT messages (Copy)

• Back-office integration (Connector)

Improving efficiency

• User interface

• Configurable search logic

• Screening, audit and assurance reports

“We value the ability to use a secure, automated system

that ensures we are compliant with the most up-to-date

sanctions lists” Mohamed Isa Al Mutaweh, Chief Executive Officer & Member of the

board of Directors, Al Baraka Islamic Bank

“The Sanctions Screening service allows us to comply with

the sanctions laws by blocking and flagging prohibited

transactions. It is an easy-to-use solution that keeps us up-

to-date and reduces the operational complexity in our

compliance management” Huang Weibo, Head of International Business, Huizhou Rural

Commercial Bank in China

Quick and easy transaction screening

Simple to use and cost efficient

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KYC Registry

Clear global standard

• Community defined baseline

• Complete AML & governance info

• Future proofed

Streamlines governance

• Single source

• Reduces cumbersome bilateral exchange

• Validated qualified data

Simple KYC data management

• Feature rich web portal

• Portfolio management of institutional info

• Task management to track requests

SWIFT Profile

• Independent fact based verification

• Insights into counterparty behaviour

• Substantiates declared behaviour

Simple, secure, standards-driven approach to correspondent KYC

7,000+ banks on SWIFT 1.3M+ connections

Single Standard for KYC requirements

Trusted validation gives you control of your data

Unique content: SWIFT Profile, EDD data

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Compliance Analytics

Enhanced understanding and management of correspondent banking risk

Institution-wide risk assessment

• Understand payment patterns

• Enhance correspondent reviews

• Align to policy

Zero footprint

• Immediately accessible

• Consolidated rich, accurate dataset

• Interactive tools and reports

Mitigates emerging risk

• Track relationships and understand RMA status

• Understand risk concentration

Monitors payment flows

• To and from your institution

• Identify anomalies & nested activity

• Compare to peers

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Sanctions Testing

Ensures filter effectiveness

• Quantify & reduce risk

• Model validation and fuzzy effectiveness

• Coverage and list validation

Manages cost & resources

• False-positive reduction

• Filter tuning and optimisation

• Test cycle automation

In-house teams or assessment services

• Independent testing for in-house teams

• Assessment and peer assessment services

Insight and understanding

• Fact based filter management

• Standard reports

• Community based approach

Maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your sanctions environment

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Sanctions Screening

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Why are Sanctions so complex?

40,000 names on lists

4 Billion fuzzy combinations

15.5 Billion $ fines levied on financial institutions for violation of sanctions regulations

1 Day

Average interval between sanctions list updates for banks active globally


Decrease in number of correspondent relationships from some US banks


Increase in alerts every 4 years due to increase in SDNs and transaction numbers


Yearly increase in names and aliases on US OFAC list

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• Fines are getting bigger, but more interestingly:

– Cost of remediation exceeds amount of fine

– Includes limitation to business (e.g. no USD clearing)

– Regulators pay more attention to the quality of the screening

• Banks are terminating correspondent relationships due to:

– Risk factor (weak financial crime controls )

– Low return on relationship due to Cost of compliance

• Impacts large and small financial institutions

– Especially smaller FIs due to the ever growing requirements

– Large FIs face increased regulatory scrutiny

Sanctions impact

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• Increasing pressure from

Regulators and Correspondents to

be sanctions compliant

• Available screening solutions

complex and costly to maintain

• Increasing challenges for low-

volume financial institutions

A centralised


service hosted


SWIFT Sanctions Screening- SWIFT’s centralised screening service

A SWIFT solution to screen all Payments and Trade Finance real time

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Customer identification & verification

Initial due diligence

Customer screening

Ongoing due diligence

Customer & transaction monitoring

Transaction screening

start transacting

On-boarding process Ongoing reviews

Sanctions Screening over SWIFT is a Transaction screening service:

• FIN MT messages

• Real time

SWIFT Sanctions Screening The process challenges it addresses...

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Your institution

Your correspondents

SWIFT Sanctions screening over SWIFT network

• Screening engine & user interface

• Sanctions List update service with enhancements

• Minimum/no installation or integration required

• Centrally hosted and operated by SWIFT for SWIFT users

• Real-time

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SWIFT Sanctions Screening solution – Customer ramp up

April 2015

330+ institutions:

• 70 in Asia

• 20 in China

• 17 Central Banks

100+ countries

One new client every 2 working days since April 2012

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Public Sanctions lists available

Country Description

Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

DFAT Iran Specified Entities List

DFAT Country List

Canada Office of the Superintendent of F.I.

OSFI - United Nations Act Sanctions

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

DFAIT Countries Embargoes

European Union

European Official Journal

EUROPE Countries Embargoes

EU Ukraine Restrictive Measures

France Journal Officiel français

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

HKMA Countries Embargoes

Japan Ministry of Finance

Special Measures


Frozen Assets List - Dutch Government

New Zealand

New Zealand Police

Country Description

China Ministry of Public Security of the PRC

Singapore Monetary Authority of Singapore - Investor Alert List


Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Economie

SECO Countries Embargoes

United Kingdom

Her Majesty's Treasury

HMT Countries Embargoes

HMT Ukraine Restrictive Measures

United Nations

United Nations

UN Countries Embargoes

United States of America

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

OFAC Embargoed Countries

OFAC Foreign Sanctions Evaders

OFAC Part 561

OFAC Palestinian Legislative Council

OFAC Sectoral Sanctions Identifications

OFAC Non-SDN Iranian Sanctions Act

OFAC Specially Designated Nationals

Public sanctions lists

updated by SWIFT daily


Private lists & Good-guys lists

managed by the users

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Message content

Hits generated by the

message & sanctions

list identifier

Sanctions list record


SWIFT Sanctions Screening - screenshot

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for Sanctions

Back Office



FIN Interface

Different options: FIN Copy vs Connector

Back Office


/other network

Current FIN Copy option

Connector option New


Transaction to be screened

“Good” transaction

“Rejected” transaction

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Implementation options

Copy option

Transparent routing of FIN transactions

to the service using FIN-Copy

Few weeks



FIN Cat 1, 2, 4, 7

Connector option

Query/response of all transaction types

through API call to the service

Few Months



All transaction types

Your institution Your correspondent




Your institution Your correspondent

1 2









on what is filtered

Installation &


Time to


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Screening & Audit Report

Screening Report

Audit Report: • Copy of each

alerted transaction

• Hit details

• Comments and final status

• Audit log of all transactions screened

• Audit log of all operators activity

• Audit log of public, private and good-guys list selection and activity

Quality assurance Report

• Periodical quality assurance checks on effectiveness of the service

• Measures adherence of sanctions lists to regulatory sources

• Measures exact and fuzzy matching capabilities

• Provides details on filter configuration and related impact

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SWIFT Sanctions Screening - Benefits to the community

• Choose the lists you need, updated in the

system for you

• Banks already using SWIFT

for their transactions

• Enables fast compliance to sanctions


• Provides credibility for medium / small

banks that you screen effectively – helps

prevent de-risking

A service provided by

330 customers, 17 central banks, in 100+ countries

• Easy to implement

• Get started in a few weeks

• Easy to use

• Secure and resilient

• Cost effective

• Real time

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Going Live

• Order “live implementation”

• Define Users in Live portal

• Configure Live portal ( lists, message types )

• When fully ready, put lists on blocking mode

And you are live!

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The KYC Registry

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SWIFT KYC Registry Overview

• What are the typical KYC challenges in the correspondent banking space?

• How does SWIFT’s KYC Registry solution address these challenges?

• What are the benefits of SWIFT’s KYC Registry solution?

• How do you get started

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KYC Correspondent Banking Challenges

• 1.3m relationships by

7,000 correspondent banks over SWIFT

• Everyone wants different things,

data quality often poor

• Much time and effort needed by

compliance and relationship

managers to collate the information

• Evolving regulatory requirements

• Different in different countries

• Correspondent banks de-risking;

reducing relationships to reduce

risk & cost of KYC processes

Industry standard and platform needed, accessible to all

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Customer identification & verification

Initial due diligence

Customer screening

Ongoing due diligence

Customer & transaction monitoring

Transaction screening

start transacting

On-boarding process Ongoing reviews

Onboarding and periodic review of correspondent banking relationships

KYC Registry The process challenges it addresses…

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Community request to build it

Working group set up to design it

Single Standard agreed

Data validation to ensure quality

A feature-rich easy to use platform

Unique value-added content

Free to enter your data and share it

SWIFT KYC Registry: The Industry KYC Utility

SWIFT’s KYC Registry: the solution to KYC correspondent banking challenges

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SWIFT’s KYC Registry: A utility providing a single source of correspondent banking KYC information

Launched in Dec 2014: Over 400 entities joined to date

User-provided, user-controlled

Upload your KYC information once, control

with whom you share

Up-to-date and validated information

The standard for enhanced due diligence

Trusted third party - community solution


SWIFT and Working Group banks promoting

Always FREE

to share !

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Upload, update, manage, share

and collect your KYC data in a

single place

+ features for

User-controlled access

Portfolio & task Management

Export, report and audit

Download the video demos at


KYC Registry in action

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The KYC Registry : the standard set of KYC data & documents

Access Category Contains

Public Entity header Basic identification info (legal name, BIC, LEI,…)


Request Identification of

the Customer

Detailed information about the incorporation,

existence and regulatory status of the institution

Ownership and



Detailed information on the ownership and the key

controllers of the institution such as shareholding

structure, Ultimate Beneficial Owners, directors,…

Type of Business

and Client Base

Detailed information on the business scope and

activities of the institution



Detailed information on the financial crime

compliance setup and guarantees of the institution,

such as the compliance contact details, Wolfsberg

questionnaire, AML policies and procedures, USA

Patriot Act

Tax Information Detailed FATCA-related information and general tax

data, such as the FATCA status, the GIIN, FATCA

forms and other tax identification numbers

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KYC Registry Before ordering

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KYC Registry Before ordering

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Why get started today with the KYC Registry?

• Removes the headache immediately from the compliance and RM team on

providing data and documents continually and answering customer questions

• Free to enter your data for your own bank entities and to allow others access to

see it

• Easy to get started, simple guide on what you need to do to sign up

• Support on entering your data from SWIFT on-boarding team


To get started on KYC Registry, please contact Andrew Burlison on:

[email protected]

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I want to contribute for

one of my entities


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I create a draft to start

filling in the information

in one of the categories


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I fill in the data fields


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I want to upload a



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I upload the document


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When my draft is done,

it is sent to SWIFT for
