By: Kristi Moss & Sara Steever Adoption of Communication Tools in Agriculture

Adoption of Communication Tools in Agriculture

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  • By: Kristi Moss & Sara Steever

    Adoption of Communication Tools

    in Agriculture

  • As agri-marketers, we spend a lot of time trying to understand where producers are getting their information. We know vehicles for information are changing rapidly, but we really want to know how quickly producers are adopting these new communication tools.

    Factors like operation size, gender, age or experiences outside of the operation would seem to have an effect on the adoption of communication technologies. But how big of an impact are these factors?

    Paulsen randomly selected 25 farm families to ask how they use communication technology in their operations. We came away with five important factors to drive communication strategy in the future.

    Throughout this study are excerpts from those conversations and some conclusions drawn from these interviews.


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    Operation Size vs. Tech Savvy

    1500+ acres

    100+ acres


    regular cell phone

    computer with no Internet access

    no computer


    multiple computers

    Internet access


  • This study is not a substitute for the scientific research we come to rely on performed by Farm Progress, AMR/NAFB, Meredith or any other organization that interviews thousands of producers.

    But what these producers told us is important, insightful and sometimes entertaining. We can learn a lot from them.


    Producers Discuss the Technologies They Currently Use

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    The Right Place

    In speaking with producers, we found some commonalities and some real surprises. And dont think for a minute that digital savvy can be guessed at a glance.

    We spoke with farmers aged 15 to 75, male and female, with operations from 120 to 50,000 acres. There continues to be a strong level of comfort with traditional medias like print and radio that cross all demographics. But there are factors that drive how farmers get their information right now.

    Reading print is very different from reading on a desktop computer or laptop and very, very different from reading on a mobile device. Magazines and newspapers can introduce new concepts because the reader is more passive, relaxed and in familiar, trusted territory.

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    Because producers spend a lot of time in tractor, combine, truck and pickup cabs, they describe themselves as listening to radio frequently. Similarly, TV still has a foothold, due to the prevalence of televisions in the home.

    Desktop and laptop computers require a more active behavior, most frequently beginning with search, but with ag information websites as a secondary source of online information.

    Even though those sites are trusted sources, one producer described this activity online as follows, You have to know what you are looking for when you go on electronically.

    Most farmers had at least one or two e-newsletters they read regularly. They appreciate the convenience of having the information ready and waiting for them and they really appreciated e-newsletters formatted for their smartphone.

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    Mobile is the device of choice when information needs to be as current as possible. Most of the mobile usage revolves around markets, weather and interpersonal communications. Our feedback indicates that mobile devices are seen as tools for making decisions and staying connected. For example, Mobile texts I read religiously because it is current and topical.

    There are definite correlations between how quickly producers expect or need information and the devices used to get it.

    The information must come from a trustworthy source, and it must be delivered right when they need it.

    Producers Discuss the Best Ways to Reach Them

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    If printed materials are associated with open-minded browsing, and desktop and laptop computers with active searching, then mobile content cant just be informational, but must be thought of in terms of how it impacts quick decisions. Key to this is relevancy and the right amount of content to help producers make informed decisions.

    Marketing Take Away: Right Place

    Producers are using smartphones to access weather and current market stats. However, as producers continue to adapt to new technology, they will begin to receive more information from their smartphones. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced media plan by incorporating smartphone marketing techniques into your media plan.

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    The Right Time

    Trying to determine when producers are going to move up the tech chain has marketers looking for answers. Internet penetration among consumers and producers is virtually the same*. If this holds true for smartphones and web-enabled cell phones, half of all producers will have mobile Internet access by the end of 2011.

    What we currently see is new technology adoption happening in agriculture right now. The circumstances bring what we call tech triggers events that cause a leap in technology.

    As producers spoke about their experiences, a pattern of these tech triggers emerged. They can be as commonplace as renewing a cellular contract and getting a new phone, or upgrading from dial-up on a desktop computer to wi-fi and a laptop.

    *Nielsen indicates that among consumers, smartphone adoption may be as high as 49 percent by the end of 2011. Internetworldstats.com states consumer Internet penetration is at 77.3 percent in 2010. The 2010 NAFB Internet Research Study reveals 75 percent Internet penetration among farmers.

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    Tech Trigger #1:

    Cellular providers have a big impact

    on mobile technology.

    If you dont have AT&T right now, you dont need an iPhone yet. We found several producers that shared an experience similar to this, I currently just have a phone for phone and text, but my contract is due to expire. Im considering a smartphone for the combination of the opportunity to look things up while Im doing other things and receive better information.

    Tech Trigger #2:

    Technology expectations.

    As a younger generation steps up within the operation, they bring their tech preferences with them and provide the support needed for the older generation.

    One young producer described the support she offers her father-in-law, We just got him a new computer. Im setting him up. Trying to figure out all the websites...where all the crop prices are...whatever I put up on there for him.

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    Tech Trigger #3:

    In-cab technologies.

    Producers are investing in more advanced technology across the board. Even general equipment and basic programs have become more sophisticated, equating to a need for better computers and faster, more reliable Internet access. One producers example of this was, My father-in-law just upgraded his computer and got DSL because of his new GPS and field mapping system.

    Tech Trigger #4:

    Working off the farm.

    Likewise, experiences outside of the farming operation provide exposure to new technologies. In one instance the son in an operation had worked for an ag in-cab technology provider. His return to the operation meant that his brother and father made a very rapid transition to wireless and mobile technology.

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    Tech Trigger #5:

    Ag advocacy.

    For some, their ag advocacy spurred them to become more mobile as a way to fit their volunteer efforts into an already busy schedule. As agvocacy becomes necessary to preserve a way of life, farmers find they can reach out to consumers with what they are doing on the farm, while they are doing it. Smartphones become a platform for consumer education.

    Tech Trigger #6:

    Market volatility.

    The most frequent tech trigger revolves around the speed of information required to run a successful operation.

    As market fluctuations become the norm, checking them once in the morning and once at night can mean profit lost. Perpetually making phone calls or running in to see markets on a computer keeps producers from other critical tasks.

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    For one producer, timing is everything: I think it is becoming more and more important. In the last five years the markets have changed drastically. Theyre so variable. They fluctuate so much that if you dont know immediately what the price is, youve missed out on a huge opportunity. If I could have had the information at that moment, and basically I could have pulled out my phone and pushed the button and made a sale, I would have been way better off.

    As important as the speed of information is, the context for these fluctuations is important, too.

    One producer told us, Nothing bugs you more than to hear on the radio that corn is up a dime and they dont tell you why, and youre trying to search it and trying figure out whats going on and you should be working.

    His ability to make a well-informed decision hinges on knowing why the markets change.

    Another producer summed it up well, Not so much how (I get my information), but when. Make it short and sweet so I can make decisions and still do my daily work without being interrupted.

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    Producers Remark on Experiences Associated with Technology Upgrades

    Producers Comment on Their Need for Timely Information

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    Marketing Take Away: The Right Time

    The cycle for mobile adaptation is short, and the higher the income of the producer, the faster they are to engage in and utilize the latest advancements in technology.

    Based on current trends and research, we can assume that half of all producers will have mobile Internet access by the end of 2011. Love it or hate it, the smartphone is going to become an important source for information and networking; in order to stay current with producers, marketing experts are going to have to adapt to this new form of media.

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    The Right Technology

    As leaps in technology propel many producers ahead, some still lag in acceptance. For some, the desire for mobile information is not worth the frustration of its shortcomings.

    As marketers, we need to optimize what we can to accommodate our demographic and their hardware preferences.

    This is not a new phenomenon. As one female producer stated, A good website makes a big difference. For people that are developing websites, do it right. If you have lost me on the first look, I am not coming back.

    Mobile devices can lose an audience even more quickly.

    Some (e-newsletters) arent compatibleI like to read the newsletters that are formatted for the Blackberry. We must be aware that as users migrate to mobile, there is a loss of readership for content that is not compatible for mobile devices.

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    On the hardware side, small buttons frustrate big fingers little screens mean tiny type for fifty-year-old eyes and laptops can be seen as too large to be carried conveniently.

    We also heard some producers remark how laptop keyboards fill with dust and their screens break.

    The shortcomings of current technologies diminish as more hardware options enter the marketplace. They may even help the adoption of tablet technologies like iPad, PlayBook and Android tablet.

    Producers Comment on the Shortcomings of Current Technology

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    When shown an iPad, almost everyone knew what he or she was looking at. Most acknowledged it as an improvement over small-screen mobile devices.

    Its the seeing it, if I have to grab my eyeglasses its not going to do me any good if it had bigger print, I could probably take the Internet on the road.

    We also heard several comments along this line:

    Unfortunately farmers arent getting any younger, and that larger screen is a positive.

    The few that were already using technologies like wi-fi with an iTouch loved the thought of a larger screen for things they were already doing.

    Marketers and producers alike hope that tablet technologies will address some of these issues. But for widespread adoption, these technologies need to be durable, affordable and have reliable Internet access.

    Marketing Take Away: The Right Technology

    What marketers need to take away from this is that digital properties are becoming the new face of business, and websites and e-newsletters must be mobile enabled to maintain the attention of the producers. Also, the number of producers using mobile devices will continue to increase with advancements such as larger screens and easier to use buttons.

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    Right for the Future

    We asked producers how they think they will be getting their agricultural news and information in the future. Most indicated they expect the mobile platform to play a larger role in their lives.

    We heard this from a few producers: I would really rather just have all of this information on my Blackberry.

    The father of an operation described his sons use of mobile: Their phones are their right-hand man.

    Even though everyone we spoke to believes the use of electronic mediums will grow, most also believe that traditional mediums will always have their place.

    One producer expressed this desire: I would like to see our industry focus on paperless more of using e-mail and Internet connections.

    Another opinion countered: Im not going to sit down and read a whole story on my Blackberry.

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    There is an expectation that cutting-edge technology will improve operational efficiencies, relieve some stress and change the way producers interact with agribusinesses.

    One producer who also works at a cooperative said, Just knowing that the younger farmers coming on board are going to be texting we need to give them the information they need however they want it.

    Surprisingly, many producers were comfortable with paying a nominal fee for information that was truly helpful in running their operations, which is really an indication of how they demand control of their mobile privacy.

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    Tread lightly when reaching farmers on mobile devices.

    As far as cell phones are concerned, the smaller the screen, the more they protect that number.

    Although marketers will try to reach producers through their mobile devices, there are still privacy boundaries that should not be crossed. As one producer stated, I dont want anyone on my phone unless its important. The information sent out must also be relevant to the producer, and it must come from a trusted source.

    Producers on Mobile and Online Privacy

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    As the world of possibilities opens up for right-sized mobile devices, producers envision tools that can accommodate their work-styles and grow their bottom line.

    When we asked them to dream about what a tool like the iPad could do for them, their answers werent just a bigger screen for weather and markets.

    New ideas revolved around tracking various data with the added bonus of not being tethered to a cab. Without exception all ideas were tools for the operation.

    The largest operation we interviewed already had a few iPads around the office, We love these thingsall this data at your fingertips.

    Producers Talk About iPads

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    Marketing Take Away: Right for the Future

    As producers look toward the future, more and more of them expect to receive information digitally; therefore, the use of mobile devices is going to grow. The agribusiness community will need to be creative with how we provide relevant information on a mobile platform as well as how we attach those marketing messages to relevant information producers want to receive.

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    Stereotyping producers based on acreage size, age, gender and experiences outside of the farming operation can translate to missed marketing communication opportunities.

    The adoption of mobile devices accelerates as producers adopt in-cab technologies and tech triggers create faster-than-expected leapfrogging along the technology spectrum.

    Producers already use many digital technologies and continue to watch whats coming next very closely. They expect information to become even more mobile in the near future and seem ready to embrace it like any other useful tool.

    Right for Conclusions

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    Producers Talk About How They See Information Coming to Them in the Future

    Marketing Take Away: The Right Conclusions

    As we look for the best ways to attach our clients brands to the information producers consume, we must include the mobile world.

    However, we must still support the traditional channels producers continue to use and trust, such as print, radio and TV and work to bridge the gap with improved digital mediums.

  • the ag and rural lifestyle specialists

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    We welcome you to continue referencing this study at www.paulsenmarketing.com/agri-thoughts.

    A special thanks from Paulsen to all the producers who took time to speak with us about their operations and how they look to the future.
