A Beginner's Guide to Horse Race Betting Spread betters gamble on price movements of anything from individual shares, currencies and commodities to whole markets like the FTSE, Dax or S&P. It is called spread betting because the company providing the service makes most of their money by putting an additional spread around the price at which something is being bought or sold. Consider betting professional's advice and watch out for so called free betting tips that are available, as they can sometimes prove fruitful. Casino instructions, play strategies and sports betting guides are available for free to help with your betting selections. Remember not to purchase someone else's predictions or betting information. They will try to lure you into believing that paying them for betting selections will bring you winnings fast, but these betting services are most often a con. Determine your own bets and how and where to place them

A beginners guide to horse race betting

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Page 1: A beginners guide to horse race betting

A Beginner's Guide to Horse Race Betting

Spread betters gamble on price movements of anything from individual shares, currencies and commodities to whole markets like the FTSE, Dax or S&P. It is called spread betting because the company providing the service makes most of their money by putting an additional spread around the price at which something is being bought or sold. Consider betting professional's advice and watch out for so called free betting tips that are available, as they can sometimes prove fruitful. Casino instructions, play strategies and sports betting guides are available for free to help with your betting selections. Remember not to purchase someone else's predictions or betting information. They will try to lure you into believing that paying them for betting selections will bring you winnings fast, but these betting services are most often a con. Determine your own bets and how and where to place them

Page 2: A beginners guide to horse race betting

We're increasingly seeing advertising for spread betting in investing and money management publications. In the one I subscribe to, four or five different spread betting companies take full-page colour ads each week, outnumbering any other type of advertising. Spread betting ads are already common in the business sections of many weekend newspapers and will probably soon start to appear in the personal finance sections. Spread betting could appear deceptively attractive to many savers. After all, money in a bank, shares or unit trusts will at best give us about a miserable five per cent a year before tax. Yet a reasonable run on spread betting can easily let you pocket ten per cent a week - five hundred per cent a year - completely and gloriously tax-free. So spread betting can let you earn in just one year what it would take a hundred years or more to achieve with most other investments.

Page 3: A beginners guide to horse race betting

As I write this, I'm nursing a bit of a sore head and an empty wallet. In the last four weeks I've lost almost £30,000 spread betting for about an hour a day five days a week. So I managed to blow around £1,500 an hour. That's really quite a chunk of cash. Actually, it's not quite as bad as it looks. Fortunately, I was betting using a few spread-betting companies' demo sites. These are simulations of their live betting sites that allow you to practice before you start betting with real money. I realise that I am no financial genius otherwise I would have been rich long ago. However, the fact that I managed to squander so much money so quickly does pose the question - if spread betting seems so easy, why do so many people get completely wiped out extremely quickly?

Page 4: A beginners guide to horse race betting

The writer likes to bring tips and sports betting advice to professionals and beginners alike in an attempt to educate and prevent simple betting mistakes. When you gamble in online sports betting game or at an online casino, do not put your fate in instinct or gut feelings and Jon Owen Racing Review try to find opportunities that are in your favour. Make a logical decision by gathering factual information and studying the sports betting history and weighing up all the odds. When gambling or playing casino games research your sports events or read Casino games guides to give you an edge over the unresearched gambler. Always keep an eye on the money you are betting online. Know your maximum stake you are willing to gamble and never bet more than you can afford to lose. Dividing your total stake over various sporting bets is a better idea than putting your whole stake on one game, so not all your money is on one single bet.

