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3 Great Reasons to Self Publish Your Book

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Have you ever thought about writing a book? As a business person, becoming a self published author can help you attract more customers and increase sales revenue.

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Page 1: 3 Great Reasons to Self Publish Your Book

3 ReasonsTo Self Publish

Your Book

By Suzanne Doyle-Ingram www.SuzanneDoyleIngram.com

Page 2: 3 Great Reasons to Self Publish Your Book

Three Reasons to Self Publish Your Book

By: Suzanne Doyle-Ingram

The other day, I was talking with my neighbor and he told me that he had written a book but was having trouble finding a publisher. When I began encouraging him to self publish his book, and I was quite surprised when he told me that he felt kind of… well, “bad” about self publishing. I couldn’t understand where he was coming from. He said that he felt that self publishing was kind of like giving up. Yet, he had been getting rejected over and over again by traditional publishing companies for YEARS!

How’s that going to make you feel? Not very good, I bet.

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Here are the top 3 reasons to self publish your book.

#1 Control

You control the cover, the content and the marketing. You can price it how you want, you can give it away, you can do whatever you want with it. You can make a tiny change (or a major one) and republish it, all in the same day!

When you self publish your book, you can make a Kindle (e-book) version as well as a paperback version, so your buyers have a choice of which format they prefer.

In your self published book, you can also offer a free bonus chapter or workbook that is only available on your blog or website and direct people there. If you have an opt-in where they can leave their name and email address in exchange for your free chapter or workbook, you now have a way of following up with your buyers. This is very valuable!

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#2 You will make more money when you self publish

When you self publish your book, your royalty from Amazon is higher than you would get from a traditional publisher. Essentially you are cutting out the middle man. With a Kindle e-book for example, if you price it over $2.99, you get a 70% royalty. For a $9.99 book, you get $6.99 for each book sold!

There’s no waiting around to get paid when you self publish. Amazon cuts you a check and mails it like clockwork every month. You get two separate checks actually: one for your Kindle books and one for your paperback books.

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#3 Everything is faster when you self publish

You could write a book this weekend and have it up and selling on Amazon Kindle within 24 hours. Seriously! The amount is time spent waiting for a traditional publisher is something else again.

One of my clients is going through this right now. She has a few books self published and a few others with a traditional publisher. The traditional route takes forever and she is always dealing with a different person. One person is in charge of the cover and a different person does the font and a different person does the marketing and so on. When they sent her the “final” draft and she wanted a change, it took months for that to happen.

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These are the reasons why I love to self publish my books and to help my students learn how to self publish. You control every aspect of your book, you set the price and make more money, and you can get it all done quickly.

You may be thinking, “OK this all sounds fine and dandy Suzanne, but how do I actually got about writing a book???” I have a solution for that. I have put together an instructional webinar where I teach you exactly how to write a book.

You can watch the webinar by clicking here.

If you’re interested in learning more about how writing a book can help you grow your business, visit my website; there are lots of free resources to get you on your way.
