The 10 steps of Social Media Fig.: The Conversation Prism, Source: Brian Solls and JESS3 www.theconversationprism.com

10 steps of social media

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Page 1: 10 steps of social media

The 10 steps of Social Media

Fig.: The Conversation Prism,

Source: Brian Solls and JESS3


Page 2: 10 steps of social media

Agenda: 10 Steps of Social Media

1. Understand your business and products

2. Define involvement strategy and set metrics and clear goals

3. Understand your customers and their platforms = Listen!

4. Develop a social media policy

5. Choose channels and content strategy

6. Publish your initial content, start conversations

7. Use current network, share your content

8. Cross media, use more platforms simultaneously

9. Monitor and measure

10. It is a marathon not a sprint

Page 3: 10 steps of social media

Which challenges do you face?


“How can we market

our products in the

social medias?”

• How is your strategy build up?

• What is the biggest challenge? Why?

• What value can you offer fans / followers?


“What do I have as

others bother to talk to

me/each other about?”

Page 4: 10 steps of social media

”It’s not about you!”

” Nobody cares about your products (except you)” David Meerman Scott

Traditional Marketing Online Marketing

Dominate the market Create a community within the market

Shout out loud Listen, and then whisper

Me, Me, Me Us, us, us

Push the product or service Pull in people with your message/story

Advertising Word of mouth (mouse)

Control Allow

Pursue ”leads” Nurture relationships

What problems can you solve that will help customers do their jobs better

or make their lives easier?

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Understand your business and products

Only Proffesionals

Creates the product


creates the product





Where are your products placed - Can you create related social services ?

Fig.: The perfect storm

Source: Peter Svarre


Has the company's products

become (or becoming) digital

and easy to copy so marginal

cost is approaching zero?

Is the company’s products

suitable to user creation?

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Co-creation of products

Involvement in products

Creation of relating services

Involving campaigns

Digital one-way communication

High involvement of customers

Low involvement of customers

• Claims

• Suggestions for improvement

• Customer service

• Use of the products

• Conversation about products

• Product creation

Define involvement strategy & set goals

Fig.: The perfect storm

Source: Peter Svarre


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Define involvement strategy & set goals

Do you have a clear Social Media strategy?


Brand, your brand in one word, what would that be ?

Outcome, what is the outcome you help clients achieve?

Differentiation, what makes you different from competitors?


Strangers –> consumers of information

and education –> customers.

Consumers of valuable content + time = customers


Create shares, likes, comments

1% Creators

9 % Editors

90% Listeners




Fig.:, 1% rule of internet culture

Source:: McConnell, Ben; Huba, Jackie (May 3, 2006).

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Define involvement strategy & set goals

How do you monitor your ROI ?

But Also…

• Friends of Fans / Network

• Engagement / Talking about

• IPM (comments + likes) / posts / fans

• Weekly Reach

Focus on:

• Bottom line

• Number of leads

• Website visits

• Conversion rate

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Define involvement strategy & set goals

Source: Mikael Lemberg, Komfo platform


Friends of Fans Talking about

Reach IPM

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Listen - Understand your customers

Who are your customers and where are they communicating?

1. Do people talk about the company, products or business in social media?

2. Are your competitors already present in this universe?

3. Understand the relevant platforms as networks, blogs, chat, forums etc.

4. Learn to speak the right language, to learn right word and phrases

5. Develop Customer profiles:

Develop Customer profiles:

What do you want each group to believe about your organization?

What message will you use to reach the customer profiles?

What makes you different from competitors ?

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Develop a social media policy

• Connect with everyone? (Competitors/ Customers/ suppliers)

• Should you have a Personal / company profile ?

• Benefits of presence versus challenges and risks?

• Create Rules Of Conduct

• Create a communication policy not only social media policy

Do you connect with everyone?

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Choose channels and content strategy

Relevant content

Search engines Social medias

Cost effective Marketing

Lead the conversation:

Be a thought leader — It’s easy to sell

when everyone looks to you for guidance.

Split tests

Advertising-specific keywords

Unique URLs and phone numbers

Campaign- or brand-specific hashtags

Fig.:, Cost effective Online Marketing

Source: B2B blogging, Jokam Ditlev


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Choose channels and content strategy

And there are many more..




Foursquare etc.

Facebook is a lot like the local pub. A pub is a place where you can go

in, chat with friends, tell a few jokes and relax a bit.

LinkedIn is more like a trade show—a place where you’d keep things

pretty buttoned-up and formal.

Fig.: 1 Week - Top 10 Social Media Websites

Source: Experian Hitwise US


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Publish you initial content

Create triggers that encourage people

to share/like/comment

Before you post an update, video or

photo to any social media, consider what

options for engagement you are giving

to your followers - what you want

viewers to do after watching it?

• Start discussions

• Surprise and delight your fans

• Crowd source ideas

• Stir up a little controversy

> Write up a plan and automate the boring stuff

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Go beyond text – video, audio & photos

Length of video Viewers gone

10 seconds 10,39%

30 seconds 33,84%

1 minute 53,56%

2 minutes 76,29%

“Adding an image will double your page views”

Souce: www.skyyword.com

Table.: Online Viewer habits

Source: www.TubeMogul.com

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Publish your own Blog

4 steps of starting a new blog

1. Easily monitor what people are

saying about you, the market,

your organization and products

2. Participate by commenting on

others blogs

3. work with blogger who write

about your industry, company

or products

4. creating your own blog

How influential is a blogger?

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Geolocation with Offline Offers

1. Socially. To tell their friends where they are so they can join them.

2. As a game. To become “mayor” of a place and to check in more than other people

3. MyWare. To log where in the world you’ve been

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Google+ pages for companies

Set Up Google+ Direct Connect

Hangouts – live webcam conversations

Circles – not sharing the same with the boss as friends

Share LOTS of Photos - Which images, charts, or slides can you share on

Google+ to ignite conversations and increase the viral spread of your content?

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Twitter - Customer Service

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LinkedIN – B2B Networking


• Professional Headline: Identify

important keywords

• Customize your Website URL’s:

Create a call-to-action

• LinkedIn Applications: Slide

share, Blog link, Outlook

• Recommendations: ask and give


• Tag your connections: To

manage many connections

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LinkedIN - B2B Networking

• Product Awareness: Target product page

• Post status updates: Create follower base

• Post Jobs: Paid and unpaid via status updates

• Events: promote your exhibitions and conferences

• LinkedIn Groups: Join also groups outside your Industry

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Answers – Help others and be an Expert

Top Expert of the week

- Best answered questions

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Facebook – B2C Word of Mouth

Total market Friends of fans Fans

Only 16% of your fans see your posts

EdgeRank = Affinity + Edge Weight + Recency

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Facebook - B2C Networking

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Facebook - B2C Networking

1. Create Page

2. Make easy to join – buy a domain

name for the Facebook page

3. Put url to the Facebook page in the

email signature

4. Invite employees and customers to

join (explain why)

5. Invite website visitors

6. Create easy interaction in the

beginning (start knowing your fans)

7. Reply to comments

8. Increase reach and engagement

9. Post and change cover photo often

10.Create triggers that encourage

people to share/like/comment

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Use current network

Outlook integration

• Put link to the Social media pages in the e-mail signature

• Invite employees and customers to join (explain why)

• Invite website visitors (include links to follow and share)

• Connect future e-mail contacts via Outlook integration

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Cross media, use more platforms








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Monitor and measure – Google is king

Track webpage conversions and goals to monitor direct earnings

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Monitor and measure – Free Solutions

Google Alerts

Addict-o-matic Social Mention

Anything you can learn about your own brand,

you can learn about your competitors’ brands.

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Post and Monitor – Low Cost


Integration with many social medias directly, via apps or RSS

+Facebook insights and google analytics

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It is a marathon not a sprint

“Retaining your current customers is 5 to 10

times cheaper than acquiring new ones.“

– Focus on creating long term value!

Social media marketing can take months or years of persistent effort

before you reach any kind of successful reach and engagement.

Page 32: 10 steps of social media

Follow up: 10 Steps of Social Media

1. Understand your business and products

2. Define involvement strategy and set clear goals

3. Understand your customers and their platforms = Listen!

4. Develop a social media policy

5. Choose channels and content strategy

6. Publish your initial content, start conversations

7. Use current network, share your content

8. Cross media, use more platforms simultaneously

9. Setup metrics, monitor and measure

10. It is a marathon not a sprint