Trends In The Automotive Space @marcusnelson APRIL 1st, 2015

Trends In The Automotive Industry

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Trends In The Automotive Space@marcusnelsonAPRIL 1st, 2015

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– Henry Ford

"Mark my word: a combination airplane and motorcar is coming.

You may smile, but it will come.”

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We were promised flying cars

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Yesteryear’s challenges

• Feasibility of a flying car: • ENGINEERING - Must safely take off, fly and land throughout urban environments • SAFETY - Pilot training, safety checks, 3 dimensional space are all problematic

• ECONOMICS - Small but powerful propulsion costs millions to produce

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90 Years Later…

AeroMobil 3.0 —- maybe in 2017

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Today’s automotive challenges

• Automaker competencies are focussed around making engines and auto bodies, designing and marketing cars

• Still rebuilding their workforces after having shed more than 470,000 jobs during the Great Recession

• This may mean creating and empowering smaller, more nimble teams and developing a higher tolerance for risk

• Big players in the space may no longer dominate the future of mobility

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Looking forward…

• Emissions concerns • Smart cars • Connected car data • Self-driving cars

• Consumer Preferences • Access over ownership • Rise of ride/car sharing • 3D printing

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Emissions concerns

• EFFICIENT — Burning less fuel, generates fewer emissions • CLEANER — Biofuels reduce emissions by 80 percent • ELECTRIC — Renewable sources produce zero emissions

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Smart Cars

• COMPLEXITY — High-end cars now have more lines of codethan fighter jets make intelligent decisions for the drivers and passengers

• AUTOMATION — Sensors enable changes in driving conditions, parking, braking and ground clearance without human interference

• ADD-ONS — new interfaces and connections to mobile devices • COSTS — The value of a car increasingly resides in software and electronics

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Connected car data

• COMPUTERS — In-car Internet and the array of sensors collecting data on speed, driving skills and traffic conditions

• DOCKING — Smartphone integration is more important than ‘smart’ standalone services such as GPS or entertainment systems

• REPORTING — Notifications push to mobile devices to indicate changes in mechanical conditions of automobile or analyze driving habits

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Self-Driving Cars

• DRIVERLESS — Already appearing automatic parking spaces, maintaining safe following distances and stay in lane in steady traffic

• RACE — Google, Cisco, Tesla, and even Apple are rumored to be working on autonomous technologies

• BENEFITS — Reduction in traffic accidents, disabled given new freedoms to travel, driving becomes a leisure activity or possible productive rather than a chore

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Consumer Preferences

• INFOTAINMENT — A recent Consumer Reports survey found that infotainment equipment was the most troublesome feature in 2014 vehicles, suggesting a powerful upside for companies that can devise superior systems

• SMARTPHONES — Consumers want to integrate with their connected cars rather than purchase an additional, sub-standard technology ecosystem

• ATTITUDES — Millennials in particular are comfortable without ownership of transportation, yet wish to control mobility

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Access over ownership

• MOBILITY — 91% of Millennials surveyed say owning a car is very important to their life, though access to and owning a car are synonymous for most

• LICENSES — declining number of 16-year-olds with drivers licenses • CONVENIENCE — As access trumps ownership for more car drivers, the notion

of the vehicle as docking station will become even more critical.

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Rise of ride/car sharing

• BIAS — Appeals to younger, urban male and single. Half of consumers consider such services, so still more education and trust-building needed

• EFFICIENCY — Smartphone make ridesharing significantly more convenient to browse, book and pay for a car or ride

• ACCOUNTABILITY — Part of the sharing economy is developing a good reputation that situates one as trustworthy and reliable.

• DATA — Personal profiles and transaction transparency build strong and connected communities for sharing.

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3-D Printing

• PROTOTYPING — Manufacturers now able to turn around ideas in close to real time meaning faster time to delivery

• MATERIALS — Evolutionary changes in composite materials are making product modeling stronger and more durable

• CUSTOMIZATION — After-market and consumers able to design and build modifications to existing specifications to create the cars they desire

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• OPPORTUNITY — Boost renewable energy to promote zero emissions • OPPORTUNITY — Simplifying code and streamlining user experience • OPPORTUNITY — Treat vehicle as mobile docking station for interoperability • OPPORTUNITY — Reduce dependency on ownership, focus on mobility • OPPORTUNITY — Incorporate ride sharing as an evolving marketplace • OPPORTUNITY — Manufacture with aftermarket modifications in mind

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And this time… Can we not take 90 years to get there please?

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Thank you

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