Social Action Jordan lee

Social action research

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Page 1: Social action research

Social Action

Jordan lee

Page 2: Social action research

The purpose of a campaign like this one would be to bring national change this is one of the obvious purposes of this campaign as it is a national problem that needs to be addressed to stop deaths and health problems to our next generation. Raising awareness will also be a key part as some people may not know that smoking around people will have the same effect on them as it will to you, this alerts people to this issue and might make them think twice about smoking around people, specifically children. This is obviously also to campaigns against smoking around children and other non smokers. Campaigns like this one to stop smoking around kids had made a big impact recently, as of the 1st of October 2015 smoking in a car with someone under 18 will be a crime. This change was implemented after the extensive amounts of continuous campaigning on this certain issue and now has something to show for it. Changes to smoking have been happening for years with other huge impacts like, no longer aloud to advertise tobacco to people, stopping people smoking In enclosed public spaces and tobacco products no longer being on display in shops. These types of changed have more than halved the number of smokers between 1975 and 2015.

Passive smoking campaign

Page 3: Social action research

Campaigns like this one to stop smoking around kids had made a big impact recently, as of the 1st of October 2015 smoking in a car with someone under 18 will be a crime. This change was implemented after the extensive amounts of continuous campaigning on this certain issue and now has something to show for it. Changes to smoking have been happening for years with other huge impacts like, no longer aloud to advertise tobacco to people, stopping people smoking In enclosed public spaces and tobacco products no longer being on display in shops. These types of changed have more than halved the number of smokers between 1975 and 2015. The techniques used in this campaigns is to target smokers and to make them feel bad about what they are doing to their kids, the use of a baby's bottle with the cigarettes in gives the impression to the audience that this is what they are directly feeding their children.

Passive smoking campaign

Page 4: Social action research

OBV is a campaign that’s purpose is to change peoples voting behavior, voting for racial equality through-out Britain. It also uses celebrities in their campaign to bring attention to themselves to infiltrate the media and spread their message quicker and to a much broader audience.This may also be to build relationships with people as they may be in the same situation where they don’t feel that because of their race they are being fairly treat by other people and the government.trying to achieve this by using the voices and images of well known black celebrity's to make an impact on people who look up to them or just people that know of them. This campaign created a very strong message from such simplistic posters and made its point nationally as it soon made its way into mainstream media because of the strong message and the celebrity's that were spreading this message. Other purposes were to change peoples attitudes to the way different races are treat throughout Britain although they may not relate to the racial issues they may see they may have their eyes opened up about the racial inequality that exists in Britain.

Racial voting campaign

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Racial voting campaign

The main message behind this campaign though is to bring about national change and to strengthen the black community into feeling like this is their country as well and they have a right to speak out about it and live in this country equally to anybody else. The priority targets that they want more equality in that seems to be over shadowed by race is areas like; education, health and employment which there is clear divides among communities of people. In some places this campaign may be target more locally if an area has a much larger racial diversification than others. Places like London and Manchester struggle with racial inequality due to the diversification within the cities.

Page 6: Social action research

EU voting campaignThis campaign is based around the current EU referendum, its clear that this campaign is targeting a national change surrounding peoples political views particularly the current EU referendum. The main goal is to get people on board with a vote to stay in the EU and is going up against similar campaigns on the opposite side (Brexit) which will have an opposite purpose. Unlike the other campaigns I have analysed, this campaign didn’t use images to make an effect on the audience that will be looking at it and instead use a message that people read and gets people really thinking about it. This I believe being such a strong message will have multiple effects and purposes, it will definitely change some peoples attitudes to wanting to leave although it doesn’t directly tell you to vote to stay it still opens up peoples minds to it. It also provides information on voting and when to do it by simply but it is still ticking the purposes off of being informative as well as a poster to have an effect on people. Another clear purpose of this is to change the voting behavior of this vote which links to changing peoples attitudes

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Deaf Fest social issue

The main purpose that this Deaf Fest organisation tries to target is creating access to media production for non-traditional groups. I think that this is done to give deaf people the chance to experience things that people without hearing problems may not face this is done by creating a group and events that are unique to this community and isn't something that you see around. This also creates a stronger bond between the deaf community as they meet people going through the same things and also get the experience some of us that aren't as unfortunate get to experience.

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York “anti-homeless” bars social issue

This story that emerged on social media after residents of york on their commute to work or college saw these bars installed in order to stop the homeless staying in this area was backlashes and then taken to the local press is an example of people posting online and asking for people to spread awareness served multiple purposes. Its first purpose was raising awareness around friends & family which helped gain the attention of the press. This is where this issue was infiltrated into mainstream media where is created a even bigger backlash with polls and lots of angry residents hitting back at the choice of the city to take action like this against its homeless community. This was in order to receive local change within York and to try and get the city to help the homeless rather than push them out. But to little effect as the bars still remain in place.