The Perfect Future Automobile Hailey Holtzclaw

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The Perfect Future AutomobileHailey Holtzclaw

A Growing Vulnerability

Americans are consuming petroleum at a rapidly accelerating rate.

We are more inclined to energy shortages and higher gas prices than ever before.

Our seemingly limitless consumption of gasoline is leading to global warming and greater foreign dependence.

It seems as if the country is at a stand still with these issues because a large number of questions and problems are arising with the production of new and efficient cars and their fuels.

New Technologies to Fuel Cars

The three most commonly used technologies for growing cars of today and the future are hydrogen, ethanol, and electricity.

Subtly breaking into the spotlight is hydrogen.

Scientists have now found a way of using hydrogen to fuel cars through a new process though it is not yet widely used and not expected to be until it is ready for the market.

This new process involves fuel cells.

Basically how fuel cells work is that hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen atoms in a fuel cell and are broken apart- releasing electrons that then flow through a circuit and provides electricity to propel the car, and the only emission is water vapor!


Ethanol, Electric, & Hybrid VehiclesVehicles that can run on a combination of fuels are called "Hybrid" or "Flex Fuel" cars.

Hybrids run on a combination of gasoline and electricity while Flex Fuel vehicles can run on gasoline and ethanol.

Purely electric cars are exactly what they sound like. They can be plugged in and charged almost like a cellphone.

Ethanol is a corn based fuel though its true efficiency is questionable. Growing enough corn to fuel the country and then extracting its energy requires a lot of time and resources.

Like hydrogen, ethanol's success relies on how expensive it is to make and how much of it a company can produce.

AdvantagesCars are likely to consume 30% less energy and produce 30% less carbon.

Being able to take electricity from almost anywhere could reduce greenhouse emissions by 40%.

Foreign dependence on oil will lessen greatly.

Spending less money on oil will lead to a better economy as our money can go towards other projects.

Over all, America would become less vulnerable as it will consistently break away from the bondage of oil and become a more self sufficient country while also improving the environment.

Infrastructure Necessary

To encourage and make it easier for people to own hybrid and electric cars, it is necessary for more charging stations to be instituted at gas stations and other stores.

For hydrogen cars in the future, hydrogen pumps will also need to be located in convenient locations.

DisadvantagesUnfortunately, using hydrogen to fuel cars is very expensive. Other issues involved with using hydrogen are that the fuel cells may not be durable enough and adequate storage areas for the hydrogen in the car.

Another main issue is simply changing a person’s mind and essentially their taste. Some people just don’t want to give up their gas guzzling car for many reasons. This could include the aesthetic appeal of their car, inability to purchase a hybrid or electric car (they can be rather costly), or perhaps some sentimental value to their original car.

Lastly, scientists and researchers of the subject say it would take nearly 50 years before people and companies make a drastic change in the way they fuel their cars and build their engines- implying that this is a very slow process.

Government RoleThe government can play a huge role in setting regulations and mileage standards.

Federal laws can push people to get rid of inefficient cars and make smarter choices to purchase a hybrid or electric car.

New mileage standards were set a few decades ago in 1985 and remained unchanged until 2007. This could hint that perhaps the government is not taking this issue as seriously as it needs to be. But luckily, new and efficient cars are capturing the desire of consumers who are taking more initiative to change.

The government offers incentives such as tax credits. These incentives are good for car buyers and also the producers who will have an easier time selling the cars.

The federal government offers consumers a tax credit of up to $7,500 to people who buy a plug-in car. That includes plug-in hybrids or electric cars.

My Future Alternative Fuel Car

I think the Kia Optima Hybrid is a wonderful alternative fuel car because it utilizes both environmentally friendly and luxury qualities.

I like this car the most because other electric and hybrid cars such as the Nissan Leaf or the SmartCar look a bit too goofy for my liking.

The Kia Optima Hybrid gets good mileage of 36 MPG and looks very nice!

My Future Alternative Fuel Car

I think the Kia Optima Hybrid is a wonderful alternative fuel car because it utilizes both environmentally friendly and luxury qualities.

I like this car the most because other electric and hybrid cars such as the Nissan Leaf or the SmartCar look a bit too goofy for my liking.

The Kia Optima Hybrid gets good mileage of 36 MPG and looks very nice!