Understanding the production of digital photography products.

Understanding digital media products

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Page 1: Understanding digital media products

Understanding the production of digital photography products.

Page 2: Understanding digital media products

This photo was taken for a film poster. It was taken outdoors of an old, creepy looking house. It as taken during the day whilst it as foggy which in my opinion makes it seem scarier. In the poster there is a tree in the foreground of the photo, however this tree has a rope dangling from the branch with a shadow of a girl on the ground. And in the background is the house with the fog around it. The tree has been put to the right of the picture, the house is in the middle and the is nothing that sticks out in the left. The photo overall isn’t very focused and doesn’t have a main focus on one particular thing. The ‘miss-en-scene’ is the rope, it has been put here to give you an idea of what happens in the film. The photo ‘anchors’ the text because the text blends in with the fog and the sky. The film appeals to the audience because it looks mysterious, therefore meaning people will wonder more about the film making them buy it more.

Page 3: Understanding digital media products

This photograph was taken for an album cover. It was taken in a studio with a plain background which had doodles edited on it. The singers are in the middle of the photograph. The right and left sides of the photo are left blank with just doodles occupying them. Everything in the photo is sharp and crisp. On the photo is has the bands name and logo and also has the word ‘dropout’ with an arrow pointing to one of the band members, this suggests that the album cover could be personal to the band. The album looks fun and care free which suggests that the band aren’t a serious band and could be considered ‘childish’ and would make people want to listen to them more.