THE WORLD OF CINEMA THE WORLD OF CINEMA How a specific video can How a specific video can be used in teaching be used in teaching

The world of cinema

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  1. 1. THE WORLD OF CINEMATHE WORLD OF CINEMA How a specific video can be usedHow a specific video can be used in teachingin teaching
  2. 2. The use of video inThe use of video in teaching/learning contextsteaching/learning contexts The teachers role is the most importantThe teachers role is the most important factor that will determine how this videofactor that will determine how this video can be used, with what level of learnerscan be used, with what level of learners and so onand so on
  3. 3. Examples of activities that could be used toExamples of activities that could be used to develop students listening, writing,develop students listening, writing, reading and speaking skillsreading and speaking skills
  4. 4. ACTIVITIES FOR LISTENINGACTIVITIES FOR LISTENING True or False?True or False? e.g.e.g. a. Cinema is a very new form of arta. Cinema is a very new form of art b. Cinema has a great influence on peopleb. Cinema has a great influence on people c. England has a very bad reputation for itsc. England has a very bad reputation for its cinema festivalscinema festivals
  5. 5. Multiple Choice questionsMultiple Choice questions e.g.e.g. 1. Which is the first persons favourite kind1. Which is the first persons favourite kind of films?of films? a. comediesa. comedies b. love filmsb. love films c. thrillersc. thrillers d. gangster filmsd. gangster films
  6. 6. Activities for writingActivities for writing e.g.e.g. Students could be asked to write a shortStudents could be asked to write a short piece of text on cinema (what kind of filmspiece of text on cinema (what kind of films they see, which is their favourite film, etc.)they see, which is their favourite film, etc.)
  7. 7. Activities for readingActivities for reading e.g.e.g. The teacher could hand out leaflets with anThe teacher could hand out leaflets with an article related to the world of cinema andarticle related to the world of cinema and have students answer to some questionshave students answer to some questions
  8. 8. Activities for speakingActivities for speaking e.g.e.g. The short video can be a starting point forThe short video can be a starting point for a discussion between the teacher and thea discussion between the teacher and the students. There are so many topics tostudents. There are so many topics to discuss about cinema (individual films,discuss about cinema (individual films, Hollywood and stars, documentaries,Hollywood and stars, documentaries, mass media in general, etc.)mass media in general, etc.)
  9. 9. Quotations on cinemaQuotations on cinema For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake. Alfred HitchcockAlfred Hitchcock Cinema is still a very young art form with extraordinary techniques and veryCinema is still a very young art form with extraordinary techniques and very impressive special effects but sometimes it seems the soul has been taken out ofimpressive special effects but sometimes it seems the soul has been taken out of things.things. Catherine DeneuveCatherine Deneuve Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out.Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out. Martin ScorseseMartin Scorsese I am not someone who sacrifice all for the cinema, my life will be always moreI am not someone who sacrifice all for the cinema, my life will be always more important.important. Natalie PortmanNatalie Portman