The Theory of Everything Biography, Drama, Romance | 1 January 2015 (UK) A look at the relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife. This movie poster does have the feature of an ordinary movie poster. It has the title of the film in the middle of the poster, this helps the audience to know The colours used are very neutral, there is a dark haze around the edges but there is no real dark colours used in this poster. The colours used show that there is no danger, no mystery or anything like that, the main colours used are blue and green. Blue means faith and stability, it connotes loyalty and has a calming effect on an audience. Green connotes life, renewal, Disability is shown in this movie through the protagonist, Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare early-onset slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neurone disease or Lou Gehrig's disease, that has gradually paralysed him over the decades. This film does show how he lived his life will this terrible illness, but it is more based around his relationship with his wife, how they met and how their relationship ended.

The Theory of Everything

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Page 1: The Theory of Everything

The Theory of EverythingBiography, Drama, Romance | 1 January 2015 (UK)

A look at the relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife.

This movie poster does have the feature of an ordinary movie poster. It has the title of the film in the middle of the poster, this helps the audience to know

The colours used are very neutral, there is a dark haze around the edges but there is no real dark colours used in this poster. The colours used show that there is no danger, no mystery or anything like that, the main colours used are blue and green. Blue means faith and stability, it connotes loyalty and has a calming effect on an audience. Green connotes life, renewal, growth and fertility. The white title suggests purity and cleanliness.

Disability is shown in this movie through the protagonist, Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare early-onset slow-progressing form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neurone disease or Lou Gehrig's disease, that has gradually paralysed him over the decades. This film does show how he lived his life will this terrible illness, but it is more based around his relationship with his wife, how they met and how their relationship ended.

Page 2: The Theory of Everything

There are no symbols used in this poster, so the audience doesn’t need any foreknowledge to know what the film is about, or what the poster is showing. The film explains Stephen Hawking's life in detail, from when he was young to the present day, so you don’t need any previous knowledge before you watch the film.

The main features of this poster are Jane and Stephen Hawking when they are younger. This shows the audience who the film is about and you can also see who the actors are, Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones. They are shown photographically, this is done See who the characters are. The actors on the poster are used to get more attention, people know these actors and they are very well known, they are used as a USP.

The genre of the film is mostly romance, and this is shown through the way the characters look at each other. They are holding hands and swinging around which does connote romance. It is also a biography and this is shown in the poster through the actor looking just like the real version of Stephen Hawking. The actors are positioned in front of a university which was the one that Stephen Hawking went too.

This poster aims to give the audience more insight to the life of Stephen Hawking, his relationships not just how

clever he is and his disability. This film is also intended to make the audience feel happy and for them to enjoy it, this is a light-hearted film that should be watched if you need to be cheered up.

The taglines for this film are:The incredible story of Jane and Stephen Hawking His mind changed our world. Her love changed his. Both of these taglines are featured in this main poster, it is used to give people more information about the film and help with understanding the genre.

I think this is a very good poster because it has all the main features of a film poster, the colours used help to understand what the film is going to be about, the colours show how the film is going to urn out like, a film to sit and enjoy with no jump scares or fighting. The poster uses the main characters to show the audience that the film is going to be great since the actors used are well known.

I do think that this poster communicates effectively with the audience, even if you cant tell who the characters are, the tagline explains it. You can initially tell that it wont be a scary film because the colours used are neutral, not dark or eerie. The title is in the middle which tells the audience straight away what the film is.

This poster is definitely not offensive at all. It only shows the main characters and where part of the film is shot, there are no guns or offensive images on this poster. The poster is covered in faint maths answers and theories, it uses whites and neutral colours to show that the film will be light-hearted, but I don’t think that any offence could be taken from this poster.