The Hobbit: the battle of the five armies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSzeFFsKEt4

The hobbit trailer

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this is an anlysis of the trailer for my chosen movie

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Page 1: The hobbit trailer

The Hobbit: the battle of the five armies


Page 2: The hobbit trailer

Mis-en-scene in the hobbit trailer The clothing worn in the movie is fit for the setting which the characters are in, from the clothing you can tell its winter. All the character are wrapped up in fur clothing indicating that winter is coming in other words war is coming. The props that are used go well with the time the movie is set which is hundreds of years back its hard to tell as it is based on fictional books some of the props like the bow and arrow and the swords where used when in battle thousands of years back, the medieval time . The movie is set in various locations one of the main ones being New Zealand, there are different setting e.g. the mountains and the woods, all these different setting highlight the fact that its an adventure movie.

Page 3: The hobbit trailer

Lighting in the hobbit

The lighting used in the movie is dark and gloomy this reflects the movie as the movie will be dark and gloomy because this is the defining chapter there will be death and sadness in the movie. Even when the scene is set in the day time the scene is very dark as there are clouds that indicate there is a storm coming. The darkness foreshadows the dark things that happen in the movie its also represents the evil that is in the movie, the bad guys are grey in colour and the dark grey skies may reflect the orks.

Page 4: The hobbit trailer

Camera shots in the hobbit

There are a variety of camera shots used each shot emphasizing the seriousness of the scenes, e.g. there is quit a lot of panning shots, these shots show the whole scene and allows the audience to know what Is going on. Certain camera shots make the scenes look dramatic and intense, like these ones. In some of the important scenes the camera focus only on one of the characters and blurs out the background this conveys the importance of the character in the scene. The high angle shots show the whole scene for the audience to see, this is so its clear to the audience what is happening and so they know the full picture like the image with the main ork summoning his army.

Page 5: The hobbit trailer

Sound in the hobbit trailer

The music being played in the back ground is sad this foreshadows what will happen in the movie which makes the audience want to see what makes this movie sad and what makes is the defining chapter. When there is dialogue the music stops, this emphasized what they are saying making it seem important to the movie, important enough for it to pause the music e.g. last part the trailer when the music stopped one of the characters was saying something really important to the that makes people want to know what he meant “will you follow me one last time” this makes the audience question what he means by last time, and follow him where?