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Purpose of Training Qualities of a good trainer Needs Assessment and Objectives Designing & Developing Training Delivery

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Point of view Complicated task at first Skills require demonstration If need to learn to do it quickly and

independently, require practice• a diagram or illustration• need to know why

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Bends• Attach rope end to rope end

– make a long piece out of 2 shorter pieces

Sheet Bends are used to attach different

sizes of rope

Fisherman’s Knots are good for small rope or

fishing line

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Your training goals should support

the goals of your organization

•overall purpose(s)

•long range visions


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Skills• how to• steps

Knowledge• critical thinking• decision making

Attitudes• ethics/values• behavior

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Subject matter expertise Design

• instructional design• apply learning principles

Material production• graphics, layout, media creation• computer experience

Presentation• voice, personality, technical expertise

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Self-confidence Awareness of

environment Ability to build

bridges—relate old to new

Organizational skills

Desire to learn

Ability to listen Sense of humor Communication &

theatrical skills Flexibility Patience Cool head & warm


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Facilitator or Expert Real-Life or Theoretical Active or Passive You do it or Watch Me What would or Here’s how to

use it. you do?

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Analysis• formal/informal needs assessment• determine goals & objectives

Design• determine the content• determine delivery method

Development• create the materials

Implement• deliver the content

Evaluation• results based on objectives

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1. Find the gap in SKA:• SKA = Skills, Knowledge & Attitude• Gap = what they know minus what they

need to know2. Determine if training is the answer3. Determine objectives of training

• What should they do better to improve job performance or service to the public?

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Informal• observation• pre-class surveys• group discussions

Formal• interviews• task analysis• focus groups• surveys

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Interview key people:• admin and staff• use consistent questions• be careful not to bias input

Choose a subgroup if unable to survey all • choose the middle of the pack,

not the best, not the worst

Do mini needs assessment before

each training

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Specific• state desired results in detail

Measurable ( or observable)• use verbs that describe what trainees will learn

Action• describe an action that the trainee will perform

Realistic• achievable

Time frame• how long will it take the trainees to learn the


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Evaluate based on objectives

Did the participants:• learn what you had planned?• implement what they learned?• improve their job performance or

service to the public?

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Hear Words

Watch still picture

Watch moving picture

Watch demonstration

Do a site visit

Do a dramatic presentation

Simulate a real experience

Do the real thing



Verbal10% of what they read

20% of what they hear

30% of what they see

50% of what they hearand see

70% of what theysay or write

90% of whatthey say asthey do a thing

“Cone of Experience” People generally remember:

Adapted from Wiman & Meirhenry, .Educational Media, 1960 on Edgar Dale

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Are they READY• sufficient skills• see a need to learn

How will it effect their daily job life• personal benefits

Practical practice• hands-on exercises, real-life scenarios

Knowledge sharing/Participation• ask questions• encourage discussion

Relate training to something they know

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Brainstorm the topic Eliminate what isn’t necessary to

match your needs assessment and objectives • what they already know• more than they need to know now ;)

Consider limitations due to• facilities• length of training• delivery method• how quickly the training needs to happen

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Main points

Final content

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Storyboard Outline Powerpoint Index cards Sticky notes

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Set the stage• introductions (you & them)• agenda, breaks, bathrooms• get “buy-in” by telling them what and why

Content• logically organize the main points (in

chunks)• add sub-points to each chunk• include Visual Aids, Exercises, Handouts

End• summary• questions• other learning opportunities

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Long laundry list Put in order Chunk in to 3 to 5 main

parts• Main point

subpoint subpoint

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It depends! Does the audience need to:

• have an idea of how to do it?• be able to do it?• be able to think about it

independently?• come up with creative solutions?

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Instructor-led • One-on-one• Group • Lecture• Hands-on

Self-paced• Distance-Ed• Web tutorial• CD-ROM

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Humor Games

• training tool Icebreakers

• introductions• questions


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Two purposes of rehearsing• logical order & transitions• timing

Revise• learn from the rehearsal• make modifications in:

chunks & logical order transition statements timing opportunities for interaction

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Make no assumptions• jargon• ask don’t tell

Ask questions you really want an answer to• count to 7

Vocal variety Non-verbals affect communication

• tone• appearance appropriate for audience

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Be prepared• know your presentation• rehearse

Calm yourself• isometrics• deep breathing

Turn your nervousness into energy

You don’t have to know everything. Adults like to share what they know

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