13.03.22 08:42 PM

Robert auer(1873 1952)croatian art nouveau painter- nude painting (a c)

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03.05.23 02:34 PM

Born in Zagreb, educated at the Academy of Vienna and Monaco of Bavaria when the wave Art Nouveau swept across Europe and greatly influenced the cultural centers of Europe, Robert Auer is often tied to this particular artistic style. It gained popularity as a portraitist of high-class city, having painted over 150 portraits and nudes, and like many symbolic compositions. It 'was the only Croatian painter who has shown his work in the exhibition Art Nouveau style in 1896 in Monaco of Bavaria, and his works have received a special award at the presentation of Croatian art at the Paris World's Fair 1906. Although his artistic expression was then characterized as bourgeois, after the Second World War, and his work has been largely overlooked, the artistic value of this prolific painter is most often recognized by collectors. That's why most of her works are exhibited in this exhibition have been borrowed from private collections. In addition to paintings, sketches and drawings, that visitors will have the opportunity to see a separate section of this exhibition features memorabilia from the family fortune. Furthermore, a reconstruction of the workshop of the painter, with his original painting implements as well as personal photographs of the models he painted, is also on display.