How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

Question Two

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How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

The overall achievement we wanted from our main product was to successfully and

professionally portray the morale of not judging a book by its cover, to our audience. This theme then had to be shown through the radio trailer

and film poster.

The film poster I took most ideas from during my research was the one from Perfect Sisters. Although this did not link through genre, it being a thriller

and ours a drama. It does link through the fact that both films contain siblings, both being sisters who have to work towards a goal.

Moreover, the audience is predominantly teenage girls.

Both use the positioning of sisters to portray meaning. In ours the way that Hope is stood over Destiny’s shoulder hints that she is always in

the back of her mind as she commits the crimes (shown on the right).Similarly, both use a tag line to link to the story. Ours, “How far would

you go for someone you loved?” suggests that there could be an emotional element linked to the crimes that she commits.

All in all, by using elements of a real film poster, I believe that it does succeed in looking professional and showing the morale surrounding

first impressions.

Original ideas which I included in my poster to link back to the film and its storyline is the use of a grey colour scheme. This implies that there will

be no happy ending. The use of faded images of Destiny’s crimes over

the opposite shoulder to where Hope is positions suggests that she could be hiding

things from her and also that this could be how far Destiny is going for someone she loves – her


To add to the professional look of our film poster, we had to also include conventional

things, such as cast and production company.I believe the poster hints enough at the plot and the characters, without giving too much away. Thereby creating incentive for the audience to

go and watch the film to find out more.

The radio trailer I took most ideas from was the 50 Shades of Grey trailer. Although neither storylines have anything in common, it was

effective in its use of sound effects, rating and choice of characters lines to hint at the plot.

The 50 shades of grey trailer opens with slow, dark sounding music. We also used ambient music in our trailer to portray expected atmosphere of a gritty drama film.Similarly, the 50 Shades of Grey trailer only uses selective lines, to hint at the plot. We also took some of the main lines from our film, such as “call the police”. This hints that there will be a criminal element to our film.I believe these two example are as successful as the professional trailer at hinting at aspects of out film.

50 Shades of Grey Trailer Our Radio Trailer

Like the film poster, there are, again, factors which had to be included in a radio trailer. This ranges from including the production company. In our case – “A Fluffy Skirt Production”.Similarly, we also had to use (fake) reviews. I believe examples, such as “a mind blowing twist” would be successful in selling our film, as the audience will look forward to being surprised.

What links the film poster and radio trailer back to the film is the tag line:

“How far would you go for someone you loved?”I believe this, the use of symbolic images in the poster and ambient music in the trailer successfully sell our film to the audience as one with a morale. This is because they will be enticed in to discover, who these characters are, why there is crime involved and who needs help? All in all, the message of not judging a book by its cover is successfully portrayed in our film and ancillary texts.