Time Assassin Further Design and Production plan

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Time Assassin Further Design and Production plan

Page 2: production plans

LayoutOne interpretation of layout, specifically in video games is the layout of the layout of the map in which you play in. in other words the areas in which my game level takes place (five areas) each have a different layout. The following diagrams show the five areas of my level.These five layouts of the area are detailed and show a blueprint almost of what is included in the game. Some, like the streets are more populated and have more things in them since they are moor open world, others like the moon have barley anything and are more for a cut scene or story.

The first layout is of the arcade, there are thirteen arcade machines, two of which are shooter or simulators, two are claw machines, another is a simulator for time travel. A there rest of arcade machines like Pacman or donkey Kong so look retro. One of these is One armed gunman, these is an Easter egg in homage to Back to the Future Part 2 from the café 80’s where there is an arcade machine called one armed gunman. The most important arcade machine and the only one you can use is Time Assassin, a game based on the mythological group of time travelling hitmen. When you finish playing this game you walk through to the exit.

The second layout is in the streets and it is biggest area, on each side there will be a picture of further streets and tall buildings in the distance to give the illusion that you're in a real world. But in actuality its just that closed area. There are six buildings and two carparks, where several cars will be parked as well as along the street, being one of these will be a collectable, and another will be in one of the many trash cans, which add to the illusion this is downtown. You come out of an alley and can walk around though you can’t enter nay building or enter the cars. The road in between will have accountant flow of traffic, you can collect the items on the map and move to the next area which will be the teleport store.

The next layout is the teleport store, which has two floors, one is the counter with the store owner who controls where you teleport. He will send you to your warehouse, after short dialogue you can walk down the stairs to an open basement. With shelves and boxes on each wall, on one shelf is a collectable.In the centre of the room is some machines and computer connected by astray cables to a plate, the teleport panel. You step on it, you lose control of character, the screen will flash and you will appear in a warehouse.

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LayoutThe fourth area, is the warehouse hidden in time, there is a door but you cannot exit it. There is a window with the stars and moon the moon. There is a lot of machines and boxes around the edges of the room, in the foreground there are the machine computer machines and a metal path leading to a portal that looks to be built out of computer and machines. There is a collectable next to the portal that you can only get before you set the computer, once you get your weapons and armour, and activate the computer you walk around the metal panel into the portal, where the graphics of a vortex flash on screen. You appear on the moon the next area.

This final area looks to be infinite in size, with the space in the sky and around you, and on the floor is the floor if the moon, there are craters and ahead of you is NASA shuttle that looks to be very old. There are remains of an astronaut n debris from a crash. You can walk towards the shuttle but you lose control of the screen and you look up too see a NASA ship crash into you.The screen goes black, and the title appears on screen.

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Story boards for first level

If the layout of my game was the skeleton, then the flesh of the game is the storyboard, which adds the story to my layout. You start by playing a retro game that introduces the instructions on how to move and shoot. You reach a certain point on the last layer if the game when you get a call asking you to report to your station. You leaving it for too long has caused a game over and it zooms out behind the character in third person, you now have control. You move the character around the arcade, to the exit door, you will have a n alert to push a button to exit the room. You move into the street, an back alley with the neon words THE FUTURE IS NOW in bold to ad to the ironic of the game. You move into the street with six buildings, aside form avoiding the cars on the road, you can move freely around the area. There are two collectables one in a bin and another behind a parked car. You can collect these or leave them, then move to the alley-way next to the store. It has the words Teleport Store on a poster next to the entrance to the shop, the re is a pattern on the window to make it seems futuristic. You enter the store and see a small tow floored room, you talk to he owner of the store who asks if it’s the same, you reply yes, make sure to hide my trail. You walk down the stairs and can pick up a collectable on one of the shelves. when you stop onto the panel you lose control of the character and are teleported to your warehouse.

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Story boards for first level

When you move form the panel in the warehouse, you can move around the area where the computers are, you can pick up the collectable bowl the portal in the room. You must pick up your armour and weapons on the opposite side if the room, and then program the computer to a specific date, you commander will tell you there is an escaping astronaut on the moon that needs to be stopped before he creates an anomaly. This order appears on screen, which once you read you are prompted to press a key to continue. You then can turn the portal on, and walk through it, there is a cut scene of a vortex, then you rematerialize on the moon.There is a NASA shuttle ahead of you and some debris around it, you walk towards it, but lose control of the character then the screen looks up to see a space shuttle crashing into you. The screen turns back and the titles appears on screen.

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SoundtrackSoundtrack as I have found out in my research is an important part of aa video game to convey emotion or effect in the story. Sound effects are also good for conveying meaning as well, or just adding to the realism of the game, for example the effect of a door opening is made real by a sound clip of a door opening.My storyboard plans what will happen visually in my game, but for what the audience hears is what I now need to consider. For the first part of the level, my character is playing a retro 8 bit game, so I will have an 8 bit tune playing in the back round. This doesn’t have to be serious as this bit is light hearted. However I could take a quite heavy track or dramatic song and convert it to 8 bit because it would add almost an ironic feel to the already ironic gaming inside a game. I will also needs some cartoon like sound effects for the character moving, the doors opening, the enemies shooting and dying, then finally the game over sound effect.When my character leaves the arcade machine, the noise of other arcade machines will sound in the background, and other people talking or playing, there will be a eerie song in the background. Nothing dramatic but a music that could optional get louder or more serious. As I enter the street and leave to go into the store. the noise of the street will get louder and quieter, the cars moving, people talking, the rain, the noises you’d usually hear in the street, plus some futuristic sound effect like flying cars because it is a future setting. The background song will stay the same, an example of as atmospheric song that plays in the background would be like Skyrim, I wouldn’t use that atmosphere because that is a fantasy game, but if I can replicate that kind of music the effect could be just as mesmerising.The sound effect of the teleport store, the crack of wood, or the shuffle as the character picks up a collectable. The sound effect of the teleportation will be loud and make it clear he’s teleporting.The next clip will be when he appears into the warehouse, this is where the music will change, the atmosphere is more futuristic and eerie, there is a glowing portal at one end of for the room. There is the sound effects of machines beeping and making computer noises. The constant whir of the portal and the typing of my character as he types. Another sound effect will be character spotting on his armour, and collecting his weapons, the noise when my character starts the portal so it prepares for a full time travel jump, the whir increase in speed, it gets louder and would be difficult to describe like standing next to a jumbo jet engine. When you enter the vortex and travel to the moon, the noise you hear will be like the noise in the Doctor Who vortex, something that makes it clear you are no longer on earth. When you areon the moon there is no noise what-so-ever apart form the slow and quite movement of your feet and your heavy breathing through your helmet. this adds to the effect of being in an isolated area. When the space shuttle crashes into, a sound effect like a ship crashing into something will get louder and louder, and there will be a sudden dramatic loud music designed to shock the audience. When the title appears there will be a dramatic drum set, something to make the audience feel they’ve just started and adventure.

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Scripts for first levelThe script for the first level of my game I surprisingly small, if you do not include the script for the collectables, there is short dialoguing form the characters in game, but aside form that the script is minimal.Arcade-Master Superior (through phone)- “Twelve? You need to report in, we’ve got a mission for you”Street-Random voice from street- “how wasted am I man?”Other random voice from street- “Dude!”Teleport Sore-Shop Owner-”the same this time?”Twelve-”yeah, remember to makes my trail”Shop Owner-”y’know one day they're gonna find you”Warehouse-Master Superior Brief (Through screen readout)-”you're target is currently at a weakened state so he should eBay an easy kill. He's astronaut, trying to escape arrest, if he escapes he’ll create an anomaly, you need to intercept and kill him, leave no trace of his where bounce on the moon. End transmission.”Twelve (in head)- ”guess I’ll need my light armour”Collectable found sound effect- “Data Brief Located”Collectable 1-Time Assassin armour Brief. “Your time assassin armour is what will keep you from design in any situation, built and designed for every location, every terrain and gives you every calculable range of movement. Integrated with your weapon and visor for swift and instinctive movement. your armour is built from a space allow known to survive a supernova, is not affect by past, present or future weaponry. The visor can increase your predictive capabilities, and allows you to calculate the best route to your target, marking out weapons or enemies on the heads up display. Your Time Assassin armour is like a second skin, and like your skin is susceptible to extreme cold and heat, its only other weakness is another time assassin weaponry, do not allow a sword or dagger to penetrate the base layer of your armour. End transmission.”Collectable 2- Time Assassin weapons brief. “a time assassin's weapons are like its arms and hands, your weapons are built to map your own movement, meaning increased power and speed with enhanced reload or swipe with your sword. Your pistol is set of the art, extreme rounds can piece thick concrete walls, while high EX rounds will destroy a small building. Large ammunition capacity, and silencer, the ultimate tool for an easy kill. Your sword is designed specially for you assassin, its handle is magnetically locked to your gloves and its blade can cut through steel. It has an energy emitter to eta up the blade for enemies with heavy amour or potentially dangerous weaponry. Finally your dagger is your last resort in fight, it like your sword is built to accommodate your movement, and has an energy emitter to burn through event he thickest enemy amour.In situations that require heavy weaponry, you have aside array of weapons from sniper rifles to shotgun, our best is an automatic combination of the both, the EX7 is an automatic assault rifle, with long range capability and extreme ammunition capability. End transmission.”Collectable 3-Teleprotatin advertisement. “need to get home in a hurry, can’t afford an air train, or too long to catch the bus, use our Teleport stores. Located at every location in our great city, the Teleport station give you the ease of access to every with a Teleportation station. An what’s more you don't need money with you! You just need your blood scan, and we'll change you when you get your months salary! Teleportation stations, the future of travel is only down the road End transmission.”Collectable 4 –Portal Brief. “Time assassin would not be able to element your targets throughout the east present and future without the portal. There are service a located around the world, at each Time assassin head quarters, these portals were built not to long ago from remains of a time long ago. The portal requires a lot of power, and is charged by the solar and lunar rays. Each portal is assigned to each assassin, you are not permitted to use a portal not assigned to you. Any attempt to do so will be met with elimination. Time portals’ range is limited and travelling beyond these limits will cause an implosion and possible anomaly. End Transmission.”

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PlotThe story of my video game is split into three acts, three stages of the game in which you find out more and more about the back-story, and dig deeper into a conspiracy that exists longer than anyone expected.Act IThe Time Assassin (his name is not revealed until later, but his superiors call him by his number, 12 being in the future has an interest in retro video games, and is found playing one at the start of the first level. This retro arcade game introduces the instructions on how to move and fight in the game. He is then called by the Master Superior, the current head of the Time Assassins, and told to get to the location provided a valuable target is escaping though the travel barrier, (if they do then an assassin cannot eliminate them because it would make a too big an imprint in history and therefore cause a paradox, or extreme ripple in the time space continuum possible replacing the current timeline with an entirely new change of events.)Twelve leaves the retro arcade and enters the street, there are collectibles for the user to pick up that will explain further elements of the game such as weapons and armour in the form of briefs. Twelve reaches the teleport store and is materialised inside the hidden warehouse in which he keeps his portal. He sets the date and location into eh computer form his watch, suits up, and enters the portal. He is on the moon but can breath thanks to his armour. He materialises in front of a old NASA shuttle he approaches it then hear a loud sound getting lower, he looks up and sees a space shuttle crashing right into him. the screen goes black, and the title of the game comes onto the screen.A flashback five years into training academy, weapons training and parkour follows. Once this level is complete he walks to the Master Superiors office, and is told that this training academy is not what it seems, it is a false front to find people skilled enough o become time assassin. He is chosen and taken to a warehouse similar to the one before. They enter the portal and re-materialise in front a of a futuristic city. The tallest building appears to simply be a consultancy company, but is again a secret location for the Time Assassin HQ.Twelve is given his name, and trained further with the armour and weapon you use in the game, he becomes one of the best time assassins. A flash-forward five months and Twelve is sent back into time to make his first kill in time, an initiation. He is sent back to kill Hitler. The Time Assassin appears outside of the building containing his target. He knocks a solider unconscious and takes his clothes, and leaves a disk device on his head, this means that when Twelve leaves, the version of the guard who was unconscious is remove form time, and the original guard is not attacked by the time assassin, and continues his business. So no time anomaly is committed.Twelve makes his kill and takes the target back to the present, or rather the future, the current HQ. the body is thrown into a chamber in which it is eradicated from history, not all targets have this done, sometimes they are left in their own time found dead as to not interpret the time stream.Flash-forward another three years and Twelve becomes a Chief Commander. He is currently the best agent, you complete another mission, this time you are in the future eliminating a high profile target. The target is holding a fundraiser at the top of a very tall building.Time assassin scales the building form the outside and reaches the sixth-forth floor and climbs through an open window. He removes his armour and places a disk on it, so when he leaves this time, so will the armour. Under his armour he is wearing a suit, and he enters the party through an elevator. He approaches his target, but another assassin is there, he has is face hidden with a hood, and yet no one notices them. He takes out a blade that appears to be glowing with energy. And is about to kill the target. Twelve runs and jumps into the other assailant. They fight while the others are escaping. Twelve knocks down the other assailant then runs at the high profile target. And jumps at him they crash out a window and begin free fall. Twelve calls for an immediate departure and teleports just before the target explodes on the concrete ground. Twelve finds Master Superior and demands to know what happened, he explains that there is a rouge assailant killing targets to change the future, if he kills the right people at the right time a ripple in the history of time the future will be dramatically changed. There is now way to find him, but Twelve demands to find the target. Master Superior tells him if he does he will be demoted, and yet twelve still decides to go back to the high profile target location he was just at, after the past Twelve has jumped out the window. The other assailant is still unconscious, so Twelve is about to take him back to the present, when he wakes up and stabs him. they fight, and twelve wins over the energy knife after it ahs been scattered in the fight, all that remains is the handle and part of the blade. The assailant escapes by teleporting, and Twelve returns to the present, but hides his knife. He is given treatment for his injuries and demoted. He is only given two more targets to kill one in medieval time and another is the 80’s. After you kill the targets, you machine that locates a time location from an object gives the time fro the knifeman Twelve claims its impossible. It comes form a year too far into the past, beyond the creation of earth.He is about to use one of company portals to go back but it is programmed not to go back that far. So after placing a lot of equipment including the time scanner in boxes, teleports to the warehouse portal. He programs the room so that it becomes an object to time travel, and goes to 2072. the day he would if died if he isn't recruited by the time assassin. He finds the materials needed to upgraded the prototype portal into he warehouse so it can go back before the portal stone parts creation (this is what gives the portals the ability to travel through time, ancient statues with this power, but fragments remain. with his own personal mission he secretly travels to locations to find the remains three items. But still kills two targets for the time assassins to keep his cover. It jumps forward another sixth months and Twelve enters an arcade, he has everything he needs but cannot leave because he has made himself a too high profile target in time, in other words leaving in secret will be noticed by the time assassins. He leaves on a mission that takes his to moon, but a shuttle crashes into him and he is supposedly dead.End of Act I

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PlotAct IITwelve wakes up with debris on top of him, an floating around because there is low gravity. He gets up but he atmosphere manipulator is damaged. He desperately enters the old NASA shuttle and puts on his suit and helmet. he calls for assistance to go back but there is no answer. It was a trap to kill him. He explores the debris and collects stuff that could be useful, according to his watch it is three weeks. into the future, enough time for them to find a NASA shuttle to crash onto the moon at the exact time to kill him, the only way to see back to earth is to repair the NASA Lander, land in the sea close to his warehouse portal. He repairs the lander as best he cans but it will explode on impact to the sea due to the atmosphere and the speed at which it is falling. The shielding around the shuttle will survive heat form the atmosphere but there is one parachute. His armour will survive the impact, but he will need something to combat the oxygen loss. He explorers the moon for another old lander when he is shot at by several dozen attackers in time assassin uniform. Its clear that they found out he is isn’t dead, and these have been sent to finish the job. Twelve hides in crater, and kills the first attacker to het close to him, he steals his gun and kills the attackers. He find the leader in the party and takes him, his weapon and a lot of spare ammo back to the shuttle. He can use her armour to get enough oxygen. He begins the start up sequence on the shuttle and leaves the moon on a direct course to earth. He takes the dead time assassin armour, and puts the dead body in the airlock. The armour contains some upgraded features that he adds to his own including a new HUD. The HUD in the helmet had the previous orders though tis unclear who it came from, TWELVE cannot trust anyone.Several days after, surviving on rations found on the shuttle, Twelve is close to the atmosphere but is hits an-in-orbit satellite that flew into the shuttle. The shuttle is sent flying into the wrong direction and crashes through the atmosphere at a the wrong trajectory. It id heading right towards a military boat. Twelve puts him armour into heavy lock, and open the airlock, the pressure slowly rips the shuttle apart, and he jumps out right before the ship fires at the supposable missile.Twelve lands in the sea and sinks due to the armour lock, he disables it and swims to the surface next to the boat. He climbs on and decides he needs to find a plane. to get to the warehouse, he could not travel there way. He stealthily climbs through the decks but is caught by a guard, against he knocks unconscious the guard who calls for help. It appears the Time assassin found out he is still alive by the words Stanger in some sort of heavy armour reported to the ship captain. Twelve hides in a boiler room, but it eventually gets to hot so find another way to the top deck. He does but there is time assassin with a sword waiting for him. Twelve takes out his own sword and they fight. Twelve wins and interrogates the assailant. He only tells him he is digging to deep into the past, and this cannot be tolerated before killing himself. He steals jet, and flies if before the crew can kill him, and sets a course for the city near the warehouse. He finds an emergency parachute below the chair, and puts it on. He flies above the city at night, sets the place on autopilot to return to the ship, then jumps out. He pulls his chute and glides onto a reasonable tall building. He then abseils to the bottom and travels through the downtown streets to a teleport store. The shop owner is waiting for him with a gun, seems he was again betrayed. Before the store owner can tell the Assassins where the warehouse is located, Twelve kills the shopkeeper, and sets a bombs to destroy the shop after he teleports.Twelve appears in the warehouse and repairs his armour and finish upgrading it. he programs the time into the portal, takes the knife from the other assailant that was in the machine, and travels into the portal. Expecting to see just space, because it was before time, he instead find an apocalyptic earth, the reaming buildings collapsing and covered in vines and trees. He uses his watch to track any anomaly and finds an assailant. He is currently a top a building, which is collapsing, so jumps to another, and barely climbs on before falling. He manages to land in the building on the fifth floor, he abseils the rest of the way. He hotwires an old bike that appears to still function, then drives address the wasteland to another old city, he enters a courthouse where an assailant waits for him. They fight and Twelve wins, he knocks out the assailant and ties him up on chair tat is hanging above a crater in the street with no visible bottom. He interrogates the assailant, and is asked whether or not they tried to kill him. Twelve tells him yes, the assailant, tells him that he is trying to change events to stop the time assassin destroying the world. They are saving it by killing targets, but they do something soon that will cause a chain reaction leading the world to this.Twelve helps the assailant out of the chair, then they discuss how to stop the events. The assailant is masked, so it is not clear who it is, but when the assailant removes the hood it appears she is female. She used to be time assassin, from the year 2331. But left because of the reason she had explained. She is hunted because she left and that is why she is known as a rouge. It is not her real name, but Twelve calls her that from then on, Rogue. they then plan how to kill the final two targets so it will supposable stop the wold becoming an apocalypse. but as they almost enter through Rogue’s portal, a time assassin shoots at it, and it breaks. Twelve and the assassin fight, and all through the crater from earlier, they fight at the bottom which appears to be some sort of black lake. Twelve is knocked unconscious.End of Act II

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PlotAct IIIHe awakes next to the portal, he was saved by Rogue. they repair the portal, and after a month in the apocalyptic world, and fighting of attackers, they escape. they first go to a satellite base in the future, and kill anyone. This would never usually be done but events have to be change dramatically to stop the world from ending. They destroy the satellite then return to the warehouse portal, where they make a base for themselves. they spend the next month preparing the portal, their armour and the weapons. Twelve program the machines t find the corresponding point of all the anomalies in time, whatever caused the situation they're in, it is Rogue's final target, Master Superior. they plan how to break into the Time Assassin headquarters, and they do so. they fight many time assassin, but do not kill them, knock them out. eventually they reach the master superior office, fight the heavily skilled guards, then interrogate Master Superior. he reveals that the man they are expecting has disappeared, and he is the master superior form five years ago, the one before recruiting Twelve. this is so, if Twelve kills master superior, he will of never joined the time assassins. Twelve reveals that he is wearing the disc, so if he did kill master superior he would be fine until he removes the disc. master superior is killed after revealing that the present master superior is hiding in dead time. time that shouldn't exist, beyond the knowable universe was created. where the supposable portals came from. they return to the warehouse, and program the portal to take them there, Rogue remains there as Twelve won't be able to return since he'll go before time, and needs an emergency exit from rogue. he travels to dead time, and crosses a vast what seems to be a black glass triangle but with a dust sand texture, a black desert. atom explosions happen around him, like stars he looks around to see other early portals that haven't been destroyed. in the distance one portal is activated, he runs to it, and jumps from one of the black shapes to another, as if they're were huge cliffs.Twelve reaches Master superior, whom addresses shim by his real name finally, Damien. they discuss why he did this, and it was because there is an event that will resulting in something no one will expect. he wanted to stop it by creating a portal in dead time and resetting the universe. the "Superior portal" is taller than a five storey building, is warming up to create an explosions. Damien alerts Rogue to bring him back in two minutes exactly, then he fights master superior. he wind and forces his head into the portal, it ages rapidly till it is a corroding skull. Damien then shot at the portal, as he does the god-like shapes begin to shatter like glass. the portal all start to glow as well as if something is happening, something is starting. the superior portal explodes and the glass around him shatters, just as he is teleported back to the present there is a flash or white and it can only be described as the big bang. when he materialises the warehouse is the same, everything remains only one of the machines is in alarm. the alarm goes off when there is a massive anomaly, the alarm breaks because it was too big an anomaly, something happened, something changed so massive in the past that resulted in an alternate reality.End of Act III

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Cover magazine draft designThis is the first draft for my video game cover and it has a lot of interesting features. The research I did into video game covers gave me an idea of what sport of representation was involved, typography was major factor, similar to what a logo would be. The game itself requires an age rating, and the type of console of PC it plays on. It also needs to display an element in the game that is major and of them what the story is surrounding on. In this case the main thing in this cover is the portal. I felt that because time assassin wouldn’t be time assassin without the portals they use, that this would be great imagery for the game cover. The portal itself is more alien than I wanted it to be, I had a picture in my mind of a portal that almost look like, the machine that build up the portal were supposed to look like servers from a computer, something very clearly man made. There were areas that were made from stone with ancient symbols glowing in them that are between these machine parts. This element could offer a more realistic approach to the portal, how they use the ancient portals that have been enhanced with said machines to be more modern. I may chose to keep this element of chose to make a portal that looks like it has been completely built with server machines. It will also have the server trolleys around the portal filling the warehouse, so it shows that it requires a loot of power and machinery to make a time travel portal. Inside the portal is a glimpse of an apocalyptic world, and satellite in space, elements that ire used in the game, and this is the best way to represent them. I may chose to replace this with were the title will go, I plan to have a realistic by 80’s look to the cover, withe an invisible foil, so the text isn’t at first there, but then appears. This is an element again used in the game.

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Game Cover draft designThe game magazine was an interesting design

problem for me to solve, I needed to come up with a magazine cover that will attract both audience already interested in my game, and ones that had never heard of my game before. I choice the name Response as my gaming magazine title because it seems like an appropriate word to use in this context, a fast response to gaming news. It has the elements that I had found in the magazine cover research like the barcode, price an issue number. It has advertisements, but not as an out of place circle but in slightly transparent rectangle in the corner. The logo has the words gaming magazine in smaller font, so they all fit in the same rectangle, I feel this makes good typography. There is a bar along the top that will have news in bold letters to further entice the audience. And then an offer for free gifts, which is another enticement for often younger audiences or collectors.Inside the magazine, the page I will design has no real detail, I chose to do this because I have not decided what sort of information I will include in my magazine to entice the audience. Though I've indicated where the text will go. And like the example image below it will fit above an image, with not box around it, like one the video game magazines I had looked at this was cool effect that was used in magazines. I have not done this on the cover either, I felt that I need to know more about my game and what it will really look like before I chose what pictures that will catch the potential audiences eye, before I make an major choice. Though all the images apart form some that may go in boxes on the foreground, all main images will remain in the background.

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Plan for ProductionI complete research

into themes, and similar products. I have found potential audience through questionnaires and research into age rating companies.1/10/15

15 Dec

15 Sep

15 Oct


30 Sep

I have begun detailed design of my cover and game magazine, and have started programming the 8-bit portion of my video game.15/10/15

I have completed the testing stage of my video game and release all three products. I begin the evaluation and complete before Christmas.10/12/15

I finish designing my video game and have successful connected each area together.12/11/15

The research into video games begin, I find some software I could use to program a game.17/09/15

I complete my research and production plan for making my video game, having planned the plot, story and other themes.10/10/2015

I have complete the 8 bit portion of my game, and have begun using Unity 3D to design the five area of my video game level.30/10/15

I have finished the cover art for my game, and the magazine cover and advertisement page for my game, I now begin testing my game with the audience I used for my questionnaire28/11/15

I find some software to use for programming, I begin research narrative themes, and video game themes, potential audience.20/09/15