Woking’s Canal Quarter: Development Of My App

Presentation 2014 keynote presentation woking canal quarter app

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Woking’s Canal Quarter: Development Of My App

Title: An App for Woking’s Canal Quarter

You have been asked to design and create an app that is basedon the Canal Quarter location in Woking.

Describe your intentions; the aims / function/ purpose of the App


The purpose of my app is to look into colours both inside the Light Box and around the Light Box near the Canal. I also wanted to look at the architecture of the Light box as I like the harsh edges and angled walls of this building, therefore I will incorporate both these elements in my final design for my app. I have done a colour study in my sketch book, as this will help me get an accurate colour to some of the colours in the pictures I took, it will also help me decide where the bright colours are that I could use as I want to add an element of fun to this app whilst also making it aesthetically pleasing, these are some of the purposes of my app too.

Design: An App for Woking’s Canal Quarter

From your research into app design, describe yourinfluences and inspiration for the app. This will include analysis of use of illustration and visual imagery used in app design but can extend to poster design, film title sequences, packaging, illustration, art, design…Link your inspiration to the intentions for the app


I have researched into Rowan Leckie, as inspiration for my final app design, as I really like the idea of dribbling bright colours over black line drawings. I incorporated Rowan Leckie’s style of art into my app ideas by drawing the light box in a simple line drawing and going over this in black biro to emphasise these lines, I wanted to include Rowans use of bright colours into my illustrations therefore I studied the colours of parts of the exhibition inside the light box, such as the multi coloured stripes across window panels and the coloured lights in the ‘cloud’ exhibition, I then dribbled these colours over the line drawings I had done. I was pleased with the outcomes as the dribbled paint looked like the strips of colour across the window panels of the Light Box.

Aesthetics: Artwork

Show the artwork created and developed from your visual research imagery. You will be creating 3 slides for your app – will the artwork be the same or will it vary?


The artwork for my app will vary from each slide, however I will adopt the same concept as I will have a simple drawing of the Light Box with dribbles of watercolour paint over them in the colours of elements of my photographs. The slides will vary as the angle of the Light Box will change slightly and the distance from the Light Box will change as it will get closer as the slides progress, the coloured dribbles will also change as the slides progress.

Aesthetics: Typography

Show the style(s) of text you plan to use – you may wish to indicate different size fonts for titles, headings, copy


I want to keep my text styles quite simple, as this simple style will fit with the idea of keeping my illustrations simplistic and aesthetically pleasing. I will keep the colour of the text black as again I feel this will in-keep with the professional style I am going for. I will keep the text all in capitals and all the same size throughout as this will give the app the professional feel I am aiming for.




Aesthetics: Colour Scheme

Show the reference and range of colours you plan to use to create an overall style – include swatchesThe colour should combine the artwork and typography and support your intentions


These colour swatches are focused on the greenery around the canal, however this shows how the blues and oranges link to the coloured strips on the window panels in the Light Box.I have tried to get the colours as accurate as possible using ‘Adobe Kuler’, as I can make swatches for records and adjust colours.

The colour swatch to the right were focused on the colours I had photographed from the ‘cloud’ exhibition in the Light Box, as these colours are a key feature in my final app designs so I needed to use Adobe Kuler to get the colours as accurate as possible and learn about which colours compliment each other.


Outline the transition within and between the 3 slides of the app This will show the plan for the overall layout and combination elements of the artwork, typography and colour


I have created a story board in my sketch book one showing the completed slides and another showing the transition between slides and how slides will fade in and out of the screen.These are my three separate slides showing the Light Box getting closer and the dribbles of paint changing colour, I will have each slide fade out then the next slide fade in, I will do this by the image gradually appearing in a rectangle shape then fading out showing the whole image. As you can see from this initial story board I have combined the bright colours from elements of my photographs as dribbles over the simple line drawings of the Light Box, I will keep the text black on the animation as this will keep it looking professional and in – keep with the simple black lines in the line drawings behind the coloured dribbles.