Preamble to the constitution 4

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The Indian constitution is a reflection of those ideas that arose about the ideal country during the struggle for Independence.The constituent Assembly formulated our constitution.Before Independence,it had been the British who made the basic laws for the country.But finally,after constant pressure,the British Prime Minister Clement Attlee sent the Cabinet Mission to India to discuss matters regarding self-rule

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Preamble to the constitutionThe preamble to our constitution is given below. Let us examine how the constitution accomodates the principles laid down in it.

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SOVEREIGNTY The major portion of India had been under foreign rule for a long time . The slogan raised against the British rule was ‘poorna swaraj’ or ‘full independence’. The idea of sovereignty is the practical form this idea as postulated by the constitution . Complete control of the machinery of governance of our country is entrusted in the hands of the people.

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democracyIt is possible to enforce the sovereign power assured by the constitution only through democracy . For this purpose , representative assemblies at various levels have been formed. The Lok sabha , the Legislative Assembly, the three-tier Panchayati Raj system are examples of this .

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Socialism Socialism is a political system which ensures equal rights to all citizens of the country. Steps to bridge the difference between the wealthy and the poor, to fix a limit to the wealth of an individual , to prevent the concentration of wealth in a few hands , to raise the standard of living of the poor are some of the attempts for it.

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Secularism The Indian constitution supports secularism . There is no official religion for the country .Citizens have the right to follow and propagate any religion or to live without adhering to any religion.

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Republic The preamble to the constitution declares that India is a republic. A republic is a country where the people have sovereign power and the head of the state is always elected .

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citizenshipCitizenship is a special recognition given by the country to an individual. The citizen should be conscious of his rights and duties. All individuals in a country are assured of equality through citizenship.

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