Evaluation Question 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media evaluation q3

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Evaluation Question 3-

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and


Page 2: Media evaluation q3

What is distribution?

• Film distribution is when an organisation represents and sells your film to the public and major companies. The distribution company will handle the release of the film in the first country it will come out in and will also sell the film for home viewing (e.g. DVD, Video streaming, Television). The distribution company will also represent your film at various film festivals and handle all forms of advertising (e.g. TV adverts, Posters, YouTube trailers). Film distribution is one of the most important aspects in the film industry as it brings completed films to life and connects with the audience before they have even seen the film. The distribution of films is most successful when it is integrated with production and exhibition as one large process, under the control of one company.

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Why our film is an independent film

Our film is called “Vindicta” and it is an independent film because it isn’t being distributed by one of the big six film studios (Warner Bros. Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures, Universal Pictures, Colombia Pictures, “20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures). We will create a film that will be produced completely outside of the major studio system. We had to find an independent film company that had a history of distributing successful independent films. Our film production company is called “Optimum Productions”, and we have called it this because optimum means performing at the top level and that is what we aim to do when producing our films.

Our chosen production company

The production company we have chosen to produce our film are called Island Pictures and they are an aspiring company who have successfully produced many independent films and TV shows. Independent films that Island Pictures have produced include Sidewalk Stories (1989), Crusoe (1988) and Dark Eyes (1987). These films are successful thriller films so Island Pictures would be a suitable production company for our film because we are aiming to create a successful thriller film.

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What methods of distribution would I choose for our film? • Film Festival• Film festivals are vital for any kind of film because they enable

you to introduce your film to your target audience. We obviously wouldn’t be able to distribute our film at a major film festival but there are thousands of specialist film festivals throughout the UK that would be suitable for our film distribution.

• Online Distribution• Distributing our film online would be useful as putting our film

opening on social network sites would make sure that as many people know about our film as possible. Because of our low budget many methods of distribution wouldn’t be possible but online distribution is a cheap and simple method that has the potential for many people to view our film opening.