Possible Poster images I have narrowed down the photos I took to only three. I have specifically chosen these three images as I believe they are the most powerful and I really think these will look effective on the front cover of a film poster. From doing format research I depicted that incorporating one character in the main image has the most successful outcome as it provides the audience with a glimpse of what the movie entails, yet still creates a sense of mystery. I am going to

How i created my film poster

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Page 1: How i created my film poster

Possible Poster imagesI have narrowed down the photos I took to only three. I have specifically chosen these three images as I believe they are the most powerful and I really think these will look effective on the front cover of a film poster. From doing format research I depicted that incorporating one character in the main image has the most successful outcome as it provides the audience with a glimpse of what the movie entails, yet still creates a sense of mystery. I am going to experiment with editing each image and then when I decided which one is best suited, I will edit it in further detail in order to get the best results.

Page 2: How i created my film poster

In this image, I use a slight texture to make my character look more rough, it also emphasises the mud on her face, I blurred the background to make it appear more professional and I changed the harshness, I am not completely happy with this edit though. I decided to carry on with the previous edit as it looked to plain, therefore I used the clone stamp tool to make it appear as if there is two people, this could represent a split personality as she is meant to be psychotic. I used a stronger more gritty filter which I am really happy with as she looks dirtier and more evil. I changed the colouring slightly to emphasise the dark shades.

Page 3: How i created my film poster

In this image I have centred my editing around colour. I decided to darken it and add a green tinge, this is so it looks colder and appears more sinister. I have also blurred the outside surroundings so ensure that the main focal point is the woman and especially the gun. I am happy with this edit, however I don’t think I will use it for my final poster as I believe it suit the action genre more and I don’t think it is eerie enough for my trailer.

I decided to distort this image and change the brightness, this was to create a disorientated feel, however I am not happy with this edit as I believe it is to unclear.

Page 4: How i created my film poster

From examining the original image, I noticed a few suspects in which I wanted to slightly change before I start editing on top of the image. Firstly I increased the brightness of the image as the skin looked dull and discoloured, so by doing this I have made it appear more even. I also softened the image to make the texture more visually pleasing. I identified a few dark blemishes which I wanted to remove, however I didn’t decide to completely erase them as I want to still represent my character as being rough and therefore not perfect. I decided to use a black and white filter over my image, this Is because it makes my model appear more sinister which is exactly my aim. I also used a brush stroke texture in order to add depth and create more definition. However I am not happy with this as I believe the dark patches create to much disorientation and the image almost looks like a painting which is not what I intended, therefore I am going to play around with other textures.

Page 5: How i created my film poster

Poster edges

Smudge stick

Graphic pen

I do really like these filters, my favourite is definitely ‘Graphic Pen’. Despite this there is still alterations to be made as I am aware that the image is to dark and has lost some definition, to resolve this I am going to use a sharpening effect and brighten up the original black and white image to make sure the final product is exactly what I want.

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I have decided to rotate my image as I believe that it will work best with the typography I am going to incorporate. I have decided to carry on with my editing on Adobe Illustrator which is a graphic design software, I believe this will be more suitable for my poster as it will allow me to ensure my image is exactly how I want it but also so I can play around with a wider variety of fonts and their alignment and spacing.

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Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold

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I have chosen this font as I think it suits the genre. From doing my format research, I detected that a lot of posters had used slightly more simplistic fonts. I believe this is because usually the main image is so captivating that it is important not to ruin the whole atmosphere of the poster by using overpowering typography as this could really prevent it reaching it fall potential. I am happy with this font as its clear and concise and gets the message across and allows the image to speak for itself.

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This is my poster so far, I have chosen to place the typography at the bottom of the page, this was inspired by my format research of the poster for the film ‘SINISTER’. I am

really happy with the results, I have used the font FELIX TILTING This is because It really compliments the font I use for my title, its

slightly more diverse. I chose the specific strap line “There’s a reason she doesn’t always pick up” I have used this because it creates an

enigma and leaves the audience wondering why, in which they can only find out by watching the film, therefore its almost used as an incentive. It creates suspense which I found obviously a common

theme on thriller posters. Beneath the strap line I have incorporated the crew whom helped create the film, this will ensure people can

identify their favourite directors and it will give them a preconception. I have also used film/entertainment logos at the bottom, I think this

looks really good and also helps the audience know the big names who created the film to give them reassurance.

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FINAL POSTERThis is my final poster, I have made a few alterations to the previous poster although with good reason. Firstly I decided to change the main image slightly, beforehand I began to think that the poster wasn’t at its full potential as it came across dull and colourless. Therefore I dealt with this by using shades of red to brighten up the image, I chose the colour red because it is a convention of the thriller genre, alluding to danger and destruction. By doing this I have also conformed to the three colour principle, I believe this is beneficial for my work as it makes it appear more captivating. Another feature I added was a tagline at the top of the page, i came to this decision for various reasons, one being that there was a substantial amount of blank space and although I wanted to ensure my poster was simple, I made the choice to use the space wisely. Another reason is from doing my format research it caught my eye and so I decided to adapt it to my own work.

I am really happy with my final poster design and believe it has definitely exceeded my expectations. By experimenting with various fonts , layouts and filtered I have been able to ensure my poster is appropriate and looks professional. I am now going to release my poster onto my social media platforms in order to make sure my target audience stay exited for the forthcoming trailer release.