Guy Bourdin Nyle Amin

Guy Bourdin

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Guy Bourdin

Nyle Amin

About Bourdin

Guy Bourdin was a fashion photographer however, it can be said that his images could be seen as pornographic as he uses women and their bodies. He also uses the colour red in his images and there are many connotations with this colour such as sexual promiscuity or frustration, danger and anger. This is why it is a popular belief that Bourdin hated women as his models are lifeless and mostly naked. In my opinion, I believe that Bourdin could have been a feminist as in one of his images a woman is urinating on a picture of a man and in another, a woman is throwing food at a man as well as celebrating the female body. Considering the era that he was photographing, these images are very shocking

To emulate this image, I used Barbie dolls instead of live models because they, like the models in the original image, are lifeless and maybe as toys or objects. I used a high ISO to give the image a grainy finish and I used Photoshop to crop the image

Aperture: f/7.0

Shutter Speed: 1/250

ISO: 6400

I uses a Barbie doll to take this image and I used nail varnish for the blood. On Photoshop, I used the diffuse glow filter to to make the image grainy and then adjusted the exposure.

Aperture: f/4.8

Shutter Speed: 1/100

ISO: 400

In my opinion, this is one of the only Bourdin that is fashion related.I reversed the image so that there were white shoes on a black background

I chose the images from the internet. I ‘magic lasso’ed around the shoe and then used the ‘move’ tool to drag it onto the base image. I then duplicated the new layer and horizontally flipped the shoe.