Evaluation: Question 4 What have you learned from your audience feedback


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Evaluation: Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback

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Feedback on the rough cutThe rough cut feedback was the first

ever that we received and can be watched here(image on right). As this was very early into creating our rough cut we knew that this would not be our final piece and every bit of feedback would be valuable. As listed within that blog post we were told that the special effects added were really nice and should be kept so they were not changed but slightly polished when heading to our final product, however there was also constructive criticism such as that the ending was rather dull and needed to be more energetic. As well as this we need to replace some filters later in

music video as it just didn’t fit with


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Changes that had to be made

From the feedback it was pretty obvious what changes had to be made;

We need to replace the out of place filters, we had to add more jump cuts as the videos energy just seems to die half way through and there was a close up clip of the artist and she would move her lips but no lyrics were actually said so it was a bit of a false indication to the audience. None of these problems could be carried onto the final product and so all needed to be changed, we decided cut down the close up to the artist so you wasn’t able to see her move her lips. The ending received a drastic change being almost completely redone from what was originally planned. The shots at night we got were not any good to use so this meant a previous basetrack had to carry on whilst the firework shots were cutting back in. However it wasn’t all bad as from this there seemed to be a lot more cuts which overall helped give the ending the energy it needed and so it did not feel as overpowered from the beginning as before. I found that even though it wasn’t our initial idea it had made the music video turn out better and so the feedback was greatly appreciated.

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At the screeningWhen the audience was viewing our music video they reacted

completely how we expected, there was energy, excitement and this is all whets expected from a song in our genre. There was an applause at the end and I had received messages from a lot of friends in other classes that had said the music video was great.

It was after this that I knew we had made the music video perfect and that the conventions were spot on, it was also for this reason I didn’t want to challenge any conventions as I think that a new artist should just stick to what everyone expects and if anything only attempt it after having a much larger and loyal fan base. There was only one piece of criticism that I got from a friend and that was that they noticed the use of the same base track even when it was getting darker. If I could go back and improve anything it would be to redo the footage in the dark so it would be suitable to use as I don’t think it would of been hard but more that we presumed we had what we needed for editing.

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Ancillary feedbackWhen it came to producing the ancillary work I was very

confident as I had researched the conventions of a digipak and advertisement within our genre and was experienced in Photoshop so I knew my limits in what I could create.

Here is my digipak and advertisement for my ancillary along with feedback that was given to me by a classmate:

Click box for video to start

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Taking a look on what was saidMy classmate had given me a lot of positive feedback

for my ancillary saying how I’ve met conventions for a digipak and advertisement, he talks about how I’ve manage to keep visual synergy between the two products and used suitable fonts and colours. Some criticism that he gives are that I should add more graphics which I think would be good but I'm not too convinced that it would be an improvement because it may take some attraction of off the artist who is the main purpose of the digipak and advertisement. That being said I can see it being good for the product as it may give it some more energy and liveliness but this all depends on what graphics are used and where they’re put because there isn’t much space available either.

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OverallLooking back on all the feedback given I do

believe that I’ve made both a music video and ancillary products that strongly meet the conventions within our genre this is also supported by how they appeal to the target audience and how both have received a lot of positive feedback. However I do like to receive the constructive criticism as it allows me to take upon what is said and therefore improving my work.