Edward scissorhands

Edward scissorhands

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Page 1: Edward scissorhands

Edward scissorhands

Page 2: Edward scissorhands

First scene

The logo is covered in snow and is snowing, unlike it normally being golden. This could mean that the film takes place either in winter or in a snowy country. The music is also different because it is quiet and sad. This could mean that the person who it is about could have had quite a hard life. The overall picture is bleak and depressing which is the mood that they are trying to set.

Page 3: Edward scissorhands

Second scene

This shows us a picture of a door and the name of the director. Once again the music is quite low and sad and this goes well with the view of the door opening slowly. The door looks like it is from a church or old house, suggesting that this story could have something to do with a person or item that is really old. The name of the director stands out because it is a white name while

Page 4: Edward scissorhands

Third scene

This scene just shows us the name of the film. The name is black on white and stands out against the background. This could mean that he is different from ordinary people. This shot also tells us that this person is different because his hands are scissors and this isn’t normal.

Page 5: Edward scissorhands

Fourth scene

This shot shows us a figure which is covered up, so we don’t know if he is a statue or a person. The figure is covered in spider webs meaning that he has been there a long time. The music is still quite sad but builds up the falls back down from time to time. The actors name is probably the main character, as he is the most important and the first to show up. The hands of the figure look pointy and sharp, looking like scissors. This could be what the main character looks like.

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Fifth scene

This scene shows us a name of another person and a low angle shot of some stairs. The stairs have cobwebs in them, once again showing how old the place is and it is setting a creepy atmosphere. The music now has more vocals than before so is less creepy and now sounds more like a Christmas carol. All of this is trying to set the mood.

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Sixth scene

This is the first time we see a scissor. It covers the whole screen, so we can see clearly what it is. In the top left is some sort of contraption that makes it seem to move. We can imagine that this is what Edward uses to move his hands. The music reveals this as it reaches a high when the all of the scissor can be seen.

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Seventh scene

Each shape appears in time with the music to show what it is. It comes in with the music to make it look more professional and makes the audience listen and look more deeply into it. Each shape has also seem to be taken out or cut out very carefully. This could show that the character is very precise and wants things to be done properly.

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Eighth scene

Then all of the shapes appear and they are moving. Once again this is tied in with music with the big reveal. Now names of the staff are coming up, they are not as important so they are shown later on, with normal things as the background. All the shapes could suggest that are main character likes to cut things into little shapes and does it carefully.

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Ninth scene

This shows us hands, they don’t look real, but made out of plastic or another material. This could suggest to us that the main character was either going to have hands or cut his own of. The former being the most reasonable. It is to contrast what hands should look like. This time, the hands are light and faint, where as everything else has been dark. This could mean that these hands aren’t real and are a dream.