Deconstruction of contents page

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Page 1: Deconstruction of contents page
Page 2: Deconstruction of contents page

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme for this contents page is pink, white, blue with accents of black. The colour pink connotes love and romance and girliness. White connotes cleanliness and purity. Blue connotes calmness and faith. Black connotes intelligence. All of these things will attract the target audience – as well as the fact these are popular colours for this age range.

The Heading

The heading of this contents page (‘We Love This…’) is situated at the top of the page in big, bold, black letters. This will capture the readers attentions and then invite them to read the rest of the page as the sentence is not quite finished, and almost leaves the audience anticipating the end of the sentence. There is another heading further down the page showing the page numbers with their corresponding article titles. This heading (‘Inside This Month…’) is written the same typography as the main heading. Again, it ends with an ellipsis drawing the audience in.

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The Features and Subheads

The features of this magazine are situated underneath the editors note. Unlike some other contents pages, the features are not the main focus of the page. The features are written in alternating colours of black and pink so that each feature can be easily distinguished from one another. There are no pictures as apart of the features giving it a professional and polished look. The page numbers are in a bigger font than the subheads so that it can be clearly seen. The subheads have slang used in them and are written in informal language – making them more relatable to the target audience. The subheads have, also, mentioned people who the target audience will look up to – Union J, Josh Hutcherson, Lawson, One Direction, Joey Essex, Conor Maynard and Rihanna – to catch the readers attention. The subheads do not have a heading or title.

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Dominant Image and Sub Images

The Dominant Image on this page is of The Saturdays. Each of the girls in the band are pulling a silly or amusing face, meaning that it will catch the audiences attention. They are, also, making eye contact with the audience forming a direct mode of address. The Sub Images are of different celebrities who are featured in the magazine and one of front cover of the magazine. The majority of the images are of posters that are included in the magazine. These images will grab the audience’s attention and entice them to read the rest of the magazine. Four of the images have their corresponding page number.

Sub Heads

Some of the images have a sub head underneath them, giving a meaning to the picture and an anchor to the article/feature that they are apart of. Some of the subheads are pull quotes from the article that they are apart of. The subheads have been selected so that they are relatable to the target audience and will grab their attention.

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Editors Note

The editors note is written in a plain black font that is typical of a typed document – giving an official feel to the note. However, this is contrasted against by the fact that the editor has hand signed her name with an ‘x’. The editors note is written in an informal/chatty way so that the audience feels comfortable reading it. It is, also, very relatable to the way that they would speak with their friends.

The Masthead

The masthead of the magazine is a logo, this has been placed in the top right-hand corner of the contents page, keeping in theme with the front cover.

Web-Address and Page Number

The web address is in the bottom right-hand corner of the page with the page number. The web address is there so that the audience can visit the website.