Navigating Technology 導導導導 Photography by Quoc Tran Le Bao, Vietnam 1

Choice Photo (People) --Smithsonian Magazine 2014

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Page 1: Choice Photo (People) --Smithsonian Magazine 2014

Navigating Technology 導航科技,越南Photography by Quoc Tran Le Bao, Vietnam 1

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Lave Net Fishing at Ba Dong Beach 用萊夫網在仈東海灘捕魚,越南Photography by Pham Ty, Vietnam 2

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Inle Lake Fisherman 茵萊湖漁夫,緬甸Photography by Jorge Fernandez, Spain


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A Young Villager And Her Buffalo 村姑與水牛,越南

Photography by Max Seigal, Boulder, CO, USA


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Woman Watches City 望著城市的婦人Photography by Ngoc Tran, USA


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The Mud Festival 泥漿節Photography by Nguyen Viet Thanh, Hanoi, Vietnam


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Mud Wrestling 泥漿角力,越南Photography by Viet Phuong Tran, Vietnam


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Caught in the Wind 迎風,越南Photography by Bảo Sơn Nguyễn, Vietnam 8

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Shepherd at Sunset 牧羊人在日落,寧順省,越南Photography by Pham Ty, Vietnam


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Impressions Show 麗江印象秀,中國Photography by Dimitra Stasinopoulou, Glifada, 10

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Riding Off in Tibet 騎機車,西藏

Photography by Ryan Friese, San Diego, CA, USA

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Colors of Cambodia 柬埔寨的顏色Photography by Romeo Starcevic, Vinkovci, Croatia 12

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Train Ride Through Myanmar 火車穿越緬甸Photography by Jorge Fernandez, Spain


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Boys Playing in Myanmar 緬甸男孩的遊戲Photography by Arkar Tun Kyaw, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)


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Preparing a Meal for the Monks 為僧侶準備一餐,緬甸Photography by Kyaw Kyaw Winn, Myanmar 15

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Fishing by Lamplight 靠燈光捕魚,孟加拉Photography by Khalid Rayhan Shawon, Bangladesh 16

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High-Rise Construction Worker 高樓建築工人,孟加拉Photography by Kumar Bishwajit, Dhaka, Bangladesh 17

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Fishermen on Stilts 踩高蹺的漁民,斯里蘭卡Photography by Suranga Weeratunga, Sri Lanka

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Mentawai Hunters 印尼的明達威獵人Photography by Mohd Irman Ismail, Malaysia 19

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Sulfur Miner 硫磺礦工,印尼Photography by Agung Bawono Aji, Indonesia

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Taslima at Her Doorstep 在家門口,拉達克山脈,印度Photography by Sandipan Mukherjee, Kolkata, West Bengal, India 21

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Muchilot Bhagavathi TheyyamPhotography by Joshi Daniel, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India 22

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Feeding Pigeons 餵鴿子,印度

Photography by Suditi Guharoy, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


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Sankranthi Harvest Festival 豐年祭,印度Photography by Nimai Chandra Ghosh, India


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A man dressed as the Hindu deity Lord Hanuman扮成印度教神哈奴曼神Photography by Saibal Gupta, India


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Village Discussion 村裡的會談,印度Photography by Sankar Sridhar, India 26

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Local Healer 宗教治療師,布基納法索Photography by Matjaz Krivic


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River Crossing 穿越尼連禪河

Photography by Barun kr. Datta, India


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A Festival of Colors 彩色節,印度Photography by Sucheta Das, India


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Returning Home After a Local Football Match 足球賽後回家,印度Photography by Sudipto Das, India 30

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Disciples of Hindu Lord Shiva 印度教濕婆神的信徒Photography by Sudipto Das, India 31

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Fun in the Mud 玩泥樂趣,印度

Photography by Sujan Sarkar, Cooch Behar, India


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Introducing Himself 自我介紹,印度Photography by Abhijit Dey, India


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Three Faces 三張面孔,菲律賓Photography by Jeffrey Itum, Philippines 34

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The Warrior 戰士,菲律賓

Photography by Louie Anthony Delgado, Philippinesr 35

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Playground 操場,伊朗Photography by Saeed Arabzadeh, Iran


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Harvest 收成,伊朗

Photography by Amir Ghaderi, Iran


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Lesson in Harvesting 收穫的一課,迦納Photography by Laath Martin, Greensboro, NC, USA 38

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Nassau Street Art 拿索街頭藝術Photography by Lorrie Dallek, USA

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Mardi Gras Madness 狂歡節的瘋狂Photography by Amber Gerard, USA


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Texas, Ho! 德州,嗬!Photography by Amelia Merrick,USA


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Local Character 地方特色,德州Photography by Adam Stocker USA


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Dance Rehearsal 舞蹈排練,溫哥華Photographed at Vancouver, USA


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Billiards by Namtso Lake 在納木錯湖邊打撞球,加拿大

Photography by Vincent Cheng, Canada


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Burning Embers 燃燒餘燼,南非Photography by Erlo Brown, Vermont, South Africa 45

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Sunset Dance 舞蹈在夕陽時Dassanech tribe dance on the bank of Omo RiverPhotography by Goran Jovic, Croatia 46

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Cuban Blue 古巴藍Photography by Michelle Detering


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Colorful Carnival in Olinda 豐富多彩的狂歡節在奧林達,巴西Photography by Ivaldo Costa, Brazil 48

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Friendship 友誼,塞爾維亞Photography by Mina Delic, Senta, Serbia


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Coal Miner 煤礦工人,俄羅斯Photography by Roman Shalenkin, Russia 50

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Three Women, One Great Pyramid 三個女人,一個偉大金字塔,埃及Photography by David Freid, USA


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Orthodox Priests Celebrate Easter 東正教牧師慶祝復活節,依索匹亞Photography by Jorge Fernandez, Spain 52

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Elisabeth, 34, With Her 4th Child 她的第 4個孩子,烏干達Photography by Paolo Patruno, Italy 53

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Young Sheepherder in the Andes 年輕的牧羊人在安第斯山脈,祕魯Photography by Jay Koppelman, , USA


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55Surfing with Dolphins 與海豚共浪,澳大利亞Photography by Matt Hutton, Australia

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Skateboarder by the Sea 海邊滑板運動,日本Photography by Soma Mizobuchi, Japan


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Out at Sea 在海上,烏克蘭Photography by Nikolai Tcyrulnikov, Russia


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Costumed During Carnival 狂歡節期間的盛裝,義大利Photography by Oleksandra Korobova, Canada


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Paris Street 巴黎街頭Photography by Dominic Burdon, UK


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Sliding Down the Niemeyer Center 向下滑,尼邁耶中心,西班牙Photography by J, Spain


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Fresh Perspective 新觀點,德國Photography by Marius Vieth, Dusseldorf, Germany


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Next to the Seine 塞納河旁,法國Photography by Rodrigo Apolaya, Paris, France

6211/18/2014 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.CAll photos were taken from Smithsonian Magazine