Victoria School Humanities Trip

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Victoria School Humanities Trip2007



Places of Interests

• Miyajima, Hiroshima • Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park, Hiroshima• Kobe Chinatown• Kobe Earthquake Museum• Nara Park, Nara• Arashiyama, Kyoto• Kyomizu Temple, Kyoto• Philosophers’ Walk, Kyoto• Gion’s Corner, Kyoto• Osaka Castle• Osaka Aquarium

Project Work

• Throughline: How do we explain the rise of modern Japan?

• Theme: Rise of Modern Japan• Generative Topic: INNOVATION,

TRADITION and PROFESSIONALISM• Understanding goals: To discover,

understand and appreciate the transformations of Japan based on our core values of INNOVATION, TRADITION and PROFESSIONALISM.

How do I go about doing it?Grouping:

• Sec 3 History students – 2 in a group

• Sec 3 Geography students – 3 in a group

• Sec 4 students – 2 or 3 in a group

Step 1 • After forming your own group, you will draw lots

to determine your topic for the project. E.g. Miyajima

• Before the trip, research on the place and produce a script that could be used for a documentary that introduces the place. (Imagine becoming a tour guide!)

• For the Sec 4, you will instead look out for innovative and fascinating aspects of modern Japan. E.g. Toilet bowls that spray water!!!

Step 2

• Design a rubric to evaluate one another’s project that will be eventually posted on our blog.

• E.g. Go to:

Step 3 (when you are there)

• Do an approximate 2-3 mins video-mentary or documentary of your topic.

• Be interesting! Present from the perspective of a deer in Nara Park or a toilet in the hotel!!!

Step 4

• Using the PCs in the hotel, post your video in our blog.

• The video has to be accompanied by a short write-up

Lastly,• You will counter-

comment and evaluate one another’s work!!!

• The end!!!
