Venice Events

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• Every year, the first Sunday in September, the “Regata Storica”, the most traditional Venetian events. The Venice Historical Regatta is open from colorful procession on water, formed by “Bissone” (boats adorned), the “Bucintoro” (boat with sculptures, gilded carvings) and the Venetian rowing boats of the company, the first challenge after the procession is on the very young “pupparini” to 2 oars.


• The third Saturday in July will open a long bridge of boats votive, set on the “Canale Giudecca” linking the island with Rafts at the Church of the Holy Spirit, thereby achieving pedestrian Church of the Redeemer. In addition to the religious character, the party is remembered for a great show of fireworks that is held on the night between Saturday and Sunday on the “Bacino di San Marco” and the three boats racing in typical Venetian organized the next day, thus attracting a wide audience from around the world.

“CARNEVALE”• The Carnival of Venice is one of the most known and

appreciated carnival in the world. It has very ancient origins: it is celebrated in the lagoon city from the tenth century, when it happened that, in the days immediately preceding Lent, the Venetians poured to celebrate in the streets wearing masks and colorful costumes.

• The tradition has continued until our days and still thousands and thousands of people travel through the lagoon to celebrate carnival in a way considered unique for its variety of shapes, sounds, colors. The most important days of the Venetian carnival are always on Shrove Tuesday and Mardi Gras.


• This ancient festival in Venice, whose origin is controversial, which is no news only since 1039, was probably introduced around the year 943 and then continued inside the carnival period, when it was introduced.On the day of the purification of Mary, February 2, Venice was the custom to celebrate the day of prayer for the bride, during which collectively were blessed at the “Basilica of San Pietro di Castello”, the marriages of twelve girls, selected among the poorest and beautiful city.


• It is celebrated on November 21. Was to give thanks to the “Vergine della Salute” for the end of the plague that in 1630 the Senate decreed the construction of a new church. Since 1687-when the church was consecrated each year-the Venetians go in procession to light

a candle to the Madonna.


• The “Biennale di Venezia” has for over a century been one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the world. Ever since its foundation is at the forefront in promoting new artistic trends, and organizing international events in contemporary arts. It ranks among the world for the International Film Festival, International Art Exhibition for the Arts and the International Architecture Exhibition for the Festival of Music and Drama, and the latest Dance Festival.


• This included the idea of holding a no competitive rowing, and to invite all the fans and all those who had 'laid the oars' too long to unite against the degradation of the city and the waves and the restoration of the Venetian tradition. Was traced the route, about 30 km through the channels and places easily pleasant and picturesque lagoon of Venice. Crucial was the support of the press and the collaboration with the city government.


• April 25th is the “Festa di San Marco”, patron saint of Venice. April 25 for the Venetians and recurrence of the very oldest national holiday. There it falls on the day of the Patron “San Marco” whose relics, which were in Islamic land at Alexandria, were translated to adventurously in Venice in the year 828 by two legendary Venetian merchants: “Buono da Malamocco” and “Rustico da Torcello”. On the occasion of the feast of the patron, the Venetians used to give the “Bocolo” to their beloved.


• From “San Marco” to the Lido is done on the oars. City authorities are accompanied by a horde of vessels belonging to the main Venetian rowing clubs, real birthplace of traditional Venetian rowing. This is the time where tradition blends with the contemporary, although rowing is today a sport and leisure activity. The vessels form a wing to the historical parade with costumed rowers that recall the past glory of Venice.


• “Palio delle Repubbliche Marinare” is an annual competition held among the four ancient maritime cities (Venice, Pisa, Amalfi and Genoa), which in turn organize the event, to celebrate the glories and stories of the four “Repubbliche Marittime” singular, whose fleets ruled in Medieval Mediterranean.The race between the boats is preceded by a big spectacular procession, during which each “Republic” recalls important events related to the seafaring history of their city.


• With the cooperation of the towns of “Dolo, Mira, Fiesso d'Artico, Stra ,Vigonovo” the Cultural Association “La Brenta Festival”, based in Mira “Riviera Fiorita” organizes the event, with the parade of a water procession of several “bissone” and a hundred boats with about 500 rowers in Venetian costume.


• The Marathon of Venice (Venice Marathon named) is a foot race that is run annually in October for a distance of 42,195 km starting from Strà and arriving in Venice.

• Venice Marathon was the first marathon recognized by the Italian Association of International Marathons and Road Races (AIMS) and inserted in the international calendar of the IAAF.


• It is celebrated since 1979, and is well known, especially for the parade of floats, which takes place a week after the end of the carnival.

• The name comes from the twisted cones produced locally since 1800, used to house the whipped cream and served with a cup of hot chocolate, and the same name, was the name of the people of Dolo.
