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Spain is a country in the Southwestern Europe, bordering the Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and Pyrenees Mountains,

southwest of France.

There is more than 40 million people in Spain and practically everyone is a Catholic.

Our Every Nationchurch plant in Spain

is being led by Mel & Tanja Calingo.

Prayer PointsPray for Mel and Tanja; pray that God will enable them to learn and

speak the language quickly so they can minister more.

Pray that God will open doors for ministry to the people they have been in contact with.

Pray that God will pour out his wisdom, knowledge and favor uponMel and Tanja so they can penetrate the most strategic area of the city.

Pray that God will pour out His provision on the team - for visas and money.

Pray that God will direct and guide our workers in Spain as to where they should start in their campus ministry.
