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When Worlds CollideBy: Jessica Lopez

When they first married they allowed for the Muslims to keep their beliefs and to still practice

Later on they decided to force them into converting or leaving Spain

This is what began Spain’s Method of spreading Christianity

Soon they were running out Moors and Jews because of their religious beliefs

Even if they converted, anyone who wasn’t from a Christian ancestry was looked at as a lesser Christian

Ferdinand & Isabella

Spain brought many things over from the Americas

Tomatoes, tobacco, potatoes too but more significantly the color of pure red which was a symbol of royalty in Europe

Queen Isabella struggled with the decision on whether to let the conquistadors bring over slaves and sell them in slave

She didn’t believe in Slaves but yet had some in her own home

Contact Changes to the Old World

In Oaxaca you can still see how Mexico used to be

They speak a dialect called Zapoteco

The main thing brought over from Europe was religion

Spaniards adopted La Virgen de Guadalupe to their religion since it was an important icon in the culture of the Natives and would allow them to continue to worship her

Conquistadors also brought about Mestizos since they began having relations with the native women

This brought about the Casta system

Changes to the New World

King Phillip became intolerant of any religion that wasn’t Christian

The Spanish found Bolivia where the Spaniards couldn’t survive the work and neither could the African Slaves

King Phillip gave the conquistadors permission to use the indigenous men in the mines

King Phillip used all the silver he found to fund his persecution of protestants

English ships out-maneuvered around the Spanish Armada which forced them out to the ocean

There was a storm that dragged the Spanish fleet even further which allowed the English to finish off the rest of the armada

Fall of the Spanish Empire