Firenze Basilica di San Lorenzo1

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The Basilica di San Lorenzo is one of the largest churches of Florence, Italy, situated at the centre of the city’s main market district, and the burial place of all the principal members of the Medici family from Cosimo il Vecchio to Cosimo III. It is one of several churches that claim to be the oldest in Florence; when it was consecrated in 393 it stood outside the city walls. For three hundred years it was the city's cathedral before the official seat of the bishop was transferred to Santa Reparata. San Lorenzo was also the parish church of the Medici family.

Lodovico de Medici also known as Giovanni dalle Bande Nere (1498 –1526) was an Italian condottiero, father of Cosimo (1519–1574 the Grand Duke of Florence

As a symbol of mourning for the death of Pope Leo X (December 1, 1521), Giovanni added black stripes to his insignia, whence comes his nick-name, Giovanni dalle Bande Nere (or Giovanni of the Black Bands).

San Lorenzo market is the largest and most popular of the street markets in Florence, where you can get some of the best shoe bargains in town

The cloister

In 1419, Giovanni di Bicci

de' Medici offered to

finance a new church to

replace the 11th-century

Romanesque rebuilding.

Filippo Brunelleschi, the leading Renaissance architect of the first half of the 15th century, was commissioned to design it, but the building, with alterations, was not completed until after his death. The church is part of a larger monastic complex that contains other important architectural works: the Old Sacristy by Brunelleschi; the Laurentian Library by Michelangelo; the New Sacristy based on Michelangelo's designs; and the Medici Chapels by Matteo Nigetti.

Rosso Fiorentino, Sposalizio della Vergine (Marriage of the Virgin) 1523

Agnolo Bronzino (1503-72) The Martyrdom of St. LawrenceThis is one of the last works painted by Bronzino, and it combines all of the characteristic features of the Mannerist artists. Note in particular the rather bored attitude of the saint who is being roasted on a grill!On the left, beneath the statue of Mercury, Bronzino painted a self-portrait, along with the portrait of his teacher, Pontormo, and Bronzino's most successful pupil, Alessandro Allori.

From 1428 to about 1443 Donatello was at work on the sculptural decoration of the Old Sacristy of San Lorenzo, built by Brunelleschi between 1418 and 1428. This decoration, carried out with bronzes and polychrome stuccos comprises two arched reliefs above the bronze doors of the altar wall, one showing St Cosmas and St Damian, the other St Stephen and St Lawrence, eight roundels in polychrome stucco with the four Evangelists and four episodes from the life of St John (St John on Patmos, the Resurrection of Drusiana, the Martyrdom and the Ascension of St John), and two bronze doors divided into ten compartments each with the Apostles and Martyrs. 

Near the altar are two bronze pulpits, created by Donatello. It was his last work. After he died in 1466 the pulpits were completed by his students.








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During the last years of his life, as long as he was still capable, Donatello appears to have continued work on the pulpits of San Lorenzo. There are many open questions regarding the authorship and the original purpose of the individual relief panels. However, the pulpits are another passionate example of the singular art of Donatello. here we find all the typical characteristics and particular features that were hallmarks of the master's earlier works.

The Resurrection Pulpit

Due to its iconography - including reliefs of Christ in Limbo, the Resurrection, the Ascension of Christ, the Women at the Tomb, the Miracle of Pentecost and the Martyrdom of St Lawrence - the northern pulpit is known as the Resurrection Pulpit. The southern pulpit, known as Passion Pulpit, contains depictions of the Flagellation, St John the Evangelist, Christ in Gethsemane, Christ before Caiaphas and Pilate, as well as the Crucifixion, Deposition of Christ and Burial of Christ.

The Passion Pulpit

The Burial of Christ

The cloister, built in 1462 by Manetti, has a formal garden planted with hedges and pomegranates. From here you can reach the Medici library, also known as the Bibliotheca Laurenziana or Laurentian Library.

The Sagrestia Vecchia, or Old Sacristy, is a Christian building in Florence, one of the most important monuments of the early Italian Renaissance architecture. It is accessed from the inside of San Lorenzo off the left transept. Designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and paid for by the Medici family, who also used it for their tombs,

The Sagrestia Vecchia, or Old Sacristy, Donatello doors details

The dome’s frescoes show the constellations visible in the night sky, showing the route of the sun between the constellations on July 4th 1442July 4th, 1442 was an important date in Florentine history: the day that Rene d’Anjou entered Florence.Rene d’Anjou, the King of Naples, was the one who convinced Cosimo de’ Medicito open the first public library in all of Europe, and to have the University teachGreek. This opened the minds of the public to Greek concepts of life.

Sound: Andrea Bocelli - Se La Gente Usasse Il Cuore

Text: Internet

Pictures: Daniela Iacob

Andrei Tischler

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu
