Bonding at Mt Tahan, West Malaysia's highest peak

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A walk through the oldest rainforest!!

1st day: 11th Oct 2006, 6.30 am in Gua Musang. Ten hrs by night train fr JB, southern Malaysian capital. Uncertain expectations !!

Before the climb. Kuala Juram, Pahang.

“Life is adventure, not predicament.” ~ James Broughton

(Tanum river, sanctuary)

Life is either a great adventure or nothing.

Helen Keller.

Geared up for the climb

Can I live to my dad’s expectations!!

Can we scale Mt Tahan?.....But we are so comfortable…

Start of the 65 Km trek. Anxiety blues….!!How big we think determines the size of your accomplishment - John Maxwell

Karen drowned & “tamed” in Tahan jungle. No error for mistakes!!

Resting after a 3 hour climb

Crossing the first river. Clear waters that was so inviting for a swim

Trek towards Camp Kor. Gullies & ridges (Think of Akon : “Dangerous”)

First day’s waterfall. Too tired to appreciate nature’s icy, majestic wonder.

Wow! Look at its size of tree behind

Umh!! Leech bites. No escape !! One year’s diet for them

Intrepid at Sg. Kor in Rhino land.

The fear lies when the rivers are flooded after rain, which is common!! And you cannot cross “angry” rivers!!

Crystal clear waters of river Kor. Among the cleanest in the nation. So pleasant to drink. Local Evian!!

Feeding a leech to the fishes. Recycling !!

2nd day ascend

3 more weary hrs to Camp Kubang…our stamina tested !!

Camp Kubang… spooky. Rained heavily. Got all WET last night. We cried silently !! Shifted camp site. Haunted site, where the owl & civet cat communicated with us in whispers!! Eerie!!

….Still exhausted after 10 hours of sleep….that’s the challenge of Mt Tahan

Ooh! Overtiredness…….. & responsibility!!

Having a good joke despite the tough ordeal

3rd day ascend. Exotic flora

Scenery of Tahan peak. Inspirational !! Great expectations liven the spirits!!

Drastic flora changes as we reach new heights!!

Shorter trees as it gets higher…stunted as we go higher

Scenic glimpse of the “forbidden” mountain. Awesome sight to ease the pains & the paradoxes.

View of the “cursed monkey”

Wow!!! Wetlands as natural filters…..our source of water.

Heavenly muddy flora. Unique!!

Steep and stony trek to Botak Hill. The sight of the peak is incredible & you yearn to reach it!!

View of Tahan peak motivates….(& the pain & aches reduced) Nothing beats it!!

Yeah!! 5 minutes more to the peak

The winds of Tahan peak are strong…you have to be fit too to reach here.

Botak Hill campsite. Mystifying memories to cherish !!

Scenic view of Main range. (B.Titiwangsa) No room for error !!

‘Botak’ Hill weather is hazy, gusty & cold

Hurray!! On the top of the world!!

Father & daughter!!

Father and daughter sharing their ecstasy.

What an awe-inspiring pose & scenery, albeit the drained faces!!

Yeah!! We conquered Tahan

Any guesses??? A “big foot” print

Catching up latest weather updates via technology….sms. Tq Amita & Kevin.

Nasi lemak and milo!!


Pitcher plants (periuk kera)

Fabulous flora near Bonsai point (1705 meters)

Trek back to Camp Kubang (1406 meters)

Bye Botak Hill. Hello Bonsai.

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.

- Carol Burnett

Mt Tahan helped me discover myself!!

- Karen

Back to Camp Kor, from peak, after a tiring satisfied descent, up till 8.30pm last night.10 hours trek!!

Thank God for the awesome weather, …terrific in last 2 days. God is with us in silence. Smiles, exemplify achievement!!

Today I learned about a “mandi kerbau” (fast bath) in the cold river.My bones “sang”….

Zzhh!! Leech blood stains…occupational hazards!!

When the going gets tough the tough gets going

Many beautiful waterfalls, greeted us

Ascending to tiger territory. Heart of Malaysia’s largest big cat population

Last day... Crossing several rivers again with our (compulsory) guide : Mat Tahan Darek…Great guy!! I enjoyed his real haunted campsite tales.

My dad, continuing the adventurous tradition !!

Now, in the comfort of Seattle & USJ home, Malaysia I appreciate the outdoors more….Thanks Taman Negara

for teaching me real skills!!

Karen doing snowboarding…….to another interest!!