Alba Carolina14, Walking together through History

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Alba Carolina was once one of the most powerful citadels in southeastern Europe, and served in the line of defense meant to keep out Turkish invaders from Central Europe. But in the same stroll can be viewed fragments of the three cities built in succession in Alba Iulia: Roman fort, medieval city and Vauban bastion fortress Alba Carolina. Trei cetăţi au fost construite succesiv la Alba Iulia: Castrul Roman, Cetatea Medievală şi Cetatea Bastionară de tip Vauban Alba Carolina

The Alba Carolina fortress was built between 1714 and 1738

Pentru ca restaurarea să fie completă, a fost refăcut şi podul mobil de lemn, replică a celui existent în epoca medievală. Ultima referire documentară la vechiul pod mobil datează din 1849, din timpul asedierii cetăţii Alba Iulia în perioada revoluţiei.

Nowadays, the 3rd gate has become the headquarters of the guard of the gate’s itinerary and every day visitors may attend to the ceremony of changing the guard. The Hapsburg Army serving the Carolina fortress consists of over 50 soldiers, all dressed in uniforms specific of the first half of the eighteenth century

The ceremony of changing the guard

Poarta IIIaSoldatSculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

Poarta IIIaRestaurareSculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

Manutanţa (Magazia de provizii) a fost prima clădire construită de către autorităţile militare habsburgice, rolul ei principal fiind acela de a depozita alimente şi materiale de cazarmament pentru trupă.Azi Hotel Medieval

Sculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

Sculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

Contesa şi OfiţerulSculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

Contesa şi OfiţerulSculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

The first cathedral built after the Great Union in 1918 was the Coronation Cathedral which was constructed in 1921-1922 and is a synthesis of many Romanian architectural and traditional decorative elements.

The Coronation Cathedral was built for a specific purpose: to be the place of coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary as kings of all Romanians and Romania reunited after World WarCatedrala Încoronării din Alba Iulia, cu hramul Sfânta Treime, a fost construită cu sprijinul Casei Regale a României, după planurile arhitectului Victor Ştefănescu

The Romano-Catholic cathedral was built between 1247 and 1291 and is considered one of the most valuable monuments of medieval architecture from Transylvania

Roman-Catholic Archbishopric Palace

The fourth Gate Poarta a IV-a este situată la mijlocul zidului ce leagă bastionul Sfintei Trinităţi de bastionul Sfântul Mihail

The fourth Gate Poarta a IV-a

Caponiera are forma unei galerii acoperite care strabate zidul dintre bastioanele Eugeniu de Savoia si Sf. Ştefan

Traseul Nordic Toboşarul

Sculptor Ştefan Binţinţan

On the ancient roman city of Apulum, the final form of the fortress (Alba Carolina) was achieved between 1714 and 1738 (constructed by Giovanni Morando Visconti), and it is considered to be the most representative of Vauban type in Europe

The Austrians raised this fortress to defend them against the Ottomans and to consolidate their power. It has a structure of “Vauban” shaped fortification system of a star with seven corners (7 towers).

Text: Internet

Pictures: Emanuel Nechita

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: Nicolae Furdui-Iancu - Noi suntem români; A a-i românulş
